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  Secret Santa
Posted by: Coral - 11-25-2015, 04:04 AM - Forum: Shard Events - Replies (29)

Yarrr!! It's time for the holidays are quickly approaching and let's reach out to someone in the community with a Secret Santa! Everyone loves presents and getting one from a stranger is fantastic!

How it works:

There will be a sign up period is now till December 1st. I will keep the sign ups to 20 people, if more or less people we will scale it down/up.

After December first I will randomly give you a name from that list to buy a gift for. There is no price limit.

You can be as creative as you want to be.

Your person for Secret Santa will be given to you by December 5th by Irc. My name is Zinnia[PEE].

Secret Santa gifts will need to be turned in by December 21th so they can be distributed out prior to December 24th

Turn in people will be myself Zinnia[PEE], Apoc[PEE], ErocDrah[PEE]

What is required at turn in:

2 Books

1 Book will be your  name and who your gift is for.

1 Book will be a holiday greeting to your Secret Santa but do you put your name in it, sign it Secret Santa

Happy Holidays from The Pirates!

1. NotoriousBig
2. Abyz
3. HardCore
4. Skrap
5. Durzo Blint
6. Apoc
7. TriXta
8. Rand
9. Chewbaca
10. Jooz
11. Cheerios
12. Greta
13. Lotta
14. Mindless
15. Fionne
16. Ziggy
17. Manto
18. Blyth

I'll be able to deliver gifts soon. Everyone is contacted, these gifts will happen, just waiting on getting with someone to be able to distribute secret santa gifts for the following people:

Greta & Lotta: Rand has your gifts to give you

Thank you!

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  this is helpful
Posted by: Swunk - 11-24-2015, 09:42 AM - Forum: Guides - Replies (4)

Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue
Exec: Resynchronize Client
Exec: Clear Scavenger Cache
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding


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  Anyone selling full spell books?
Posted by: Varak - 11-24-2015, 02:26 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (11)

The only vendor I could find with them was at Yew Bank. When item ID'd them they didn't show any spells, so I am fairly certain they are fake. Item ID usually shows 64 spells in a full spell book.

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  Unicode font [Solution Available]
Posted by: orishi - 11-23-2015, 09:10 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)


as we are from Czech Republic, we would love to use the Unicode font. Unfortunately, it doesn't support any local "characters" it should support.

List goes like this: ě š č ř ž ý á í ň ď ť  - insted of "š" it types "Ü", some characters it just replaces with blank space.

It's not that very big deal, we can simplify our language to not use these characters, but Unicode should support it.

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  Target Relative Location
Posted by: Varak - 11-23-2015, 12:57 AM - Forum: New Player Questions - Replies (12)

I've been able to get most of my macro's up and running just fine. A couple of my macro's won't work and it seems to be the "target relative location" option. Both my lumberjacking and mining macro's only work with absolute target for the action location (tree or ground). Everything else is going well. i really like the shard.

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  New flair for donators and subscribers
Posted by: Jack - 11-22-2015, 08:24 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Sorry for taking so long to get around to this, but I have added flair on the forum for donators and subscribers. I had to go back to the very beginning of the shard's history and have tried to include everyone who has ever made a donation or subscription. If you were somehow left out please do not be offended, all donations are greatly appreciated! If I missed you somehow, please send me a message and I'll get it fixed.


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  Pirates! Yar! [PEE]
Posted by: HardCore[PEE] - 11-21-2015, 09:40 PM - Forum: Guilds - Replies (7)

Pirates Code of Conduct [PEE]

• Once a member, you will be assigned a title based on your character and status in the guild.

• If ye join us, ye have to show some minimum activity in the guild. Members not showing up for a long time without a reason will be demoted and receive the title “Lost at Sea” or kicked. Also, participating in discussions in our forum is strongly recommended! Pictures, videos, stories, are the best. Keep it civil, I don’t like message board warriors.

• Any member of the crew who rises in Mutiny against the Captain shall walk the plank, or suffer a public execution for his crime.

• We hold no fealty to the King nor to his enemies, only to our guild…“PEE or Die”. We help those only when it benefits us or if there is a reward or booty involved.

• Fight to the death with honor and ferocity! Never give up and let the king’s men best you out at sea!

• Our crew members are supposed to look like pirates! Our dress code should be of pirate clothing, skullcaps, tricorne, and bandanas. There are no specific guild colors although orange and black signifies respect to the olden days of [PEE].

