UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
Free to connect and play with Razor login.uolostlands.com: 2593

Bone Knight

Damage 8 - 18
Type Melee
Fame 3000
Armor 18

Spawning Stats

Strength 196 - 250
Hits 118 - 150
Dexterity 76 - 95
Intelligence 36 - 60

Spawning Skills

Resisting Spells 65.1 - 80.0
Tactics 85.1 - 100.0
Wrestling 85.1 - 95.0

Loot Information

Gold 100 - 200
Platinum 1 %

Kill Leaderboard

Character Name Kills Guild
Nana 3,085 GoD
Landryn Teriak 1,342 NEW
Bushwick Bill 1,199 FOM
Jason aldean 1,138 HoT
Travis-Bork 844 SRQ
Link 724 HoT
Thev 663 BZZ
Splash 603 B.d
Elkcor 545 BoP
Balkoth 479

1v1 Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboards

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