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  Hello to Everyone!
Posted by: Creager - 10-04-2014, 10:28 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (9)

Got started last night looking forward to playing t2a style uo again msg me on the forums if anyone would like to join me in farming or if your new to the game and need some help on getting started up...I don't have any gold to give you but I have ideas!

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  Server is Live! 3/10/2014
Posted by: Jack - 10-03-2014, 11:41 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

The server has been launched and all old accounts have been wiped. If you notice anything strange on the server, like a setting we forgot to turn off, let us know. I will be spending the morning continuing to look through the spawns.
There will be at least one server birth hidden somewhere on the shard Smile
Please join our IRC channel:irc.chatspike.net 6667 #lostlands
Feel free to send me a message about anything.

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Posted by: Loras__Visolara - 10-03-2014, 05:08 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I saw your post on Reddit and thought I might come here and add a little life. I played UO for over 10 years and miss it dearly but I don't know if I'll be playing now. Just bookmarked the forum and figured I would stop in occasionally for some good discussion but anyway congratulations on starting your own shard (I've always wanted to do it myself) and I wish you much success. I sold my gaming PC and right now I only have my macbook pro for work but maybe down the road I'll build another pc.

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  Patch 4 - 10/03/14 - Pre Launch
Posted by: Jack - 10-03-2014, 06:13 AM - Forum: Patch Notes - Replies (1)

  • Removed monster pathfinding.
  • Crafting menus have been reverted to the original RunUO state, with non-era items mostly removed. The only non-era items should be the mapmaker's pen and scribe's pen, as these are required to activate Cartography/Inscription. Crafting will be worked on at a later date for T2A accurate menus.
  • Blade spirits and Energy Vortexes have undergone a big overhaul. In the following, consider any mention of "EV" to include BS as well:
      • EVs will only attack non-players when they are directly adjacent to the target (eg, 1 tile or less)
      • Aggressive NPCs will no longer "acquire" an energy vortex as a target, unless attacked by the energy vortex. Wandering monsters will ignore the existence of the EV.
      • Energy vortexes do not "stick" to a target. They will always check to see if there is a better target available.
      • EVs never miss their swings. They still retain their default wrestling values (99.0), so it is still possible for monsters/players to damage an EV with melee/archery.
      • EVs deadly poison on hit, BS greater poisons.
      • EVs have around 650 hit points, blade spirits 400.
      • Overall, these changes make EVs and BS extremely powerful, yet difficult to control for a novice.
  • You can no longer lock an item down that is inside a container.
  • Monsters no longer stop moving to cast spells, with the exception of the evil mage lord.
  • Tweaked dispel, heal, cure rates on monsters again. Healing should be very rare, dispel rate is based on magery. Cure is a bit long winded to explain, but the fire rate seems good.
  • All skills in the game have been tested for gain rates, I have personally GMed every skill in the game with the current gain rates. Most skills are around 18-24 hours to GM, action based skills take around 6-8 hours, combat skills around 12 hours. Craft gain rates are based on the amount of resources they take.
  • Treasure map guardians now spawn in a pack of 5 when the chest is dug up.
  • Treasure maps are now much easier to decode when you are at the minimum skill level to decode the map. There is around a 10% chance to decode a map at the lowest skill levels.
  • Monsters will carry T2A accurate treasure map levels.
  • Started making rune names for regions. As many regions in the game are not mapped by default, this will be a big project. For now, towns and dungeons will have accurate rune names.
  • Characters now spawn in the location they selected in the client.
  • Masks are much more rare than they were before. Possibly too rare.
  • Stats will no longer "atrophy" unless you are already at the stat cap. By default, any stat which was set to decrease had a chance of decreasing when another stat was gained.
  • It is possible to cast any spell in town. To do: summons should not be castable in town (eg: elementals, EVs, daemons).
  • Fixed a bug where provoing an animal onto yourself would result in the animal getting guard whacked.
  • Sheep now give 1 wool when shorn.
  • Taming no longer requires a "path" to the target. They target must still be in LOS.
  • If you attempt to provoke a blue NPC as your first provocation target, you will lose karma. This will take you to the "despicable" row of karma, and is a criminal act. You can not actually provoke an NPC in this fashion.
  • Tames no longer drop a backpack when released.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing client crashes with hirables.
  • Fishing has been gutted, post UO:R stuff removed (namely from MiBs). The treasure chest you pull up has loot equal to a level 1 treasure map chest. I am not sure if this is accurate.
  • Taming values are T2A accurate, based off stratics.
  • Archery has a delay on fire after equipping.
  • Fix to sextant coordinates as we do not display unicode font.

