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  Picture of the Month Contest - March '17
Posted by: Darwin - 03-13-2017, 12:37 PM - Forum: Screenshots and Videos - Replies (4)

Submit your pictures into this thread!

You can help us make our website prettier by posting your submission for picture of the month in this thread. Each month, the winner of the picture of the month will receive a trophy in game for their submission. Pictures can be anything, at the beginning of each month we will judge the winner.

A good place for uploading images is https://imgur.com - to post a picture of the forums, first upload it to imgur.com, and then use the direct image link inside forum tags like so:



Guidelines for pictures:
  • Avoid any client modifications (eg: tree stump hack, paperdoll edits)
  • Try your best to avoid "system message spam" - where the left side of your screen is filled with messages.
  • When linking the image directly (so that the image itself appears in the thread), make sure you use the https URL and not the http one (https://imgur, not http://imgur)

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  TI suggestion: rewards between each level...
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-12-2017, 06:00 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

Hello, I did my first real TI last night and it was fun. Earned 40k, 40 platinum and felt rewarding overall. Was only pkd once.

However I did it solo probably 5 of 7 hours. By 3:30am I had to call it a night, it finished I believe an hour or two later.

I was ranked #1, but after 7 hours had to quit the TI ... still dont know what happens at the end.

a. mini-mini-bosses based on kills or time ... (random better so server just doesnt jump to wipe out minis then leave and not help)... have them come between each wave, or as a timer... like "first mini-mini boss = 25% done with this wave..." that way you know how far you are through the wave.

b. more "good karma" killing monsters. I lost a ton of karma last night. karma gains would of been handy.

c. random magic items, loot, etc. Doing 5-7 hours of work I only got about 4 magic items, even from the dragons. Anyway to have camps or chests or mini-miniboss drops or other random drops?

d. gained a nice amount of skill. however i was mostly solo the whole time... maybe have TI increase magic resist and combat skill gains? as a new player I found it fun to do something server wide

e. rewards for top 3 contributors even if they do not see it to the end if they reach a certain threshold like 10000 total points

f. archery in the two TI I tried did almost nothing... have to bard. Anyway to have spawns be more melee friendly or less AR torwards melee/archery?

Thanks for the events they are a great part of this serveR!

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  dear yew vendors please restock supplies!
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-12-2017, 07:50 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

a. magic bows
b. arrows/bolts
c. regs
d. mid level gear

thank you!!

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  Best way you can help the shard!
Posted by: Xandorf - 03-11-2017, 09:59 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

Is to vote https://uolostlands.com/support

The one on the left is once every 24 hours. I'm not sure about the timer for the one on the right.

The more votes we get the higher up on the list we get posted, then more players see our banner and give us a try!

Also the votes reset on the 1st of every month.

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  odd archery switching bug leading to delays
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-11-2017, 02:58 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

a. equip a bow
b. unequip
c. equip cross bow
d. unequip
e. equip heavy xbow
f. unequip

repeat... eventually the game kicks in a timer to slow the switching down. anyone else?
"queued actions" warnings
"queuing dragdrop request"

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  spawn a bit cramped north of old rat camp (between yew/brit)
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-10-2017, 03:41 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

a. two trolls
b. two corpsers
c. two ogres
d. zombie, skeleton, goul
e. two orcs
f. 1/2 a screen over two giant spiders

[Image: 6lz]

there also is no rat camp(s) in the valley between the two mountains...
no camps, chests etc

27*56'N 20*52W
cords... (old rat camp between yew/ brit)...
I saw:
a. two orcs, 3 harpies, 2 trolls on a single screen.

in old D&D based rulesets t2a/pret2a most of these creatures were possibly enamies. they all hang out no interaction.

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  Unable to cast magic lock on doors
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-09-2017, 07:35 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

We used to do this in deceit ptet2a not sure if t2a. i got a message to target a chest. I also used to cast them on yew cemetery doors. Anyone else recall how it was back then?

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  Looking to start playing!
Posted by: clowncheeks - 03-09-2017, 02:55 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

Hey guys,

I've played a few free shards like UOSA over the past few years and was hoping to give this one a try. I recently started on a brand new free shard called UOSP, got a tower, and then accepted a job overseas (I'm American and living in China) and got too busy during the transition to play UO and my house fell Sad

So I'm looking for something new and as close to T2A as possible. What do people usually start with as far as an initial money making character goes? Should I go with a dexxer, provo mage, or tamer? Could I make it work with a lockpick? I've never made one in all my countless hours logged into UO and I'm starting think that it may be time Tongue

A few random questions:

Is there insta hit? Does it work with archery weapons?
Can you in mani through poison?
Does poisoning make in nox stronger?
What's the housing situation like? How much would a tower in a low spawn but otherwise unimportant area sell for?
How many players are typically online during peak hours?
What are the peak hours?
Does anyone decent PK or PVP on dexxers? Or do more than 90% use hally mages?
Are there a fair amount of players that don't like to PVP? And are just here for them PVM scene?
Can you have 5 characters per account? How many accounts can I have?

I still need to buy a mouse but as soon as I do I'll jump into this wonderful world. Thanks in advance for the help Smile

(03-09-2017, 02:55 AM)clowncheeks Wrote: Hey guys,

I've played a few free shards like UOSA over the past few years and was hoping to give this one a try. I recently started on a brand new free shard called UOSP, got a tower, and then accepted a job overseas (I'm American and living in China) and got too busy during the transition to play UO and my house fell Sad

So I'm looking for something new and as close to T2A as possible. What do people usually start with as far as an initial money making character goes? Should I go with a dexxer, provo mage, or tamer? Could I make it work with a lockpick? I've never made one in all my countless hours logged into UO and I'm starting think that it may be time Tongue

A few random questions:

Is there insta hit? Does it work with archery weapons?
Can you in mani through poison?
Does poisoning make in nox stronger?
What's the housing situation like? How much would a tower in a low spawn but otherwise unimportant area sell for?
How many players are typically online during peak hours?
What are the peak hours?
Does anyone decent PK or PVP on dexxers? Or do more than 90% use hally mages?
Are there a fair amount of players that don't like to PVP? And are just here for them PVM scene?
Can you have 5 characters per account? How many accounts can I have?

I still need to buy a mouse but as soon as I do I'll jump into this wonderful world. Thanks in advance for the help Smile
Oh yeah, and there's no Trammel here right? LOL.

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  idea for town invasions...(chest/camps)
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-08-2017, 04:17 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I used to love the rat camp north of britain pre-t2a... tons of ratmen ... 1-2 ogres or ettins in the area (not per screen) and random other encounters (wisp , liche.. wondering)

then sometimes pks would show up and it was a kite fest. Anywho often chests spawned in this area. From a role playing perspective the rats were around rat camps with chests, bed roles, and now rare furs. Would be neat to have (rogues lockpick).

Chests would also be areas to drift to and move around ti.

I havn't done a full TI, but am excited to do T2A style again. I used to love the "green" trinsic Chesapeake invasion where chests would drop.

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Photo 40 archery negative karma from lockpicking
Posted by: Oroechimaru - 03-08-2017, 04:13 AM - Forum: Screenshots and Videos - No Replies

[Image: 6ky]

this was my first shard town invasion event! lol .. died two times got res two times and out safe!

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