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Stirring in the Deep, pt1
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PvP - I'm looking for you (Soma) |
Posted by: Anti-Bacterial - 08-14-2015, 03:04 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (6)
Well I made a forum account finally!
Hi everyone!
Like to start off by saying this is one of the most professionally ran free servers I've ever played, and I played A LOT!
I love it here, Jack (Owner of UOLL) is so active and nice, couldn't ask for a better GM!
For those of you who don't know me well, my name is Anti-Bacterial.
PvP is my specialty, but I enjoy other things such as T-Hunting PvM, and other random events that UOLL has to offer.
I started here a few months ago off and on, but all my houses and inventory decayed.
Now I'm back and actively playing again on UOLL.
Since my return, I've been trying my best to help new players get settled in.
I have a house behind the Brit GraveYard, doors unlocked.
I try my best to always keep 5k-6k bandages locked down on the floor (free to use)
I've made three RuneBoats; Brit West Bank, Papua Docks, and Delucia Pond.
Now lets get back to the topic at hand here;
I want to claim my throne as #1 on the Tournament Leaderboards.
So I've been looking for Soma,
If anyone knows how to contact him, please let him know his rank is in danger of collapsing (hehehe)
Hopefully he still logs onto the forums.
And hopefully this thread encourages him, and other PvPers to start playing more actively again!
(Please don't take this thread the wrong way, I mean no disrespect to any other players on this server)
Soma is currently #1 on the Tournament Leaderboards, and has been for quite some time now.
That is why I'm looking for him!
Pixel Slayer Hosted Games |
Posted by: Contessa - 08-13-2015, 10:43 PM - Forum: Shard Events
- Replies (14)
The Pixel Slayer guild has created a variety of games that are both fun and challenging. We started out as a guild for new players, so we wanted to practice necessary skills while having a blast.
Here are three of the games we play (or want to play) on a regular basis:
1. Boom Box Roulette
Necessary skills: none
Game play:
The host will make one box for each participant (one will be trapped). The boxes are then placed in a large chest. When instructed by the host, each participant takes a box. The host will then count down to zero, and everyone opens their box. The person who opened the trapped pouch dies, and is eliminated from the competition. This continues on until there is only one participant left. The last player left alive wins!!!
Note: An important thing to remember is that you need to go into razor and uncheck auto search new containers (under display counters), otherwise you will blow up automatically as soon as you pick up the box.
2. Purple Potion Wars
Necessary skills: 100 strength
Helpful skills: Tactics, Anatomy, Wrestling
Game play:
The game will begin with all participants sitting at the bar. When everyone is ready, the host will start the count down. At zero, all participants will make their way to the roof. On the roof you will find various potions. The object of the game is to collect the potions and eliminate the other participants. the last participant alive wins!!
Note: Only the potions found on the roof are allowed in the game. No spells or weapons allowed. All come naked to ensure fair play.
3. Hunger Games
Necessary skills: anything and everything
Game play:
We are still trying to perfect this game, but essentially participants come into the castle as ghosts and get resurrected at the bar. There will be a count down like the rest of the games, then participants collect whatever useful items (scrolls, bandages, weapons, magical items, armor, etc.) they can from containers (i.e., bookshelves, chests, crates, etc.) and try to eliminate all the other participants.
Note: We would love to have a massive turn-out for this game. It takes time to set it all up, and ends too quickly if there are too few people (at least it will in the future when we limit the game-play area). Jack was kind enough to make an event gate for us and even gave us a trophy for the winner!!
Picture of the Month Contest - August |
Posted by: Jack - 08-13-2015, 12:58 PM - Forum: Screenshots and Videos
- Replies (13)
Sorry about being late posting this month's thread up! Enter into the Picture of the Month contest for August and win a trophy!
Submit your pictures into this thread!
You can help us make our website prettier by posting your submission for picture of the month in this thread. Each month, the winner of the picture of the month will receive a trophy in game for their submission. Pictures can be anything, at the beginning of each month we will judge the winner.
A good place for uploading images is http://imgur.com - to post a picture of the forums, first upload it to imgur, and then use the direct image link inside forum tags like so:
Code: [img]http://imgur.com/imagename.png[/img]
Guidelines for pictures:- Avoid any client modifications (eg: tree stump hack, paperdoll edits)
- Try your best to avoid "system message spam" - where the left side of your screen is filled with messages.
