UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
Free to connect and play with Razor login.uolostlands.com: 2593

Evil Mage

Damage 5 - 10
Type Mage
Fame 2500
Armor 8

Spawning Stats

Strength 81 - 105
Hits 49 - 63
Dexterity 91 - 115
Intelligence 96 - 120

Spawning Skills

Evaluating Intelligence 75.1 - 100.0
Magery 75.1 - 100.0
Resisting Spells 75.0 - 97.5
Tactics 65.0 - 87.5
Wrestling 20.2 - 60.0

Loot Information

Gold 50 - 100
Platinum 1 %
Treasure Map Level 1
Random Reagents 6
Raw Ribs (carvable) 1

Kill Leaderboard

Character Name Kills Guild
Jab Soca 5,554
Link 4,080 HoT
Thev 3,811 BZZ
Weaksauce 3,418
Detinher 3,104
Ancient 3,012 B.d
Gonzague 2,221
Bushwick Bill 2,055 FOM
MrLin 1,466 D.C
Ecaj 1,432 BoP

1v1 Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboards

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