Patch 26 - 04/03/15 - Easter 2015 - Jack - 04-03-2015
Easter Event
Click here to read more about the easter event!
- Blessed clothing takes damage, but it will never break. This makes fortification powder and clothing repair almostuseless, so those will be removed in an upcoming patch.
- Monsters never fail to cast spells anymore.
- Controlled creatures that wander over a player moongate, will now enter the moongate regardless of whether they are following their master through or not.
- Dye tubs are now dyable from 1 tile, but usable from 2. This allows black dye tubs to be entirely secure when used publicly.
- Staff broadcasts will also broadcast in IRC, in case players miss messages.
- Traps only do damage if you are within a range of 1. If you open a container 2 tiles away that is trapped, the trap will go off, but you will not be damaged.
- When holding an item on your cursor, you will no longer be asked for confirmation to use a gate which goes from a guarded region to an unguarded region.