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  Event mode bug
Posted by: Veranis - 08-27-2016, 10:54 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

I arrived at the tourney sign up with just a second left, and had time to open the menu, but not enough time to click join. It canceled the tourney due to not enough participants while the menu was on my screen, and I pressed "Join" thereafter. It took my mount, and put me tourney mode, but the tourney was over. So I'm stuck in tournament mode. Can't recall, can't go through the gate back to town. So just stuck here in the arena area Tongue

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Exclamation Incremental World Changes 1.1
Posted by: Darwin - 08-24-2016, 01:35 AM - Forum: Patch Notes - Replies (1)

1. Added single rare log that faces W-E, opposite the side that regular logs are chopped
2. Added N-S facing rare log stack
3. Added orc spawn to go with the static orc camp at 757, 2203
4. Reduced Seraph spawn to 4%
5. Added “a locked treasure chest” to Brit Brigand camp
6. Farmable cotton has been slightly increased in the world
7. Added 2 spawners for town guards to Magincia, each covering roughly half the island
8. Added town guard spawners in Jhelom, excluding the fighter pits and North Island
9. Reduced Balron spawner timer in Hythloth for more balance
10. Added missing pillar at Fire Temple
11. Added evil healer in the first healer hut room at Bucs Den to prevent the “middle of door res issues” reported
12. Corrected Yew Prison T2A teleporter to go downstairs to the cave entrance rather than ½ way inside the cave to the T2A side
13. Added 2 small orc spawns off the Balron Hythloth room where the teleporter rooms are
14. Added independent Lich spawner at Vesper GY
15. Removed KY Bridge @ Justice island by request due to lack of guild to support paying its rent
16. Destard level 1 spawn has been slightly increased
17. Added trash barrels to banks that previously had none
18. All banks now have event timer clocks to see when the next event is "in game" - good for times Discord updates and breaks the bot
19. In Delucia, the small bellows forges I put out a month ago have been replaced with large bellows forges, looks much nicer.
20. Converted "Wind Bank" (in Automap) to a real bank - before it looked like a dining hall.  Now it looks like a nice place to store loot!

As always, seeking feedback on the changes where it affects your gameplay.  I do plan to implement more guard spawners similar to Jhelom and Magincia, in an effort to make the guarding more random throughout the cities.  One will have to pay attention before committing offenses in town, maybe you will have to wait for a guard to turn the corner...  Again, seeking constructive feedback.

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  Next Target razor issue
Posted by: D_SeL - 08-18-2016, 02:31 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Whenever I use this, it seems to que up the next targeted action and automatically executes that action the second I use it. I'm trying to set it up so I can set the target then use offensive or defensive actions and then use "attack last target" or "last target" when I am actually ready to use those actions on someone or something.

I have been playing free shards off and on for a few years, on every one of those servers I never really made it to the pvp scene. I would either finish or be close to finishing up characters and then quit. Big waste of time, I know but because of this reason I have never really mastered razor. I never used an assistant program on OSI. This time I have some friends joining me on this server so I simply have to learn the ropes.

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Posted by: Pixelclicker - 08-16-2016, 06:01 PM - Forum: Trading Post - No Replies

Need a table but don't have one?  Then come on down to Saber's Tables (location TBD) and get yourself a table.

[Image: eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFn...height=170]

[Image: eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vTDFC...height=243]

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  Selling - The Remains of Thea Beaver and Kitty Litter
Posted by: Pixelclicker - 08-16-2016, 06:27 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (1)

Mirror image named bone containers.  Sold together only, 400 Platinum or 1 castle deed - Makes a great gift for Pringles!


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  Placing House add-ons (with pictures)
Posted by: Pixelclicker - 08-16-2016, 05:19 AM - Forum: Guides - Replies (2)

Shows how each house add-on shows up based on where you target (so you don't have to buy 3 and use your axe...)


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  Poker betting problem
Posted by: Veranis - 08-16-2016, 03:04 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Hey Staff, check out this hand: https://uolostlands.com/poker-hand?id=6044

Apoc mentioned it had happened to him earlier today too, where if someone is All-in, the last person to make the call has to call for the original All-in amount, in this case 25,857gp. It says I only ended up being down -26,857gp after all was said and done, but still it was kind of scary, having to call that amount three times first (potentially almost 81,000gp). I checked my bankroll on the next hand ( https://uolostlands.com/poker-hand?id=6045 ), and indeed it acted correctly and only deducted 26,857, but it might be worth looking into since this will definitely affect people's decision whether to make that call or not in the future.


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  You must wait to perform another action
Posted by: D_SeL - 08-14-2016, 06:57 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

I am seeing this so much, sometimes it makes sense and other times it doesn't. Sometimes I don't even see the message for things like drinking potions when holding a 2 hander. It takes the 2 hander off doesn't drink anything and then puts the 2 hander back on. Opening new corpses within 2 tiles can really mess with cross healing when killing a lot of monsters. I've just never seen it so harsh on any other free shards. Is it intended? Is it this specific client? I have 2 friends who downloaded the same client and they have the same issue so for a while I just thought it was intended. However, I am seeing others holding bows and halberds drinking as quickly as you would by just pressing the hotkey to drink and not having to disarm before doing it.

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  Era Accuracy after a year hiatus
Posted by: Worm4000 - 08-13-2016, 08:11 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

Hello! I haven't been on this server in about a year and decided I wanted to come back.

I apparently left off hidden on the first floor of shame, near the entrance.

I come back and there is a blood elemental at the entrance, Not era accurate.

Also there are these crystal elementals???? Not era accurate.

Has this server ditched the idea of being era accurate and providing a true T2A play experience???

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  maybe more uo:r homes :)
Posted by: The Gods - 08-12-2016, 03:38 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (9)

since we already have small towers(uo:r home and few other uo:r things), y not have all or some uo:r homes also like villas, log cabins, sandstone/marble workshops, sandstone patio, marble house with patio, fortress, and large keeps...but id love to see villas, log cabins, and sandstone patios the most! but all uo:r homes i miss and loved..also loved customizing my own homes too Big Grin

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