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Starting Out in Lost Lands |
Posted by: Soma - 04-11-2015, 07:22 AM - Forum: Guides
- Replies (3)
Starting out in UO Lost Lands
Welcome to a guide on how to start out in Lost Lands, this guide assumes you are able to log in and deals with how to start out as a new player.
1 - Creating your Character
2 - Building Stats/Skills
3 - Farming Bandages
Creating Your Character
The first thing you need to decide is what sort of character you want to create, UO allows for many play styles including crafters/tamers/bards etc, however this guide will deal with the three easiest to get off the ground. For details on a completed character templates, please refer to Tophu's guide: https://uolostlands.com/forum/newthread.php?fid=13
Players in Lost Lands have a limit of 225 stat points (Strength/Dex/Int) - This usually means players invest 100 points in two stats, and 25 in the remaining stat (e.g. 100 str, 100 int, 25 dex)
Players in Lost Lands also have a limit of 700 skill points (Swords/Magery/Healing etc) - This means 100.0 skill points into 7 different skills, or broken down into other skills.
The three templates this guide will deal with are:
Warrior - Players that wear armor, carry big weapons and heal using bandages, they are not very strong against higher end monsters unless equipped with the right gear, however warriors are a great way to start out and get a feel for UO. Warriors are efficient at farming, but generally do not have the farming capability of mages/bards.
Hally Mage - This is the standard template used in most PvP combat, and my preferred template. Starting out as a hally mage is quite tough, but it means you can get into PvP as soon as your character is done. Hally mages are quite slow at farming, but faster than warriors.
Bard - The top PvM template (excluding tamers), playing a bard usually involves little direct involvement with fighting and allows for a lot of gold to be farmed up relatively quickly.
When you log in, you will be asked which template you wish to create - ignore the rest and select "Advanced"
The next screen will prompt you for your desired skills/stats, typically intelligence is the hardest stat to raise so attempt to put as many points into int as possible if your are a mage. Although if you neglect strength you will notice your character dies in 1-2 hits and can only carry 100 stones of equipment!
For the templates mentioned previously, the advised starting stats/skills are:
50 Healing
49Magery/Combat Skill*
60 str/10 dex/10 int
Hally Mage:
49 Resist*
50 Magery
50 str/20 int/10 dex
49 Provo*
50 Magery
50 str/20 int/10 dex
*You'll notice that in the above screenshot that my third selected skill is "Swordsmanship" this is because investing 1 point into a skill will allow you to start with the newbie items related to that skill (i.e. Swordsmanship -> Free newbie sword). It is advised you find a skill which has useful starting tools and invest one skill point, examples are:
Healing: Newbied scissors
Magery: Spellbook + regs
Combat Skill: Newbied weapon
Stealing: Newbied Cloak
Blacksmithing/Mining: Newbied Apron
Mining: Shovel (Great for Cartographers)
Fishing: Newbied Floppy Hat
Music Skill: Newbied instrument
Herding: Newbied Crook
After choosing your stats/skills, your character will spawn outside the Britain Inn and you can begin your adventure!
Building Stats/Skills
The first thing you will notice is that your stars are very low, it is always advised that you raise your 3 basic stats before going any further, the methods for increasing your stats are:
Strength - Determines max weight/Hit points
Method to Gain: Herding/Camping
Intelligence - Determines maximum mana
Method to Gain: Camping/Spirit Speak/Evaluating Intelligence
Dexterity - Determines swing speed/stamina
Method to Gain: Herding/Snooping
It is important to note that stats will gain when their appropriate skill is used (e.g. raising swords will raise str, and will never raise int), so if the skill is pointed down/locked, you will NOT get any stat gains.