Get submitting today!
IRC: A guide |
Posted by: Jack - 08-12-2015, 06:55 AM - Forum: Guides
- Replies (1)
Joining IRC is very simple. You can simply click "IRC Chat" on the main web page, and the KiwiIRC web client will ask for you a nickname, click connect and you're done.
For those interested in more advanced uses of IRC, such as using a non-web based client, securing your nickname and creating private channels, read on.
mIRC is a non web based IRC client. For frequent users of IRC, mIRC is a much nicer alternative than using our web client overall. mIRC has better notification options, it will be easier to tell when you receive private messages, disconnect, and so on.
mIRC also allows for you to write "login" scripts, which are useful for immediately joining all the channels you wish to, as well as automatically identifying yourself so you are given OPs in channels you may own.
This guide will cover some of these features. To download mIRC, goto the following URL and download the client: http://mirc.com
Registering Your Nick & Identifying Yourself
One feature of IRC is the ability to register and identify yourself. This ensures that IRC always knows who you are (and that you are the same person as yesterday), as well as additional security options which prevent anyone from ever using your nickname. Identifying yourself is also necessary if you wish to run your own channel (more on that later).
To register your nickname, type the following:
Code: /msg Nickserv Register [password] [email]
Your email is necessary only for lost password purposes, and you will never be emailed for any other reason.
Once you are registered, you can now always log in using the command:
Code: /msg Nickserv Identify [password]
Now, if you're using mIRC, you can set yourself to be auto-identified every time you connect!
First click options:
Within options, again select "Options" on the left hand side, then click the "Perform" button on the right hand side.
Now, tick "Perform on connect" and enter into the text form:
Code: /msg nickserv identify [password]
/join #lostlands
Now mIRC will automatically identify yourself whenever you disconnect and reconnect.
Creating Your Own Channel
An underused fact of the UOLL IRC server is the fact that any player can create their own channel and make it either private or public. You can "own" a channel so that you are the permanent moderator of it, and even stop other people from joining it at all using ChanServ. ChanServ is a bot that interacts with NickServ to determine who owns a channel and who has access to it.
Creating your own channel is amazingly simple: simply type "/join #[mychannel]", where [mychannel] is replaced with the name you want for your new channel.
Protecting Your New Channel
ChanServ can take care of your new channel for you so that others can't simply join or take over the channel without your permission. The Lost Lands Staff channel uses something like this, which will instantly ban anyone who is not identified as staff.
To register a channel with ChanServ, type the following:
Code: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #mychannel [password] [description]
The password you used is not the key for the channel, but is simply a way to gain access to it. For most intents and purposes, you will not use the password at all. Description is the default topic. Immediately upon registering the channel you will be given owner privileges in the channel. Provided you have identified yourself with NickServ, you will always be opped to this channel when you join.
Passwording Your Channel
Passwording your channel is easy:
Code: /mode #mychannel +k [password]
One caveat to this is that if the channel is ever completely empty, it will lose the key. I am not sure if there is a way to permanently secure the key on a channel if everyone leaves. However if you rejoin and find that riff-raff has joined your channel, you will be able to kick them anyway since you are the owner.
Various Commands
Kick a user:
Code: /kick #mychannel [nickname]
Ban a user:
Code: /ban #mychannel [nickname]
Unbanning a user is a bit trickier:
Code: /mode #mychannel -b [user's host]
Give a user OP status:
Code: /op #mychannel [nickname]
Give a user permanent OP status (user must be identified with NickServ):
Code: /msg ChanServ AOP #mychannel ADD [nickname]
Get Help from ChanServ or NickServ (and show all available commands):
Code: /msg ChanServ help
/msg NickServ help
For more specific help, for example, help on the AOP command:
Code: /msg ChanServ help AOP
Communication and style |
Posted by: Worm4000 - 08-12-2015, 03:30 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (1)
Is there a world chat?
Is the party system enabled here (along with party chat)?
Is there guild chat?
Are their pure black dye tubs?
Special dye tubs, like leather and spell books, etc ....