Damage | 5 - 17 |
Type | Melee |
Fame | 3500 |
Armor | 20 |
Spawning Stats
Strength | 175 - 205 |
Hits | 175 - 205 |
Dexterity | 46 - 65 |
Intelligence | 46 - 70 |
Spawning Skills
Parrying | 45.0 - 60.0 |
Resisting Spells | 45.0 - 60.0 |
Tactics | 50.0 - 70.0 |
Wrestling | 50.0 - 70.0 |
Swordsmanship | 50.0 - 70.0 |
Mace Fighting | 50.0 - 70.0 |
Loot Information
Gold | 75 - 125 |
Platinum | 1 % |
Treasure Map Level | 1 |
Raw Ribs (carvable) | 2 |
Kill Leaderboard
Character Name | Kills | Guild |
Chalyndria | 885 | NEW |
Bushwick Bill | 850 | FOM |
of the Dance | 776 | |
Nana | 663 | GoD |
Wolflin | 628 | Kek |
Moondancer | 573 | FwB |
Jab Soca | 533 | |
Gonzague | 495 | |
Loen | 464 | |
Link | 427 | HoT |