Typically dexterity is the easiest skill to gain followed by strength, with intelligence being the most time consuming/difficult skill to raise. Don't worry about getting all your stats perfectly to 100/100/25 just yet, as you macro your skills they will rise. Should any of your stats begin to increase too much (i.e. you do not want more than 25 dex on your mage), you can set the arrow pointed down and no further gains will be made to that specified skill:
The three states the stat has are:
Up - Skill/Stat will increase on next available opportunity
Down - Skill/Stat will decrease if the max total skill point limit (225) has been reached
Locked - Skill/Stat will not change
Herding (Str + Dex)
When starting any char, it is important to raise STR as soon as possible. Strength determines how much your character can carry and how much hits he can take in battle before dying so it is incredibly useful, and luckily is will raise very quickly when herding animals. In order to raise herding, you will need a shepherds crook and a wild animal, shepherds crooks can be purchased from the weaponsmith southwest of the starting Inn by Britain:
After buying the shepherds crook, find any animal in Brit and use razor to macro herding on it, you should begin to see str gains immediately:
[b]Camping (Str + Int)
[/b]If your char is still not 100str after herding, or you wish to raise your characters intelligence, you will need to do some camping.
Camping requires kindling, which can be gathered by using a dagger on any tree:
After the kindling has been gathered in your pack, simply record a macro of double clicking the kindling using razor and restock as required.
Even after herding/camping for a while you do not need to be 100/100/25 or 100/25/100, the rest of your stats will gain over the course of the rest of your training.
This next section of the guide aims at how to level up the 7 skills needed for a Warrior/Mage/Bard.
Weapon Skill, Tactics, Anatomy, Healing, Hiding, Resist, Parry
Hally Mage:
Magery, Meditation, Swordsmanship, Tactics, Resist, Wrestling, Evaluating Intelligence
Provocation, Musicianship, Magery, Meditation, Wrestling, Evaluating Intelligence, Resisting Spells
Combat Skills
Wrestling, Swordsmanship (*Skinning Knife), Tactics , Archery (*Bow), Fencing (*Dagger), Macing (*Wand)
Time to GM: 12hrs - 24hrs (Depends on dex/swing speed)
Resources Required: 3-5k bandages, armor (Helpful, reduces damage), Weapon*
*Weapon to use if wanting gains for desired skill
Firstly we are going to macro our combat skill, because no matter which character template you are building, you will need to macro up either wrestling or a weapon skill.
Combat skills will only gain if you are hitting an opponent that has a skill level similar to yours, so the best way around this is to create a new character which will be used to gain your combat skill.
Have one of the characters that is fighting use a macro in Razor to heal using bandages, the heal delay for yourself is 15 seconds and for another player is 6 seconds. So if you are able to use all 3 accounts (two fighting, one healing), you will be able to make an easy macro. However if one of the characters fighting is your warrior (And needs the healing), use him and adjust the macro where required.
If your character is macroing a combat skill, be sure to macro one of the lore skills at the same time as they work on different timers.
Lore Skills
Evaluating Intelligence, Anatomy
Time to GM: 2-3 days
Resources Required: None
Eval Int and Anatomy are incredibly useful skills, however are quite slow to raise. In order to raise Anatomy/Eval Int, simply select the skill from the paperdoll and select any player/NPC. Typically this will be done as your are macroing up your combat skill.
Time to GM: 1-2 days
Resources Required: 5-10k bandages
The best way to macro healing is to use bandages on a character that has taken damage while macroing a combat skill. Healing is difficulty based, so you will need to heal larger amounts of damage as your healing skill increases, if you are healing only small amounts of damage, you will experience slow gains. If you are macroing a combat skill on a character, healing the character throughout training is a great way to raise the skill, just make sure to adjust timers as required so that you do not heal too frequently.
Additionally if you have high levels of anatomy/healing you will be able to macro on poisoned/dead targets..
60Healing/60 Anatomy - Cure poisoned targets
80Healing/80 Anatomy - Resurrect dead targets
Barding Skills
Musicianship, Provocation
Time to GM: Music = 1day, Provo = 2-3 days
Resources Required: Newbied instrument (Should have started with this!)
The first thing when creating a bard is to macro up your music skills, create a macro in razor to double click the newbied instrument in your pack until you are GM music.
After you are GM musicianship, you will need to macro provocation on wild animals. It does not matter which animals you macro on, and the easiest place is the Moonglow zoo. Just locate an animal and make a macro in razor for it to attack you (It will never reach you through the bars).
Magery Skills
Magery, Meditation, Resist
Time to GM: Magery/Meditation = 2-3 days, Resist= 4-5 days
Resources Required: Magery/Meditation = 20k~ regs, Resist = 40k~ regs + 30k bandages.
