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  Cannot recall using ship key
Posted by: Talia - 10-25-2014, 03:38 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Seems to be broken, sorry! Smile

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  Logging out in an inn isn't instant
Posted by: Talia - 10-25-2014, 03:17 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (7)

Just fyi, logged out in an inn, and couldn't jump in with another character until the one in the inn timed out. Should be immediate log off.

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  Selling Best Housing Spot on Shard
Posted by: Storm - 10-25-2014, 12:17 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (6)

Selling my large brickon Justice Island. PM me a really large offer of gold if you're interested!

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  Patch 8 - 10/25/14 - Monthly Rewards, Combat Updates, AI changes
Posted by: Jack - 10-24-2014, 06:24 PM - Forum: Patch Notes - Replies (3)

Message of the Day

  • You will now receive a message of the day on login. This will be used to keep players updated on any changes, events or possible downtime.

Monthly Rewards
  • To view your currentmonthly reward status, you can type the command [platinum in game. This can also be accessed through the MOTD gump.
  • You will now gain platinum based on your activity. For every 50 hours logged in per account, you will get a monthly reward of 1 platinum. There is a maximum of 10 platinum per account, per month.
  • You can "cash out" your platinum at the beginning of every month.
  • All players will receive platinum for their game time prior to this patch.
  • A list of platinum rewards is coming... promise.

Monster and Tamed Behaviour
  • Tamed fire breathing creatures are now aggressive toward monsters and murderers. On average, a tamed fire breathing creature will acquire a new target roughly once every 10 seconds. The chance of any attack at any given moment is entirely random. If the fire breather already has a combatant, it will not do this.
  • In a very similar fashion, animals that have been released or gone wild are now aggressive toward monsters and murderers.
  • If a tamed fire breather attacks a murderer, it is considered an aggressive action and sets the tamed animal's control master as "can be attacked" to the murderer, unless the murderer attacked first.
  • You can now tell a tamed animal to "drop" and it will drop whatever is in its backpack.
  • The way a monster checks whether to heal or not has been changed.
  • Tames can no longer move to a tile when the 2 adjacent tiles in the path are occupied. To put it more clearly, forming a diamond/square shape with 4 players surrounding a dragon, would cause the dragon to be completely immobile.
  • Monsters will now be blocked by impassable objects (such as a table or chest).
  • Most monsters will break impassable objects in their path, however some low level monsters are exempt from this and their movement will be entirely blocked. Objects that cannot be moved, will not be broken (eg, treasure chests, lockdowns).
  • Monsters, animals and NPCs in general, move around less when they are idle.
  • Animals should no longer run unless they are fleeing.
  • A fix to pet loyalty decaying too fast.

Combat Changes
  • Weapon speed for fists is now 50. Monsters/NPCs will retain their old swing speed value for now to avoid overpowering monsters.
  • Disarming or arming a weapon, when your swing is not ready, now causes your combat timer to reset. The new combat timer will be based on what weapon you currently have equipped. If the weapon is fists, it uses the fist timer.
  • When arming a weapon, there is now a 1 second delay until you can swing it.
  • Weapon timers are now on a "tick" based system and recalculate their status every 0.25 seconds. Simply put, this means it is only possible to swing weapons at intervals that are multiples of 0.25s. The number is always "rounded up", so to speak. So if your timer to swing should be calculated at 1.3 seconds, you will swing the weapon every 1.5 seconds.
  • The above changes mean you can now "cycle" slower weapons with wrestling to make them hit faster. With 25 stamina, this would create a 3.25s cycle time, with perfect timing.
  • If you don't have a combatant and something either attacks or casts a spell on you, your combatant will always change to the person/monster that attacked you. In the case of delayed damage, the attack will happen at the time of damage.