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  Update on Launch
Posted by: Jack - 09-26-2014, 02:29 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Phew, the shard has been worked on every day for the last 28 days. For the most part at least 8 hours a day, sometimes more than double that. The world has been fully spawned and adjusted so the spawn is T2A accurate - of course this will receive tweaks after launch, based on feedback. Mob AI needs work, but are mostly working as I'd expect them to in a T2A environment.

Currently I am working on testing the skill gain, making sure skills aren't too slow or too expensive. I am play-testing the shard with my own player characters (locally), to make sure I don't hit any roadbumps in character creation, or that it is too difficult/too easy to obtain resources or kill monsters. I want to do this testing for at least a week, so likely launch will be in the next 1-2 weeks.

We will consider this a "soft launch", as far as I'm considered the shard is in an alpha state. This means if anyone finds any items or mechanics that can potentially break the game, it's possible we will confiscate them or disable certain game systems until they are stable. I would try my best to not interact with the world at all during this time, however. All players will keep their skills/items/housing, there is no "Alpha/Beta" end date which results in a shard reset.

The shard will continue to receive a large amount of work into it after launch. There is no end date, there is no time where work on this will be "finished". You can expect quality patches to the shard in the future. Mechanics come first, but there will be content patches too.

So let's say the shard launch will be "early October", without putting an exact date on it. It is possible we could launch earlier than that.

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  Patch 3 - 09/24/14 - Pre Launch
Posted by: Jack - 09-23-2014, 05:33 PM - Forum: Patch Notes - No Replies

  • Massive spawn update. All mainland dungeons and T2A hunting areas should have mostly T2A accurate spawn. Hopefully all non-T2A era creatures have been removed from the game.
  • You can now provoke monsters/animals onto players. They will pursue until either the player is dead, out of range or hidden.
  • Everything that should have the (invulnerable) tag, should have it now (I hope!)
  • Player mobiles which are casting a spell, paralyzed or otherwise frozen now carry the tag (frozen) after their name.
  • NPCs/creatures carry the frozen tag when paralyzed or otherwise can't move (eg, a reaper)
  • Items do not decay on boats.
  • Hopefully everything that is supposed to deposit a bank check, now deposits gold instead. There should be no way to obtain a bank check.
  • More skill gain adjustments.
  • Big update to magic jewelry/clothing, it is now in the state it will be for release. It can be tweaked at a later date based on feedback.
  • Yellow hued names (when invulnerable status) should no longer exist. No NPC should show a title when single clicked (eg, "Jack the healer guildmaster")
  • The only NPCs in the game that are invulnerable, should now be: Town Crier, Stable Master and player vendors.
  • Update to evil mages. They correctly wear a red/blue coloured robe depending on their type. Evil mages do not have blue sandals, however normal NPC mages do. Evil mages show their words of power when casting. They also have hair Smile
  • A 1000ms action delay has been implemented. I may consider making this 500ms for lift/equip, depending on how this affects the fast paced PvP. With good timing, 1000ms should be okay, especially with the next 2 points.
  • Spell damage delay (for delayed spells) increased to 0.75 (from 0.5). Disturb delay increased a flat 0.25s, on top of an earlier 0.25s flat increase.
  • The ItemID system should now be fully working. Items which have been IDed, only show up as IDed to the player whom IDed them. For example, if Jack identifies a halberd as vanquishing, it will still show up as "a magic halberd" to any player who has not identified the item. Checked for all base types and seemed to be fully working.
  • Recall runes no longer show the facet they are marked on, as the only facet is felucca.
  • You can mark and recall anywhere except Wind dungeon. Currently you can recall between Lost Lands and Britannia. This will change in a future patch.
  • Set up server to be in a state ready for launch (eg, 3 accounts per IP, item decay set to 30 minutes, disabled test center locally, etc)
  • Farmable cotton/crops are only harvestable every 20 minutes. This will probably be decreased.
  • Provoke range is a flat 15 between creatures, instead of being based on skill level.
  • Locked down runebooks can be used by anyone. You can not withdraw runes unless it is in your pack.
  • You can not ride a mount that is currently in combat.
  • Some changes to mage AI to make spellcasters not quite as berserk. Bandaid patch until I have more time to work on AI in general.
  • Bandages now cut one at a time. Each bandage weighs 1 stone, cloth/bolts have been adjusted to match this weight value.
  • Adjusted the stealing skill. The chance of being caught stealing is now based on weight and the number of human NPC/players in the area.
  • Gnarled staves may now spawn with the same properties as a wand (eg, gnarled staff of identification, fireball)
  • Wands/gnarled staves that cast magery spells, now have a 4 second delay between uses, as do teleport rings.