The Magery skills are the final and most time consuming/expensive ones to raise, if you include resist can take up to a week to complete.
In order to GM Magery you will need to cast spells on a target, depending on what your shown Magery skill is, you will need to cast the below spell.
33 - 42.9 = Fireball (BP)
42.9 - 62.9 = Lightning (MR+SA)
62.9 - 82.0 = Energy Bolt (BP+NS)
If you are macroing resist at the same time, you will need to cast on yourself and get another character to heal you.
Farming Gold/Bandages
Gold and Bandages are the two most useful commodities when starting out in UO.
Bandages will allow you to heal yourself while your characters macro combat/resist skills
Gold will allow you to purchase reagents/weapons/armor from vendors.
Bandages can be easily made by either sheering sheep, or picking
Shearing Sheep:
This is the easiest method for obtaining wool, simply go into one of the Yew Sheep pens and use a dagger on the sheep:
This will give you a pile of wool.
Gathering Cotton:
This is another really easy method of collecting bandages, simply go to one of the cotton farms throughout Britannia and double click on the cotton on the ground
Put the cotton in your pack, and find a tailor throughout the land.
Use the wool/cotton on a spinning wheel located in any town to create balls of yarn/spools of thread:
Use the balls of yarn/spools of thread on the loom, and after enough balls have been added to the loom, a bolt of cloth will be created:
Using a pair of scissors on a bolt of cloth will create a yard of cloth, using the scissors on the yard of cloth will yield bandages.
New forums. |
Posted by: Jack - 04-10-2015, 09:54 AM - Forum: Latest News
- Replies (1)
As you've no doubt noticed, we are using a new forum and moving away from the old styled "Vanilla Forums" we were using before.
The new forums should be more familiar to users, and in our opinion, have better usability and look nicer.
This comes with a few drawbacks.
- All private messages have been lost in the transfer.
- The old forum handled HTML posts, this new forum uses BBCode. I will do my best to fix as many previous posts as I can, but for a while, old posts may look odd/broken.
- We lose all the Google searches to old threads.
Let us know if you notice anything broken with the new forums, as they required a conversion of incompatible forum tables and may produce odd results in some cases.
Problem on Raising Combat Skill? |
Posted by: NeverDies - 04-07-2015, 11:29 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (1)
Well my char inst uping anymore wrestling skill or str, its have been pass 2 hours and not even 0,1. (still on 67.0 wrestling)
I know u gonna think about skill cap, i already read a post of it, and im not doind this mistake,
Already test if another skill (Anatomy, and is raising normaly) so its not about skill cap problem,
here is my skill list:
Eval Intelligence 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Provocation 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Magery 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Musicianship 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Meditation 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Resisting Spells 98,3 98,3 0,0 100,0
Wrestling 69,6 67,0 0,0 100,0
My total skill base showing on razor is: 665,3 so should raise till 700,
dindt find a way to send the screenshot...
can someone check this?
Never Dies
A Few Questions: Meditation, Platinum, Inscribe, LumberJacking, Poisoning? |
Posted by: NeverDies - 04-06-2015, 01:12 AM - Forum: New Player Questions
- Replies (4)
Hello there,
First of all thanks for this great shard, make me good records from old times...
Well since make a long time i dont play T2A, POL, SHEPERE plataforms, i would like to have a few questions abou the title.
Meditation: I made a search about the meditation on T2A ERA witch means like this:
Wearing armor
The failure or success of active meditation is influenced by the type of armor that you wear. To make sure you can use active meditation try to keep the AR of your armor low and use as little metal armor as possible. Wearing any metal armor seems to drastically slow down the regeneration rate, even if you manage to meditate actively. Some examples of outfits that give up to 17 AR and allow you to meditate actively are:
- Magic Ringmail sleeves (AR 3)
- Chainmail leggings (AR 3)
- Chainmail tunic (AR 7)
- Leather tunic, Leather sleeves, Studded leggings, Studded gloves, Sandals, Robe (AR 13)
- Leather tunic, Leather sleeves, Studded leggings, Leather gorget, Sandals, Robe (AR 13)
- Leather tunic, Studded sleeves, Leather leggings, Leather gorget, Studded gloves, Sandals, Robe (AR 14)
- Magic Leather tunic, Leather gloves, Ringmail leggings (AR 17)
Some examples of outfits that have a low AR but will not allow you to meditate actively are:
- Any outfit with a Studded tunic (because of the metal on the tunic perhaps)
- Chain tunic, Magic ringmail sleeves (AR 10)
- Chain tunic, Chain leggings (AR 10)
Want to know if is this valid to this server at all?
