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Patch 12 - 11/15/14 - Bounty System, Detect Hidden |
Posted by: Jack - 11-15-2014, 08:57 AM - Forum: Patch Notes
- Replies (1)
I will keep the patch notes brief, as I have made threads to explain some of the changes.
Murders and the Bounty System
- The T2A accurate bounty system has now been implemented.
- Players can now be "perma red". Perma red status happens when the player in question has gone from innocent status to murderer status 5 times.A perma red character can never become innocent again.
- Read full details of the current murder system here.
- Special thanks to Tulli who helped with the code for sorting the bounty board by bounty amount.
Detect Hidden
- You can now reveal traps with the detect hidden skill.
- You can now passively detect players that stealth within a range of 1 to you, if your detect hidden skill is greater than 80.
- Read full details of detect hidden functionality here.
Treasure Map Chests
- It is now possible to destroy a treasure map chest. Equip an axe or polearm and double click the axe/polearm. Target the chest. You will receive a gump asking if you wish to destroy the chest. All contents of the chest will be permanently deleted when the chest is axed. Only the person who dug up the treasure can axe the chest.
- It is no longer a criminal offense to take items out of a chest you did not dig up.
- You can now continue to lift and drop treasure within the chest to continue spawning treasure map guardians, there is a maximum number of guardians that can spawn which is determined randomly when the chest spawns.
Trash Barrels
- Trash barrels will no longer instantly delete items when the item count goes over 50.
- Additional rares are now spawning. The new rares are all on long timers, so get hunting!
[Explanation] Murdering and the Bounty System |
Posted by: Jack - 11-15-2014, 08:35 AM - Forum: Guides
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When a player kills another player who is innocent to them, the murder and bounty system is triggered.
Murders, Ping Pongs and Murderer Status - A player who has 5 or more long term murder counts is considered a murderer. Their name will appear in red and they will be attackable by anyone. A murderer will be killed by guards on sight when entering the protection of the town guards.
- A player with 5 or more long term murder counts is considered a murderer. Long term kill counts decay every 40 hours and the player can become "innocent" again by dropping below 5 long term kill counts.
- A player with 5 or more short term murder counts is in "stat loss". Upon resurrection, a character in stat loss will receive a permanent penalty to their skills and stats of 9-20%, depending on how many short term murders the character has. Short term kill counts decay every 8 hours, when the player drops below 5 short term murders, they are no longer in stat loss.
- A player who goes from Blue -> Red notoriety (innocent to murderer), has their "Ping Pong" counter increased by 1. A player who has 5 or more "Ping Pongs" is known as "perma red", and will never lose their murderer status even if they drop below 5 long term kills. Long and short term kill counts still apply to the player.
Reporting another player for murder
When you are killed, you will receive a gump that will look something like follows. Clicking "Okay" on this gump will report the character for murder, regardless of whether a bounty is applied or not.
Paying a bounty for the murderer's head
If the following conditions are true, you will be able to put a bounty on the murderer's head:- The person who killed you is, or will become, a murderer after you report them for murder (they must have at least 4 kills).
- You have gold in your bank box.
A murder gump like the below will appear. If you do not wish to enter a bounty, simply click okay without entering a gold amount (or enter 0). This will report the character for murder, without applying a bounty. If you do not wish to report a murder, press cancel. If you wish to enter a bounty, enter the amount and press okay, and a bounty will be added to the murderer's head. This will take the gold for the bounty directly from your bank box.
Before clicking okay:
The murderer's message after you click okay:
How to claim a bounty
In order to claim a bounty, the murderer must be killed and their head chopped off. The head is then turned into the town guards to claim the bounty.
In the screenshot below, we see EvilMurderer is on the bounty board for 120,000 gold pieces. (thanks to Blaise for help with testing)
A bounty hunter sees this message and decides to kill EvilMurderer. The murderer is killed and their head chopped off, then it is turned into the town guards by drag-dropping the head onto the guard. The bounty is cleared and the bountied player removed from the bounty board. The gold for the head is deposited into the bounty hunter's bank account.
