UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
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Lost Lands Guilds

Guild Name Members Enemies Online Type Kills
New Player Assistance 148 Standard 4
Mosquito Bite 55 Standard 2560
WiseGuys 42 Standard 44
The Left Hand 35 2 Standard
The Core 35 Standard 19
Toys for Tots 29 Standard 1
Pornstar's 29 Standard 57
Pixel Slayers 29 Standard 2
Damage Control 27 1 Standard
Full Tyme Wyzards 27 7 Standard 108
Bringers of Peace 27 Standard 89
Non-Consensual (War Us) 26 12 Standard 584
[Dis][Order] 25 Order 47
OSI Survivors 24 Standard
Skunkworks 23 Standard
Bakers Dozen 22 2 Standard 314
Heroes Of Time 21 Standard 146
Fat Old Men 20 4 Standard 19
Statues of Cats 18 Standard
Silent Redemption 18 1 Standard
Crafters of Britannia 16 1 Standard
Rb's Rangers 15 Standard 1
Tales of Suruale 15 Standard
Exitium 15 Standard
Nerds on Patrol 14 1 Standard 1
The Cult 14 Standard
Notorious Player Killers 14 Standard 3
Organized Chaos 14 Standard 1
The Bakers Dozen 14 2 Standard
Search & Mining 13 Standard
Rated R 13 Standard 3
Vermin Annihilators Guild 13 Standard
Uruk'Hai 12 Standard
Followers Of Ron 11 Standard 8
ZILLAS BARD KILLAS 11 Standard 199
Wizardmen 10 2 Standard 1
Friends with Benefits 10 Standard
Warriors in Retirement 9 Standard
Noob Slaughter 9 Chaos 599
Army United against the Supernatural 9 Standard
OLD 9 Standard
Forces of Rage 9 Standard
FT$ 9 5 Standard 11
UOPlay 9 Standard 60
a guildstone 8 Standard 2
Purple Potion Puffers 8 Standard
Placeholder 8 Standard
The Black Flag 8 3 Standard 5
Four Horseman Crusade 8 Standard
Red Ribbon Army 8 Standard
Murderapolis 8 Standard 4
Unheavenly Creatures 8 Standard
Fleur De Lys 8 Standard 1
Squirrel Lords 8 Standard 1
Future Cerw 8 Standard
Lulz 8 Standard
MaJeStiC 7 Standard 1
Cult of Manu 7 Chaos
Mondain's Dark Children 7 Chaos
The Gentlemen Bastards 7 Standard
The Wild Hunt 7 Standard
No one Survives 7 Chaos 43
Letna 7 Standard 2
Ninja's In Pajama's 7 Standard
Hot Stuff 7 Standard 4
Adventurers of the Lost Lands 6 Standard
+ - 6 Standard
Population Control 6 3 Chaos 42
The Silken Dagger 6 Standard 2
ufo 6 Standard
United Noobs 6 Standard
Bitter Black Blood 6 Standard
Gods of Olympus 6 Standard 1
MiT 6 Standard 712
I&O Food Truck 6 Standard
Bloodrock Clan 6 Chaos 3
Ready To Rumble 6 Standard
TooL 6 Standard
CULT 5 Standard
Power of Party 5 Standard
exodus 5 Standard
Aleurat 5 Standard
Meet Your Makers 5 Standard
Yellow Brigade 5 Standard
Homicide 5 4 Standard 6
Mino-Cross Empire 5 Standard
The Mighty Boosh 5 Standard
Felicity 5 Standard
Citizens of Winterfell 5 Standard 1
Adventurers Of Sosaria 5 Standard
Glitches 5 Standard
Lebowski 4 Standard
Seekers of Souls 4 Standard
The Kids 4 Standard
Ashes of Creation 4 Standard 24
All are One and One are All! 4 Standard
Wegtaetschers 4 Standard
Hellrasiers 4 Standard
cr3w 4 5 Standard
Knights of the Realm 4 2 Order 1
No Fear 4 Chaos 55
Legion of Sanctity 4 Standard
GenerationX 4 Standard
The Priory of Nihil 4 Standard 6
Guardians of the Desert 4 Standard
X-Crew 4 1 Standard
KNIGHTS OF NI 4 Standard
Smoka Time 4:20 4 Standard 38
POT 3 Standard
Eye of Gruumsh 3 Standard
