Free to connect and play with Razor 2593
Damage |
20 - 30 |
Type |
Mage |
Fame |
22500 |
Armor |
30 |
Spawning Stats
Strength |
600 - 650 |
Hits |
1500 - 1750 |
Dexterity |
66 - 85 |
Intelligence |
950 - 1200 |
Spawning Skills
Evaluating Intelligence |
90.1 - 100.0 |
Magery |
90.1 - 100.0 |
Meditation |
90.1 - 100.0 |
Resisting Spells |
90.1 - 95.0 |
Tactics |
90.1 - 100.0 |
Wrestling |
90.1 - 100.0 |
Loot Information
Boss Chest Level 5 |
20% |
Treasure Map Level |
5 |
1v1 Leaderboard
543 Wins
417 Wins
358 Wins
Tournament Leaderboards
PvM Leaderboard
Picture of the Month
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