Caveats- Bounties will decay if the murderer has not been bountied in 14 days. The bounty still exists, it just will not appear on the bounty board or be claimable until the murderer is bountied again.
- After 1 day real time, any head that has been cut off can no longer be turned in for a bounty reward.
- Entering a bounty which is longer than the max length of an integer will result in no bounty being posted (eg, 99999999999). Otherwise, if you try bounty more than what is in your bank account, it will take every last piece of gold from your bank.
[Explanation] Detecting Hidden |
Posted by: Jack - 11-15-2014, 08:12 AM - Forum: Guides
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Detecting hidden is used to reveal hidden players in a range, and to reveal whether an item is trapped or not.
Finding Hidden People - The radius for detecting hidden players is ( Detect / 10 ). With a 0 radius (0-5 skill), you will only detect players on the tile you target.
- If a player has a hiding skill that is more than 20 skill higher than your detect hidden skill, you have no chance to reveal them (and thus, cannot gain).
- If you have a detect hidden skill that is more than 20 skill higher than the target's hiding skill, you will reveal them every time (and thus, cannot gain).
- If your target is within a house, all hidden players within the house will be revealed. Then, a normal detect hidden check takes place which can also possibly reveal players outside the house, in the normal ( Detect / 10 ) range. Although you can not possibly gain from revealing players insidethe house, it is still possible that a player outside the house is revealed and you have a chance to gain.
- With a skill of 80 or more, you have a chance to passively detect stealthers that move within a range of 1 to you. At 80 skill this is a 50% chance, at 100 skill it is a 62.5% chance.
Trapped Containers- There is no bonus for detecting traps within a home you own.
- Before 50 skill, there is no AOE detection of traps. You can only reveal traps by directly targeting the trapped container.
- After 50 skill, the detection radius for traps is ( ( Detect - 50 ) / 10 ). This gives you a range of 0 at 50 skill, and a range of 5 at 100 skill.
- When a trap is detected, a message will appear over the trapped item that says [trapped], color coded by trap type.
Dungeon Traps
Skill Gain - You can not gain detect hidden from player made traps.
- From 0-10 skill, you will gain every time regardless of whether there is anything to reveal. This will not happen if your target is in a house region.
- From 10-50 skill, you can gain by either revealing a player that is within a range of 20 hiding skill vs your detect hidden, or target non-player made traps (example, in shops).
- From 50-100 skill, it would probably be best to detect in shops, or a group of dungeon chests.
Razor settings not saving |
Posted by: SgtScooter - 11-13-2014, 08:54 PM - Forum: Tech Support
- Replies (9)
I think this must be a noob problem on my part, but I find that many of the changes I make to my default profile settings do not save once I've exited and reloaded the program.
In some cases I figured out that itwas because I wastrying to overwrite the game's default macros. The most annoying offender, though, are things that I add to my agent lists (e.g. scrolls to sell or items to scavenge). Is there a maximum number of items that can be added? Is there a button or setting that I'm just missing?
Cannot chop treasure chests |
Posted by: Talia - 11-13-2014, 07:42 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
I went out last night and dug up a few level 1 chests. Found that I cannot chop an empty chest when I'm done. Tried several different types of axes, and also a bardiche but it just says something like "Use that item to chop wood..." and it won't delete the chest. Proper t-hunter etiquette demands chest removal so others can dig theirs up. I know it's not a real issue yet with our low pop, but it will need to be implemented by the time we get more people.
Tweak house trash barrels, maybe? [Fixed] |
Posted by: Talia - 11-13-2014, 06:12 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)
Could you tweak the house-placed trash barrel so that something too heavy for the barrel isn't insta-deleted, but instead rejected as too heavy, like other containers do? Tonight I was dragging around several chests in my house while sorting things, and accidentally dropped one in the barrel. Since it was over the weight limit for the barrel, it instantly deleted it, much to my dismay...since I really wanted to keep the items that were in it.
Treasure Hunting, Runes, and You |
Posted by: SgtScooter - 11-13-2014, 02:51 AM - Forum: Guides
- Replies (3)
Now that we have a fully armed and operational treasure map rune library, I thought this would be a good opportunity to explain its utility to anyone who has been wanting to do something with those piles of treasure maps they’ve either occasionally looted from monsters or been hoarding from the many serpents they’ve fished up.