• As a member of the most dreaded pirate crew, ye should behave like a pirate! Pirates have rough manners, are sometimes rude and despise landlubbers. No landlubber talk and abbreviations. *use your best judgment and attempt to semi-rp a pirate, this is all in fun*

• If a crew member asks for help in a serious matter, the available pirates should respond. Also, we expect some team spirit from our crew members. Ye can go on adventures all by yerself, but crew activities should always be a higher priority.

• Show your allegiance! Make sure to show your guild abbreviation. Exceptions will be during stealth raids, NPC pirate quests, or other reasons deemed appropriate by the Captain.

• Each member of The Core will be friended to select houses on Dead Man's Island. It is encouraged to park a boat near our town.

• [PEE] will defend Dead Man's Island at all costs. Landlubbers that are dueling on our island should be left alone ONLY if they are wearing a bandana, skull cap, or tricorne hat. If these rules are not followed, they must be slain!

• [PEE] is a non-warring semi-rp pirate guild full of thieves, pks, scum, etc.

The Core [PEE] Ranks:

Captain – leader of the pirates
Dread Captain - (TBD)
Lieutenant – in charge while the captain is MIA
Admiral – in charge while the captain is MIA

Buccaneer – adept sailor who is good with combat and sailing. Buccaneers also have the ability to recruit people into the guild and can host events or organize guild hunts and fishing trips.
Seadog – elite cutthroat pirates that have sufficient knowledge of sailing and the sea
Wench - female members

Corsair – seasoned pirate who has mastered at least 3 skills
Pirate – common sailor, official member of the crew
Deckhand – trial status for The Core. Ranks and promotions will be determined by presence in the guild, role play, community activity, and duration of how long you have been a member.

Special Ranks:
Hashashin – masters of hiding and stealth
Smuggler – runs errands for the crew and traverses the seas and land to gain knowledge on how to navigate and know where targets maybe be. Thieves.
Lost at Sea – inactive guild mates

[Image: SNyIHDT.jpg]

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Posted by: Droid - 11-21-2015, 07:33 PM - Forum: New Player Questions - Replies (6)

Hi I'm Droid! a new player in these lands! I have a few questions for you, in order to solve my gameplay issues!
Thanks in advance!

1) do items which help to recover mana points exist? are there other aid over eva int and meditation?
2) how can i utilize the skill stealing? do i have to join a thief guild?
3) which skills do i need in order to tame all creatures? animal taming, animal lore and veterinary?
4) does the skill inscription help my character in any way? do i need it to craft any useful item?
5) how can i employ a private vendor?
6) how stamina points of tamed animals work? does every kind of animal have its stamina points? how can i know how long i can run?
7) can i recharge the magic staffs, the magic wands and weapons which have 0 magic charges of some extra power?
8) does a way to shrink animals exist?
9) what kind of utility would the skill hiding have in pvp if my character can't hide if under attack? only hiding when it manages to be far?
10) do magic items have a definite time? do they disappear after a while or return only magic items, loosing their properties?
11) for what do i need precious stones? as diamonds and so on....
12) what skills do i need to get the treasure of a map? cartography and lockpiking only? does doing treasure maps work well?
13) Does the skill fishing exist? does it work well?
14) how can i macro the skill mining dividing the iron and smelting it? I tried to create a macro with razor but without good results.

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  Ocllo inn bug [Fixed]
Posted by: Hopalicious - 11-21-2015, 04:30 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

there is an "Inn" in south Ocllo, right north of the dock and east of the healer shop, that does not properly function as an Inn.  If you log out, you cannot log in with another character unless you wait until it idles out.  Just to the south of the Inn is a tavern (right on the dock) which does function as an inn, even though it's a tavern.  UOAM identifies them both as Inns so this might have always been like this.  

Not a huge bug just something I noticed while fishing.

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Star Spellbooks, runebooks, scrolls, CBDs: vendor direct at Yew moongate!
Posted by: Veranis - 11-21-2015, 09:20 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (15)

Scroll vendor just beside the Yew public moongate, her name is Velika. On the stairs beside her is Fiona, and she sells the Runebooks, along with Clothing Bless Deeds (570k gold; PM me to pay 175 platinum instead of gold) and other various items. Currently she has a Neon Beard Dye for 1.25 million.

[Image: 3Oa3Qdx.png]

For now this is what is in stock, prices are as follows:

[Image: UwkXa88.png]

The more you buy, the more you save! PM me for bulk orders.


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