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  Neat fun with colored ore
Posted by: Abyz - 11-10-2015, 06:55 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)

What does everyone think about having colored ores add durability only to armor and weapons? It won't overpower anything and will add flavor to the gm equipment market.


I have always thought it would be awesome to be able to smith appropriately colored weapons that correspond to the ingot color used to make them. It wouldn't overpower anything, but would again add flavor.


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  Make Life Easier Suggestions
Posted by: Bugs - 11-06-2015, 05:29 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)

Ok it's obvious that Jack isn't going for strict era accuracy and I believe trying to is a mistake. Here are a few things I think make life easier and would love to see here:

1. Stackable potions. This is the way it should have been done from the beginning.

2. House decorator tool. To get things just right :-)

3. More variety of mounts. With more stamina! I'm sick of running out of stam while running around!

4. Some sort of faction system. Doesn't have to be UO:R factions tho that's what I love the most. But IPY also had interesting concept of their factions. I'd just like to see more then two sides of a faction war to chose from. Also objectives in PvP is pretty sweet.

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  A big THANK YOU to Apoc etc for the Freesist!!!
Posted by: Blyth - 11-06-2015, 09:55 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

And a big thank you to Yakka and Blaise for hosting it, all the casters and all those who donated towards it. Seems to have been running forever!

Oh and while I'm at it I best mention Jack and the best Halloween event EVER!
Seriously love the Vesper Town Invasions, you rock dude!!!

One more thing...just because Apoc wears frilly knickers and lacy bras doesn't mean he's a girl!

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  Tub hues - make requests here
Posted by: Jack - 11-06-2015, 01:28 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (20)

If you'd like a special hue added to mask/sandals tubs, suggest them here. With enough valid hues I will make a patch to add these hues into tubs for the platinum vendor.

You can use forum code to visually display the hue info.


Item IDs:
Deer Mask: 5447
Bear Mask: 5445
Orc Mask: 5147
Horned Tribal Mask: 5449
Non-Horned Tribal Mask: 5451
Sandals: 5901

Example, hue 1109 deer mask would be:

Example output:

Unfortunately sandals are quite difficult to see the hue very well due to their size and the white background.

You may also suggest special clothing hues and ways to obtain them here, for consideration.

All requested hues will be considered, but this does not mean suggesting outrageous hues will have a chance of making it to the live shard.

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  New Game Suggestion (Drinking)
Posted by: Durzo Blint - 11-05-2015, 10:40 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (10)

Hello Server,

The game will work as follows, using an in game dice cup. The following are the rolls, and each roll has a corresponding action. It is recommended you download Skype and get involved in the conversation in order to make the best out of the game.

There are a few rules:
1) No Healing, except for passive healing over time.
2) Make sure your Reflect or RA is OFF, if your Reflect or RA is on, and it hinders another player, you will be disqualified, and flogged accordingly.
3) Who ever rolls the highest combo of numbers starts.
4) The game moves clockwise.
5) Only Hally Mages or any Character that DOES NOT have Anatomy is allowed.
6) Tab, tab, tab, tab, tab out when you are attacked, if you hit the aggressor back with a hally out of turn, you will be disqualified. (Its a good practice to un-equip your hally after every turn.
7) You must hit the person to your left, and no other person.

1, 1 (in one roll) Thrown purple pot in middle of group
1 - Sociable
2 or 4 Drink one
3 or 6 Hally Hit
6, 6 (in one roll) FS & Hally Hit
5 - Give two drinks
If you die: Finish Beer

If you play this game, you WILL get drunk.


By entering this game you agree that you are of legal drinking age for your region (21 years of age or older in the United States). UOLL, its Staff, or anyone associated with this thread is not responsibly for your stupidity. UOLL, or any of the Event Organizers do not assume liability for those who disobey their local laws in regards to any activity or idea drawn from this game. UOLL, or any of the Event Organizers makes no representations that this game is appropriate for locations outside the United States or for all states within the United States.

This game is intended for responsible adults of legal drinking age who wish to drink in new and exciting ways. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. In no way does UOLL, or any of the Event Organizers condone or support the abuse of alcoholic beverages. We believe in moderation and caution when using our material, which is in no way intended to promote binge-drinking, alcoholism, underage drinking, hazing, drunk driving, or any other form of alcohol abuse.

ALWAYS obey your local, state, federal, and national laws when using this drinking game. It is simple, if you are too young to drink, DON’T!

NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE! Do not operate and mechanism, machinery, automobile, or other equipment that requires coordination. Do not put your life or others in harm’s way by being an idiot. This game was created for the sole purpose of amusement. We do not want you to kill yourself or murder others! (Unless its in this game virtually)

Alcohol can be lethal. Excessive consumption of alcohol is not supported and will cause irreparable harm to your body.

Seek professional help if you have a drinking problem! ( http://www.aa.org )

Please drink responsibly.

Kindest Regards,

Durzo Blint

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  Places to farm Holiday coins?
Posted by: Hopalicious - 11-05-2015, 05:36 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

I haven't had time to roam around much and look for where the Halloween spawns occur.  Outside of the town invasions where can I find some mobs to get me some of them Green Coins?  I have checked some grave yards and there only seems to be 1 spawning at a time.


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  "Boss" Monsters
Posted by: Swash - 11-05-2015, 05:34 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (11)

I found the Colossus in Titan Valley and was wondering if any of the other "Boss" Mobs exist in the lost lands. I searched a bit through the forums but couldnt find any relevant info.

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  Poisoned weapons
Posted by: Abyz - 11-05-2015, 05:33 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Do poisoned weapons apply their poison on every successful hit? Orrr is there a percentage chance that a successful hit will apply poison to the victim?

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Star treasure hunter / lockpicker for hire
Posted by: manto - 11-05-2015, 08:11 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (1)

irc : manto (nickname is registered and protected so i will never be: manto_, manto-, manto(whatever) etc etc)


Lockpiking any chest: free (tip always welcome)


TH service

meet point: the awsome yew library (close to the bank)
where i will take the payment in before

standard service:
-decode map
-recall on place and dig it out
-hide and lockpick the chest
-recall out
*I'm not going to disarm the trap unless you ask for it.*

price : lv1: 1000 gold
          lv2: 2000 gold
          lv3: 3000 gold
          lv4: 4000 gold
          lv5: 5000 gold

gold service:
aviable only from lv3+ map
same as standard service plus i will stay and help on killing spawn / milikng the chest
magery / provocation / peacemaking / resurrection
price : standard price + 5000 gold.

every 10 map of the same level you will get one service (for the same level) free 

[Image: DUqDHmV.gif]

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  Hello shard (new player)
Posted by: Azazel - 11-05-2015, 04:17 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

Hey everyone.
Since I usually go off forum activity to see how a shard is doing, I figure I'd join this forum and make a post to show my support.

Just landed on here last night. So far I really dig it, and I see people running around, which is great, but i'd love to see more people fill this server up.

My first character is kind of a wilderness wanderer... just trying to make some quick and easy money before I train some more PvE or PvP related characters. Also, I wouldn't mind joining any cool guilds out there. Happy huntin' everyone.

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