This isn’t intended to be a comprehensive treasure hunting guide, because a fully detailed guide has already been written here on the old stratics site. This post assumes you understand the basics that can be learned from that guide. Instead, this guide will explain how to use the rune library to very quickly reach the location of your treasure as well as fill in a few gaps. I hope to incorporate useful points as I become more experienced and also any helpful comments I receive. I can also add more information by request.
Right! So, you’ve got your decoded map. What’s next? If you don’t want to spend an inordinate amount of time poring over your old cloth map trying to guess at where the pin points, then you have two options.
The decoded map:
The first is to compare the graphic on the decoded map with this incredibly useful tool (also from stratics). Look at the general shape of the landmass as well as any landmarks (shrines, buildings, etc.). I’ve found the coastlines to be the most helpful feature in narrowing down your search, because the orientations never change (i.e. a coast on the north of the map means you’re probably in the north of the main continent). Next, mouse over the areas of the stratics map that look similar to the area shown on the decoded map. You’ll notice that the stratics map will highlight certain areas in which treasure can be found. Click on the most likely area. You’ll be presented with a graphic of an exact match to a corresponding treasure map. If the stratics map graphic doesn’t match your decoded map, go back and try again. Once you’ve found the correct area, notice that the stratics map includes all of the possible pins in any given area. Notice that each is helpfully labelled with a number. Note the number that corresponds with the pin on your decoded map. That number is unique, and it’s what makes the rune library shortcut possible.
The stratics map and zoomed area (the corresponding number is 2):
Bring your shovel, map, and some recall reagents to my public rune library just a few steps northwest of the Britain Moongate. It’s called the Treasure Hunter’s Base Camp (shameless plug). There are 13 runebooks locked down in order with runes to each of the numbers on the stratics map. Page through to the number you noted from your decoded map. Click on recall, and “poof” you’re standing on the exact spot that the pin indicates. Click on your shovel, click on your map, click on your feet, and try not to die. Congratulations, you’re a treasure hunter.
The rune library:
The runebook:
The second option I mentioned is very similar, but uses UOAM instead of stratics. Open UOAM and right click on the map. Click "Edit or Go To Labels". Go to the "Files" tab make sure the "Treasure" file name is selected. Now all of the map locations are overlaid on your UOAM. This allows you to find the unique number without using stratics, and it also gives you the option of simply running (or sailing) to the treasure location without a rune library. I prefer this method in conjunction with the library, because while the stratics map graphics are exact matches to your decoded map, the pins are often clustered together and can be a little fiddly to select; you may select the wrong one without realizing it. With the UOAM overlay, you can easily take a few steps to the next map location.
Some highlights from the stratics guide or else things they didn’t bother to tell you: - Increasingly difficult maps require increasingly difficult skill to decode, but you can decode level 1 maps with a completely fresh character if you select the cartography skill.
- So, if you bring another character with a little magery that’s capable of dealing with a couple easy monsters, then you can go after the level 1 chests right away.
- While lockpicking is required for all but level 1 chests, you don’t need any detect hidden or remove traps skill. Just Telekinesis the chest after unlocking it.
- For level 1 chests, you can simply use the Unlock spell.
- Maps obtained from serpents while fishing will always be level 1.
- Some of the locations are swarming with various monster spawns. It’s safest to either gate in hidden or be ready to fight.
- After clicking the shovel, you need to click the map before clicking the ground.
- If you are hidden when you begin digging, you will be revealed.
- Because the monsters spawned when digging up high level chests can be so nasty, you should seriously consider the using the template provided by the beginner’s guide on our site. The effectiveness of provocation cannot be overstated.
- Watch out for snakes!
Detect hidden never reveals trap [Fixed] |
Posted by: Talia - 11-12-2014, 06:40 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)
Just fyi in case you don't know, I think detect hidden isn not functioning correctly. I've had it maxed for several days now, and I've been picking chests that entire time, and never once has the DH revealed a trap.