There isn't much left to do before the server is in a releasable state. However, I will play-test the server before a soft 'beta' launch to find any possible issues that could crash the server. There have been a lot of changes from the RunUO default status, with 0 people currently playing the shard. Although I do my best to test each and every change, there are likely unforeseen possibilities that could cause server crashes.

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  Patch 2 - 09/18/14 - Pre Launch
Posted by: Jack - 09-17-2014, 05:18 PM - Forum: Patch Notes - Replies (1)

  • Fame Gain/Karma loss on player killing has had an overhaul.
      • Karma rewards for killing murderers and criminals removed.
      • Karma loss from murders take place after the player has been reported. If the player is not reported, there is no karma loss.
      • Karma loss from murders is no longer based on the target player's karma. It is now a fixed amount. Karma will drop to exactly (Kills*-1000).
      • A player can now gain fame from killing another player. If a player kills another player who has higher fame, they will receive a fame reward. This applies regardless of notoriety.
  • Exact kill counts no longer shown on the phrase "I must consider my sins"
  • Players will now get era accurate messages when using the phrase "I must consider my sins". If you are in stat loss, the text will show up dark red. These messages will be detailed in another post, or a possible wiki.
  • There is now a 5 minute minimum time between reporting the same player for murder. This is OSI accurate and prevents abuse from people purposely suiciding onto their attacker repeatedly to give them murder counts. 5 minutes was an arbitrary number.
  • Particular items were only usable from a range of 1, increased all of them to 2.
  • Started adding in 1 second action delays. Does not appear possible from the root level so action delays will be added in over time.
  • NPC guildmasters, stablemasters are invulnerable and show title on single click/allnames.
  • Invulnerable NPCs no longer have yellow names on single click, invulnerable tag to be added at a later date.
  • Items in your backpack retain their locations on death. This means for example, any newbie items will not scatter upon resurrection.
  • Resurrection gump now has the T2A look to it. First of many.
  • Bonding disabled.
  • When stamina is below 5%, it will rapidly drop to 0 when you try and run. You can still walk without draining stamina. Likewise, when health is below 5%, you will rapidly lose stamina.
  • Instruments no longer consume uses. They are unbreakable. You get no bonus in barding from having an exceptional instrument.
  • Old style public moongate system implemented. This means moongates no longer have a list of destinations, you are simply taken to a location based on the current moon cycle.
  • Adjusted skill gain formula so success/chance levels give less of a penalty, they were much too harsh.
  • You can no longer start a party. Guild chat will remain active to give players a way to communicate in game without communication crystals.
  • Added proper calculation for stat loss, 9-20%.
  • You should no longer be able to gain virtues, disabled the gump.

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  Patch 1 - 09/15/14 - Pre Launch
Posted by: Jack - 09-15-2014, 09:04 AM - Forum: Patch Notes - Replies (1)

Many of these changes will not be live on test. Our current test center is in place simply as a place for people to have fun and give feedback regarding current damage and combat mechanics.

There are changes that were made prior to patch 1, the patch 1 description will only include things that were committed in our repository since it was initially uploaded. To be completely honest, I have forgotten what many of the changes I made before the initial push were, most of them were just getting the world into a "basic t2a" state (eg: no trammel, basic combat system changes, removal of context menus, removal of AoS stuff).

