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Forum: Latest News
Last Post: Jack
04-22-2021, 05:17 AM
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New Players: Use discord!
Forum: General Discussion
Last Post: Xandorf
04-13-2021, 04:00 AM
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Training Notes: Alchemy a...
Forum: Guides
Last Post: Lil Jimmy
03-18-2021, 08:15 AM
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Razor settings not saving
Forum: Tech Support
Last Post: Xandorf
02-17-2021, 07:20 PM
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Bonding Pets
Forum: New Player Questions
Last Post: Xandorf
02-17-2021, 07:17 PM
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Thief Guildmaster spawned...
Forum: New Player Questions
Last Post: JaysUnderw
11-26-2020, 10:08 AM
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Stirring in the Deep, pt1
Forum: Shard Events
Last Post: a pirate captain
11-05-2020, 10:49 PM
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a few questions from a ne...
Forum: New Player Questions
Last Post: Jusegozu
10-11-2020, 02:10 PM
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Patch 63 - Additional min...
Forum: Patch Notes
Last Post: Veranis
08-07-2020, 07:52 PM
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Yew Rare vendor's !! FULL...
Forum: General Discussion
Last Post: Dreadpsycho
04-14-2020, 10:31 PM
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Picture of the Month Contest - December '15 |
Posted by: Jack - 12-05-2015, 01:44 AM - Forum: Screenshots and Videos
- Replies (20)
Submit your pictures into this thread!
You can help us make our website prettier by posting your submission for picture of the month in this thread. Each month, the winner of the picture of the month will receive a trophy in game for their submission. Pictures can be anything, at the beginning of each month we will judge the winner.
A good place for uploading images is http://imgur.com - to post a picture of the forums, first upload it to imgur, and then use the direct image link inside forum tags like so:
Code: [img]http://imgur.com/imagename.png[/img]
Guidelines for pictures:- Avoid any client modifications (eg: tree stump hack, paperdoll edits)
- Try your best to avoid "system message spam" - where the left side of your screen is filled with messages.
Get submitting today!
WTB Magic Weapons- |
Posted by: Skrap - 12-04-2015, 05:08 PM - Forum: Trading Post
- Replies (3)
Looking for any kind of GT swords weapons, charged hallies, and 15 Power or better Halberds.
Also in the market for tele rings and magic reflect.
Macro: Setting Stats |
Posted by: Swunk - 12-04-2015, 07:13 AM - Forum: Guides
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Say for instance your STR is done but INT and DEX is all jacked up and you don't wanna run around camping and you're not going for a max level of either stat. For example: 100 / 35 / 90 stats.
Try a macro like this.
Quote:Exec: Spirit Speak
Pause 10.00sec
If ( Mana >= 90 )
Exec: Stop Current Macro
End If
Achievement Leaderboards [Not a bug] |
Posted by: triXta - 12-03-2015, 06:59 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
It appears that the majority of the time the character name is incorrect in achievement leaderboard rankings. I notice it usually shows a different character name on my account, rather than the one I'm on. For example my tamers name isn't listed in the 12th spot for the taming achievement, but rather my lumberjacker who hasn't tamed one thing.
Reduce cost of Name Change Deeds |
Posted by: Blaise - 12-02-2015, 11:20 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (10)
I think that 200 platinum is a bit steep for name change deeds. Something in gold value would be ideal really but perhaps just a more reasonable platinum cost like around 10-25 or so?
Skill Gain Speed |
Posted by: Advertising - 12-02-2015, 02:31 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (4)
Hey guys, I joined the server last night and I'm really enjoying how everyone is so friendly here! One thing I've noticed is skill gain is very very slow. I macroed herding and hiding over night list night (6.5 hours) and I woke up to 93.1 herding and 48.7 hiding!! 6 hours and 48.8 hiding! That seems super slow. Is this normal? My stats are 89/80/28 after the over night adventure also.
I'd like to play the game tonight when I get home instead of macroing for 4 days straight just to go out and fight stuff in the grave yards!
HCGaming's Stat Gain Guide! |
Posted by: HateCrime - 12-02-2015, 07:55 AM - Forum: Guides
- Replies (6)
UOLL Stat's Guide by HateCrime
Gaining Strength, Intelligence, & Dexterity
This method is by far the quickest way to get your stats set on any character here on UOLL. It will require about 4000 gold coins. If your new to the shard I would recommend hitting up the Moonglow, Delucia, or Skara cotton fields, and selling the cotton to the Tailors. Likewise, you may also go to the yew sheep pens and sheer those to accomplish the same thing.
So now you have your 4000 shiny gold coins. The next step is to run around the city you are in and train up your skills using the "VENDORNAME train" command. Most NPC's can train you in three to five skills so this goes pretty quickly. The goal is to reach your 700 skill point cap as shown in the following picture.
DO NOT train camping, herding, or snooping while buying up your skills. It is most efficient to keep these skills at 0.
Now that your skills are at the 700 stat cap with the show real option checked it is time to gain those stats Camping will gain primarily strength, and do so VERY quickly. Camping also raises your intelligence rather quickly which I will explain in a moment. Simply use your new character dagger on trees for kindling, or purchase kindling from your local provisioner. They currently cost only 2gp each.
Once you have your kindling make sure that your camping skill is pointed in the up direction as in the picture above. It doesn't matter if other skills are pointed up, as long as no skill is pointed down that has more than 0 points in it. Now you will want to create a razor macro that simply double clicks your kindling pile and is set to loop. Watch your strength soar to godlike levels in only minutes.
Once strength is around 70 you will notice that intelligence starts to gain much quicker as well. This is the fastest way to gain intelligence to my knowledge. If your solely looking for intelligence gains then lock your strength as follows:
For dexterity gains follow the same method used for strength and intelligence, but set your snooping skill up, instead of camping. You can make a razor macro to snoop someones backpack over and over with no delay.