Death Trap 3 Standard
The Archon Eight 3 Standard
7 Deadly Sins 3 Standard
Fagabeefe's Awesome Guild 3 Standard
Swarming Horde 3 Standard
Let's Play Jimmy 3 Standard
The Dirty Bastards 3 Standard
Newbs limited liability company 3 Standard
The Strolling Minstrels 3 Standard 4
Zillas Bard Killas 3 2 Chaos
Knights Who Say NI! 3 Chaos
Sosorian Merchants 3 Standard 1
Fire and Blood 3 Standard
Ale & Fury 3 2 Standard
PKU 3 Standard
Kool Kids Klub 3 Standard
Better Than You 3 Standard
Adventurers of Britannia 3 Standard
Errant Knights of Yore 3 Order
Clan Thunderfist 3 Standard
Age Of Max 3 Standard
3 Brothers 3 Standard
KILL ME NOT 3 Standard
The Crimson Hand 3 Standard
Human Resources Command 3 Standard
Knee Deep In The Dead 3 Standard
*PORNSTARS* -WAR US- 3 Chaos 1
Digital Empire 3 Standard 5
Man Scouts 3 Standard
Monster Hunters 3 Standard
Black Rock Knights 3 Standard
Weed Smoking Crew 3 Standard 1
Misguided Souls 3 Standard
UOLL's Most Hated 2 Standard 16
Asylum 2 Standard 1
Out To Kill 2 7 Order 5
Meet Your Maker 2 Standard
Obnoxious Lewd Derilects 2 1 Chaos
AoJ 2 Standard 76
Fukin Die Already 2 Standard
Old Knight's Of Ultima Online 2 Standard
Sons Of The Southern Cross 2 Chaos 1
Coffee & Cigarettes 2 Standard
BloodGuard 2 Standard
Les Terreurs de la Mer 2 Standard
Go For the Throat 2 Standard 17
Creed and Associates 2 Standard
^o^ 2 Standard
Robots In Disguise 2 1 Chaos
Crafters of Trinsic 2 Chaos 1
Malicious Intent 2 1 Order 3
Dead by Design 2 Chaos 41
Kil Klan 2 Standard
League of Adventurers 2 Standard
gongsig manchan 2 Standard
Mile High Beerocracy 2 Standard
Rainmaker 2 Standard
Looter$ Cru$ade 2 Standard 2
????????????????? 2 Standard
Bloodrock Clan Orcs 2 Standard
ill 2 Standard 3
Elk Motoren Werke 2 Standard 3
Lazy Adult Gamers 2 Standard
Potatoe Haters 2 Standard
Bong Breakers 2 Standard
Duval County Shooters 1 Standard
mUrDa InC 1 Standard 3
A Muder of Crows 1 Standard
The Gay Parade 1 Standard
Masters of Apocalypse 1 Standard
Orcs R Cool 1 Standard
No Fear 1 Standard
Bank and Go 1 Standard
Raise Train $ustain 1 Standard
ic8 1 Standard
The Hunters 1 Standard
4O8 1 Standard
Sosarian Rangers 1 Standard
the darkcult 1 Standard
Anti Magic Alliance 1 Standard
Bla 1 Chaos
Seven Heavenly Virtues 1 Standard
GIT GUD 1 2 Standard
Grimnir's Sigfodr Skilfings 1 Standard
408 1 Standard 38
last generation of feral children 1 Standard
Temperature 1 Standard
The Green Sheep 1 Standard
Mistborn Inc. 1 Standard
Viking 1 Standard
The Love Crusade 1 Standard
Boner Buddies 1 Standard 2
choosen 1 Standard
Mages and Dexxers 1 2 Order
Out of Mind 1 Order
Fight Club 1 Standard 1
Infowhores 1 Standard
Surveyors of Fortuna 1 Standard
Super Mario Brothers 1 Standard
The High Club 1 Standard
[M] 1 Standard
afk 1 Standard
Big Arrogant Dicks 1 Standard
One 1 Standard
Keepers of Chaos [War Us] 1 Standard
Blessed Jesters of Vintirex 1 Standard
Populations Control 1 Standard
The Hidden Hand 1 Standard
Avengers of Justice 1 Standard
Kekistan 1 Standard
Bard So Hard 1 Standard
Rossiyskiye Seriynyye Ubiytsy 1 Standard
Den of Thieves 1 Standard
We Are Change 1 Standard 3
Most Wanted 1 Standard

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