Skill/Spell Changes
  • Leather armor now gives a penalty to mana regeneration.
  • There is now a check that takes place when you meditate to see what types of armor you are wearing, and active meditation will fail if you are wearing too much. "Regenerative forces cannot penetrate your armor". This is based on armor type, not armor rating.
  • When debuffs are casted on a target that is already fully debuffed, the caster will receive a fizzle effect. The spell still disturbs, it is an entirely visual effect accurate to the era.
  • The explosion spell no longer stacks. If you release a second explosion before the 3 second delay is up, the first explosion will never connect with the target.
  • Wrestling, and tactics gains while using wrestling, have been slowed to account for the increased wrestle speed. It should take roughly the same amount of time to GM wrestling, just more attempts overall.

Item Changes
  • Removed barkeep contracts from vendors that still had them. These will really be deleted this time, so PM me if you want the money back. 2 days amnesty!
  • Many item price changes. The list of T2A accurate prices is absolutely massive so we will get this done over time. For now, the prices on jewelers are now completely era accurate, your gems should sell for a bit more. Ingots now cost more from vendors (9gp). Raw ribs and leather sell for less, but cooked ribs are still a 6gp sell price.
  • Chess, checkers and backgammon boards are now 5k each. This is done purely because of the large item count increase that comes from having a lot of these items. Our save times are short now, but that likely won't be forever.

  • The range to use and recall out of a runebook is now 2 tiles, up from 1.
  • Runebook weight corrected to 0.
  • The runebook can only be stolen indirectly. Targeting the runebook directly will give the message "You can't steal that." It can be stolen when it is chosen at random (by targeting a player), or if it is part of a sub-pack (steal the sub-pack).

  • Some general tidy up on gnarled staves. They now require IDing, they have a message during their cooldown, and ID staves don't have a cooldown.
  • There is now some basic collision detection for boats. There are still some situations in which monsters can end up "boarding" the boat, however it is now possible to escape monsters in this situation as they will simply pass through the boat, instead of being dragged along. This was a fairly complex issue which deserves a decent amount of time spent on it - at a later date.
  • Hirable NPCs charge more. They were working for an absolute pittance and would have been better off hunting mongbats for a living. They probably still would be.
  • Healers no longer have magery. This does not prevent them from resurrecting.
  • An easter egg has been added to the energy vortex spell. You probably already know what this is Smile
  • There is now a system message when you see a player attacking another player. (eg, "You see Jack attacking Tyler!"). This will be added for various things, it was mostly a test.

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  Fix for UO Client Crashes
Posted by: SgtScooter - 10-24-2014, 04:59 PM - Forum: Tech Support - Replies (3)

Hey everyone. I had been having a serious problem with UO client crashes on my fisherman whenever he was under sail and I left the window. After doing a bit of research, I discovered that you have to change some program properties to prevent that from happening. In fact, everyone should change those settings even if just to improve performance. I think this may be something that longtime players have already known, so I'm sorry if this isobvious information, but it was pretty crippling to me as a returning player.

So, everyone should be going into the compatibility tab in the properties menu of each program you've got running to play (UO client, Razor, and UOAM). Once there, be sure to select compability mode for whichever OS you're running. In addition, you shouldselect "Disable visual themes" and "Disable desktop composition." Finally, you should select the option to run the programs as an administrator.

[Image: zeLZKQg.jpg]

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  Trash [Not Accurate]
Posted by: Talia - 10-24-2014, 12:21 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)

It would be very handy to be able to discard shipboard/fishing/bank trash. I know this server is dedicated closely to T2A, but being able to easily clean up after ourselves would be nice. A portable trash receptacle would be ideal. Failing that, trash receptacles placed by banks and on docks maybe? I would love you long time if I could puta trashbin onto my ship.

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  Pets lose 10 loyalty regardless of whether owner is in Line of Sight
Posted by: Jack - 10-23-2014, 06:35 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Just posting this here so people are aware of the issue and know that I'm aware of it.

I have fixed the issue, it will be in the next patch. The patch will be roughly Friday 5pm EST.

