UO Lost Lands - Free T2A Ultima Online Shard
Free to connect and play with Razor login.uolostlands.com: 2593

Air Elemental

Damage 5 - 13
Type Mage
Fame 4500
Armor 20

Spawning Stats

Strength 125 - 155
Hits 125 - 155
Dexterity 165 - 185
Intelligence 71 - 95

Spawning Skills

Parrying 65.0 - 75.0
Evaluating Intelligence 60.0 - 75.0
Magery 60.0 - 75.0
Resisting Spells 60.0 - 75.0
Tactics 60.0 - 80.0
Wrestling 60.0 - 80.0

Loot Information

Gold 200 - 400
Platinum 1 %
Treasure Map Level 2
Scroll Circles 3 - 6

Kill Leaderboard

Character Name Kills Guild
Veers 8,192 B.d
Tame Me 5,506
Rufus 4,628
Jab Soca 4,579
Esoni 3,643 EXT
the waitress 3,457 *Sk
Hometown Buffet 2,337
Bushwick Bill 1,973 FOM
Hisagi 1,915 None
Greta 1,885 :(

1v1 Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboard

PvM Leaderboards

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