Platinum: I dont see a Mage Set on Platinum "rewards" there will be introduced one?
Inscription: Does it gives the 10% bonus "sdi" (spell dmg incrase?)
Lumberjacking: Bonus for axes on "DI?" (dmg incrase?)
Poisoning: Bonus on Magery?
Well sorry for my bad english and Thanks for the answers, and PLZ keep the good work on the server lots of fun and memories!
Never Dies
Patch 26 - 04/03/15 - Easter 2015 |
Posted by: Jack - 04-03-2015, 11:44 AM - Forum: Patch Notes
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Easter Event
Click here to read more about the easter event!
- Blessed clothing takes damage, but it will never break. This makes fortification powder and clothing repair almostuseless, so those will be removed in an upcoming patch.
- Monsters never fail to cast spells anymore.
- Controlled creatures that wander over a player moongate, will now enter the moongate regardless of whether they are following their master through or not.
- Dye tubs are now dyable from 1 tile, but usable from 2. This allows black dye tubs to be entirely secure when used publicly.
- Staff broadcasts will also broadcast in IRC, in case players miss messages.
- Traps only do damage if you are within a range of 1. If you open a container 2 tiles away that is trapped, the trap will go off, but you will not be damaged.
- When holding an item on your cursor, you will no longer be asked for confirmation to use a gate which goes from a guarded region to an unguarded region.
Easter Event 2015! |
Posted by: Jack - 04-03-2015, 11:33 AM - Forum: Shard Events
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A few goodies have been packed in for players to partake in over the Easter Holiday.
- Players will be able to collect holiday coins and purchase special rewards.
- Players can collect easter eggs and either keep them, or turn them in. The top 3 players who turn in the most amount of eggs at the end of easter will receive trophies, worth 40, 20 and 10 platinum respectively for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
- To encourage participation for more casual players, every egg you turn in will put you into the draw to win a special hued easter bunny statue (unique!).
- Leaderboards will not be included in the event this time around.
There are a few ways to find easter eggs and holiday coins. Note that all mobs are on a long respawn timer, so you are encouraged to move around the world. To be clear, these mobs donotdrop their special colored armor/bear masks/clothes.
Find Easter Bunny Trackers and kill them
Easter bunny trackers are roaming the world looking to kill easter bunnies. Find them first and kill them, you may net yourself some of their easter spoils, and some holiday coins.
Find easter camps and liberate the poor, captured easter bunnies!
Camps will be found around the world, where bunnies have been captured by the bunny wranglers. Kill the bunny wranglers, free the easter bunnies, and take home the spoils! The chest isnotlockpickable, however the key is on one of the wranglers. With sufficient stealth and stealing skills you would be able to loot the chest and get out without being in combat.
Track down easter bunnies
Eggs can also be obtained from easter bunnies hiding eggs around the world. Bunnies also carry holiday coins, but killing a bunny will net you a massive loss of karma. The bunnies will drop eggs before vanishing to their next egg drop spot, so the choice is yours whether to leave these cute little creatures be. An easter bunny that has been damaged, or is in combat, will not drop eggs!
Easter Treasure Hunts
You may find the odd treasure map on an easter mob. These treasure maps are in new spots, and do not require cartography or a high lockpicking skill (they can be magic unlocked). Hunt down the treasure!
Easter Vendor
To purchase rewards, or turn in your eggs, visit the easter vendors who will be found in Britain and Delucia. Say "vendor buy" to bring up the purchase gump. To turn in eggs, click the turn in button.
When purchasing items, holiday coins must be in your bank. When turning in eggs, they must be in your pack (they can be in sub packs).
Expect more to surface!