UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
Free to connect and play with Razor login.uolostlands.com: 2593


Damage 4 - 9
Type Animal
Fame 600
Armor 14
Required Taming 71.1

Spawning Stats

Strength 77 - 111
Hits 77 - 111
Dexterity 55 - 75
Intelligence 47 - 75

Spawning Skills

Parrying 43.0 - 55.0
Resisting Spells 18.0 - 25.0
Tactics 68.0 - 85.0
Wrestling 40.0 - 57.0

Loot Information

Raw Ribs (carvable) 10
Regular Hides (carvable) 15

Kill Leaderboard

Character Name Kills Guild
Grofus 4,835 FOM
Donald Trump 3,282
Muerto John 2,264
Pace 1,607
Lets 1,606
Lele 1,604
Lets 1,486
Moondancer 1,366 FwB
Tank Man 1,310
Trogdor 1,255

1v1 Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboard

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