UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
Free to connect and play with Razor login.uolostlands.com: 2593

Dread Spider

Damage 5 - 17
Type Mage
Fame 5000
Armor 18

Spawning Stats

Strength 196 - 220
Hits 118 - 132
Dexterity 126 - 145
Intelligence 286 - 310

Spawning Skills

Evaluating Intelligence 65.1 - 80.0
Magery 65.1 - 80.0
Meditation 65.1 - 80.0
Resisting Spells 45.1 - 60.0
Tactics 55.1 - 70.0
Wrestling 60.1 - 75.0

Loot Information

Gold 200 - 250
Platinum 2 %
Treasure Map Level 3

Kill Leaderboard

Character Name Kills Guild
Bushwick Bill 2,881 FOM
Jason aldean 2,636 HoT
Jab Soca 1,487
Link 1,370 HoT
BeastManStine 1,027 HoT
Nana 991 GoD
Salty Seaman 892 S3X
Fart Ripper 691 A0J
Marijuana 595
Pharokh Balsara 568 Man

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