UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
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Item Database

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Image Name History Hues Active Count Inactive Count
facial hair growth and sculpting cream facial hair growth and sculpting cream 666 355
fancy dress fancy dress 184 97
fancy shirt fancy shirt 1,235 4,179
feather feather 234,356 753,096
feathered hat feathered hat 1,337 483
feeblemind scroll feeblemind scroll 513 1,183
female leather armor female leather armor View Hues 1,253 287
female plate female plate View Hues 205 64
fertile dirt fertile dirt 9,272 4,238
festive cactus festive cactus 12 0
festus bbq pit festus bbq pit 1 0
fire elemental statuette fire elemental statuette 3 2
fire field scroll fire field scroll 803 502
fire pit fire pit 1 0
fire pit fire pit 5 0
fireball scroll fireball scroll 1,224 1,180
fireworks essence fireworks essence 1 0
fireworks wand fireworks wand 2,410 1,290
fish fish 2,204 8,313
fish steak fish steak 668,227 299,642
fishing pole fishing pole View Hues 132 707
flamestrike scroll flamestrike scroll 52,702 17,504
flask flask View Hues 83 6
flask flask 9 5
flask flask 9 1
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Items that belong to an account not accessed in 45 or more days are considered inactive, as these will be permanently out of circulation unless the player logs back in. Items inside a house are always considered active, even if the player who owns the account is not active (eg, their house is being refreshed by another player).

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