Without further ado, here is patch 1:

  • Everything in game should now use old style T2A font, as opposed to the localised font that became prevalent after UO:R and AoS.
  • Followers removed.
  • Increased follower limit to 99 as a temporary workaround to a bug with vendors. Vendors will sell a maximum of 99 animals.
  • Removed all types of passive gains. All skills must be used directly for a chance to gain. This includes skills like meditation, anatomy, animal lore, evaluating intelligence, etc.
  • Karma lock has been removed
  • Murderers now have no karma title and are simply known as "The Murderer". Murderers can still gain the "Lord/Lady" title.
  • We now have T2A style mindblast. The formula is (Highest Int) - (Lowest Int) / 4. The player with the lowest INT takes damage, -50% if resisted. Reflect is removed when cast, however it does not change the order of damage.
  • Mindblast damage is capped at 25 as monsters were able to do incredible damage.
  • Magic reflect now reflects only 1 circle.Spell will always "adhere" unless it is active.
  • Protection spell gives the caster armor and no other bonuses. Spell will always "adhere" unless it is active.
  • Reactive Armor is now targetable and uses T2A style mechanics.Spell will always "adhere" unless it is active.
  • Fame and karma from killing a monster now goes to whoever landed the last hit.
  • Poison tick timers have been changed to T2A values.
  • The poisoning skill does not grant any bonus to magery casts.
  • Poison no longer has a "damage source". This means that poison ticks are not an aggressive action. The act of poisoning someone is of course still aggressive and will make the caster/attacked eligible for murder.
  • If a monster dies from a tick of poison, fame and karma are not awarded to anyone, as poison does not have a damage source.
  • When provoking, fame and karma is not awarded upon monster death. To get the fame/karma, you must deal the killing blow with direct damage.
  • Efreets, air elementals, blood elementals, water elementals and fire elementals drop their loot to the ground on death, and do not leave a corpse. If the monster is guard whacked, it will not leave behind loot.
  • Removed lots of UO:R and beyond skill bonuses. For example, defensive wrestling has been removed, LJ bonus has been removed for axers, inscription and poisoning bonuses removed.
  • All types of special hits have been removed (eg, stun, concussive, para blow, crushing)
  • Indirect spells now affect anyone in the casting area (eg: Chain Lightning, Earthquake). Energy Vortexes and Blade Spirits likewise will find a target regardless of notoriety.
  • Considerably lowered the chance for a monster to heal/cure itself. Monsters will no longer teleport. Monsters will "give up" when a target hides or goes invisible, rather than revealing the player. Mage AI types will no longer flee on low health. Auto dispel removed.
  • Hands must now be clear to cast. The only acceptable items in a players hands for casting are spellbooks and runebooks. If a player attempts to cast a spell with a weapon or shield in hand, they will receive the message "Your hands must be free to cast spells or meditate". If a player attempts to equip during casting, their spell will be disturbed. If a player attempts to release a spell with a weapon equipped, the spell will fizzle.
  • Skill delays are now 10 seconds with the exception of bard skills, which are 5 seconds on fail and 10 seconds on success.
  • Fixed a bug in the default RunUO code which disallowed resist gains at 0 skill. The only way to gain resist at this level was to buy it or stand in a fire field.
  • Fixed a bug in the default RunUO code where the "free gains" from 0-10 skill were not triggering in meditation on active use.
  • Healing skill is no longer based on dex. The timers have been changed to era accurate values. 4 seconds to heal other, 15 seconds to heal self.
  • Crafting menus are now the T2A accurate style.
  • Inscription is now triggered through the skill window instead of with a scribe's pen. Scribe's pens have been removed from vendors.
  • Scribes now stock 20 blank scrolls (down from 999)
  • Cartography is now triggered from the skill window instead of with a mapmaker's pen.
  • Cartography now requires a blank map, scrolls can not be used in conjunction with cartography.
  • Cartography vendors no longer carry scrolls.
  • Bowcraft/Fletching is triggered by using a bladed item on logs or boards. Fletcher's tools have been removed.
  • Tinkering may only use iron ingots.
  • Removed dragon scale armor and dragon scales as a loot type.
  • Spined and barbed leather removed.
  • Lumberjacking now only results in logs, no other wood types.
  • You will no longer gain "double resources" in "Felucca" from harvesting and carving corpses.
  • You will no longer gain additional fame from monsters in "Felucca"
  • Treasure map descriptions are now era accurate in all stages of treasure hunting. All maps appear as "a tattered treasure map" when undecoded, "a treasure map" when decoded and "a treasure map completed by [name]" when completed.
  • Mini heal is less effective. This equates to around 2 points per heal at the grandmaster level of magery.

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