As a workaround, if players need to macro with a pet, they can use the "all follow me" command to increase the loyalty of their pet. You would need to do this at least once every 30 seconds to keep the pet at maximum loyalty, assuming all commands are successful.

You can also retame an animal that has gone wild, with 0 animal taming.

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  GM Blacksmithy
Posted by: Creager - 10-23-2014, 06:30 AM - Forum: Guides - Replies (5)

So you may be thinking why would I want to gm blacksmithy? Well first of all, its always going to be a source of income now and even more so into the future of the server. At some point you will wish to repair your armor, weapons and shields yourself, instead of having someone else do it for you. You may wish to craft your own weapons. There are a lot of nice things to be made as a blacksmith, some that cannot be looted off monsters!


  • Having around 75 smithy will allow you to make all items at a non exceptional level.
  • Colored ingots give the crafted item the hue of the ore, and no added AR bonus.
  • Ingots are gathered by mining or purchasingthem from the vendor for 5gp a pop.
  • A precise measurement of ingots from 30 smithy to gm is 60k and from 50-100 45k.
Character Template:
I personally for stats would start out with high strength and high dex as you are going to be walking around and carrying stuff alot. Two starting skills at 50 would be Blacksmithy and Tinkering(best starting zone is minoc). I start blacksmithy at 50 because who really enjoys mining that extra 15k ingots or even buying them from vendors?Tinkering because you want to be able to make those shovels and utensils on the fly.

Mining was nerfed so it will be a little harder than when I leveled it, but its still an easy skill to gain as you will be doing a lot of it if you decide to go on the free resourceroute. Unless you are into colored ore, or you don't wantto gm smithy as fast as possible(lock mining at 64.9)otherwisepoint that arrow up and keep going ham!

A complete crafting character template for a perfectionist would look something like this:
  • Stats 100 Strength/85 Dexterity/40 Intelligence(enough for gate travel)
  • Blacksmithy
  • Tinkering
  • Carpentry
  • Mining
  • Lumberjacking
  • Meditation
  • Magery
This is much more of a futuristic character template because of these skills coincidingwith each other as far as keg making and house addons are concerned. If you make it to 75 tinkering during your mass mining of beautiful ingots lock it up, so later on when you decide to tackle carpentry you can make the first set of two lockboxes that lockpickers can macro off of.

So ive managed to talk alot about other stuff...lets get back on track with some smithy!

Crafting Guide:
  • 50 - 65: Cutlass
  • 65 - 75: Kryss
  • 75 - 85: Short Spear
  • 85 - 95: Plate Gorgets
  • 95 - GM: Plate Gloves

I am slightly biased with starting from 50 smithy, for those of you that start from 30 the advice I give you and everyone thats leveling a crafter is that you gain more skill based on success of crafting that item. So I would craft an item that you have a 60% chance to make, that way you get some solid gains and you are able to smelt the remainsof it down and repeat until you've reached the next level of item you are going to craft.

Razor Macro for Blacksmithy:

This macro will need to be adjusted depending on what item you are crafting.

Razor Macro for Mining:
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|you have worn out your tool
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|dig some
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|no metal
Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|906|3|ENU|0|Move on!

This macro will make mining way easier and also help you level your tinkering at the same time!

So you have some awesome razor macros, time to get rolling!

Happy Smithing!

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  Moonglow Illusionists Guild
Posted by: Talia - 10-22-2014, 09:41 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

If I recall correctly, there should be NPCs at the Moonglow Illusionists Guild, but the building is empty.

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  Need a lift?
Posted by: SgtScooter - 10-22-2014, 04:16 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

I've been sailing around doing the fishing thing for a bit, and since I've got a mage in the works I'm alsobeginning the process of making my rune library. If anyone wants a liftto a rarely visited island let me know and I can add it to my list of stops.I can either gate you there, mark a rune for you there, or you could hop aboard and go for a sail. Let me know!

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