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  Sale of 15k ingots
Posted by: Soda - 06-30-2016, 12:21 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (3)

This trade is between Luny and I for 15k iron ingots. He'll pick up the 15k ingots then pass 90k gold.

Luny Agree?

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  "a tribal mask" without charges vs. "a magic tribal mask"
Posted by: Pixelclicker - 06-29-2016, 10:56 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Currently, if you expend all the charges on a tribal mask (or other item for that matter) it still displays as "a magic tribal mask" to anyone who hasn't ID'd the item, and "a mask" once it is ID'd. 

Since the magical properties of the mask/item are gone once the charges are gone, it should read "a tribal mask" for everyone, regardless of whether it's been ID'd, particularly since masks can be later blessed and hued.

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  Vendor items not displaying prices
Posted by: Isis - 06-29-2016, 06:15 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Whenever I try to set a price + description for a potion keg that is inside of a not for sale container, the only thing the keg displays is the description. No price is set. I believe regs are affected in this same way too. Pls fix this jack. ty

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Thumbs Up SOLD Selling an indestructible +25 power short spear
Posted by: Pringles - 06-29-2016, 09:27 AM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (10)

[Image: mWpY7Ri.png]

Selling this short spear.

SB: 10k
BO: non (no idea about magic weapon prices yet)

Please increase your bid with a minimum of 1k please.

Auction will end tomorrow July 5!

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  Selling: Furny dye tub (100 charges) + plant choosing deed
Posted by: Ragancy - 06-28-2016, 10:46 PM - Forum: Trading Post - Replies (1)

Not sure what these are worth...taking offers.

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  Gump for bow crafting
Posted by: Isis - 06-28-2016, 03:05 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

Currently in order to make a bow you have to dbl click a dagger then target wood/boards to bring the gump up. After selecting what you want to make the gump does not re display as like tailoring or blacksmithing. Jack, could you please change it to make the gump re appear after the item is made?

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  WTB: 6k arrows
Posted by: Azeroth - 06-27-2016, 11:35 PM - Forum: Trading Post - No Replies

PM me in discord please

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  WTB: Fortification / Invul Bone Armor
Posted by: Anti-Bacterial - 06-27-2016, 04:29 PM - Forum: Trading Post - No Replies

want to buy all fort / invul bone armor only
highest prices paid, PM me in discord please

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Posted by: Isis - 06-26-2016, 08:39 PM - Forum: Trading Post - No Replies


LVL 1: 2k
LVL 2: 4K
LVL 3: 5K
LVL 4: 7K
LVL 5 10K


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Smile NEW guild
Posted by: Pringles - 06-25-2016, 11:40 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

Below you will find the set-up of our guild that goes by the name NEW. We (Elders of NEW) would love to hear feedback from you on this. Once you read through what we do please give us some feedback and leave a vote in the poll above post.
New Players Assistance (NEW).
The mission of NEW is to contribute positively to server's health, helping to grow the population as a neutral guild, reaching out to new players and helping them to become self-sufficiënt. This is done in the hope that players are more likely to find their home on UO Lost Lands, with the support of the server population.
Goals (1-4)
1. Providing a temporary home for new players who seek assistance, knowledge or companionship during their newbie time on the server.
Right now new players that are in the NEW go by guild title Recruit. When the guild is ready (after we have enough starter pack items and houses in guildtown are not empty anymore), we will change guild titles of all existing recruits to show a date of their initiation.
Membership in NEW for new players is maximum 3 months. By this time, most new players will already have their main characters finished. They would have also had enough time to interact with the playerbase of UO Lost Lands so that they can find a more permanent guild or to start one themselves. Only in exceptional cases the membership can be prelonged (for instance when someone has not been able to play much due to real life circumstances or when the learning curve is slower than normal).
The new players are recognizable by their joining date in their guildtitle (month-day-year).
Permanent members of NEW have different roles:

  • The Guildmaster leads the guild, is the Head Elder and together with the other Elders he makes decisions, in which he has the last say.  He is the main face of the guild and is a binding factor within the guild and community.
  • He is the one the other members answer too.
  • TheGods is the guildmaster of NEW
  • During the period that NEW is starting up, Pringles is leading this process.
  • Each Elder has a vote when it comes to making decisions that have an impact on the guild.
  • When the Head Elder is not online, an Elder is able to make decisions alone or together with the Elders that are online. When he isn't sure what to do, he will wait untill another Elder gets online or wait till the Head Elder gets on.
  • An Elder guilds new players. He has access to the guildstone holder.
  • The Elder explains the guildrules to a new player before guilding him. After guilding he will give the new player a starters pack (estimated value 10k) and helps the new player to get started. Of course an Elder also answers any questions the new player has. He will give basic information as to where to find information about the server, how to communicate with the rest of population, [motd information and will invite the new player to discord as well as invite him to the guild channel.
  • An Elder can also be a Companion.
  • Groucho, KJ, Van Doren, Ornithology, Catweazle and Pringles are Elders.
  • A Companion is a member that takes part in the Companion Program of the server.
  • In most cases he also has another role within the guild.
  • Ornithology is a Companion.
  • Mentors form the backbone of NEW. They are those who help new recruits on daily basis. It can be with anything: from sharing their knowledge to helping the new player by answering a help call, taking new player on a hunt,  gating, marking runes, giving magic or crafted items to new players in need. (Elders and Guildmaster do this too, when they are not busy with their main tasks).
  • A mentor can also be a Companion.
  • Mentors are:  Jay-Z,  Trickery, Mista Disco, Orphea, Barristan and Landryn Teriak.
  • An Assistant is a member that is working to become a Mentor.
  • Sir Lancelot, Sixx, Daniel Gobban and Storm Silverhand are Assistants.
What is written above does not mean that a member of NEW can not pursue their own aims and goals within or aside from the guild.  NEW does expect its members to spend a decent amount of time on NEW character(s) and  that their non NEW characters do not kill or scam other NEW members. Elders and Guildmaster must have NEW as their main guild, which means NEW must have priority above any other guild they are in.
While the main focus of NEW is to help new recruits we are not blind to those who prefer to get through the newbie stage on their own or in a different way. Any new player can always contact us with questions whether it will be on discord, forum or in game. We are a cheerful bunch of folks and will gladly help out.
2. To be a bridge between new players and the settled in server community.
NEW will encourage new players to make contact with others on the server by introducing them to Discord and Forum. We promote interaction of newbies with other players through all available channels.
When a new player has problems finding a guild, we will help him. If no one is willing to take in the player, then we will put him on our second guildstone. This is something we will do to try to avoid players like that quiting the server, due to not being able to find players to play with. After all UO is a MMORPG.
All guilds that are willing to take in new players are welcome to approach a new player to recruit them at any time.
Most of the permanent members of NEW will be encouraged to take part in the server's  
3.  To be and stay a neutral guild.
Any actions of a NEW member that conflict with the neutral status of NEW will not be tolerated.
To ensure NEW stays neutral we have following rules:
  • Always show your guildtag.
  • Never attack other players without their approval. 
  • Members may defend themselves, but can not be the aggressor.
  • Never loot other players corpses without their consent.
  • Griefing is not tollerated:
           - never use the stealing skill on players
           - no snooping a player without the players approval
           - do not loot houses of others
           - never steal anything that belongs to others
           - when others are training skills, do not distrub their training.
           - just because it's not listed in here, doesn't make it okay to do so
  • Do not attack other players pets.
  • Never loot someone else's monster kill, treasure hunt chest or chests gotten with mibs, without their consent.
  • Never become involved in other guilds fights.
  • Do not use your NEW character to help your non guilded character(s) in a pvp situation. You are allowed to use your NEW character to gate or resurrect  your other characters thought.
  • Always be respectfull to others. Excessive language is not tollerated.
  • Never beg.
  • Do not spam guildchat.
While breaking some of the rules leads to a warning (shit can happen), others will result in an instant guildboot. Third warning will result in being booted from the guild.
When you see a member breaking these rules please contact an Elder who will assess the situation and take appropiate action.
To prevent griefers to try to get NEW player booted from the guild, we will ask an RPV or screenshot and have a hearsay with the player in question and others that were there.
4. Server Support.
We strongly believe that helping new players should not be an effort of a few, but something we need to do together as a community.
We hope that everyone is willing to hold back on new players. We are not asking  you to not pk them. We merely ask that you consider the fact that they are new here and can not yet fight back the way you can. They have little goods that are hard earned and sometimes they have no idea where they are (which makes it difficult for us to resurrect them). We would appreciate it if you loot "lightly" and offer a gate out or resurrection. 
Established members of NEW are free game. Respect is earned, not handed out by a guild tag is our opinion.
If you are interested in helping NEW you can contact the Guildmaster or any Elder. Any ideas or offers to aid new players are welcome.
We don't actively recruit permanent members, but if you would like to join to help on daily basis,  we can talk about it. Becoming Elder is not something you can request, it is something you have to be asked for with a 100% vote of all Elders and the Guildmaster. 
All donations are welcome, but we do prefer items over gold. We estimated that each new player will cost the guild around 10k. Since we are fairly new ourselves on UO Lost Lands, this is a fortune. We need your help with this. In our experience the starter pack contains just enough to get going. Goal for us is to help new players to become self-sufficiënt so handing out more would be contra productive.
Depending on the build we are aiming for following items in starter pack:
Characters with magery:
  • full spellbook (4k)
  • 150 of each reg (4,35k)
  • runebook (350gp)
  • 3x runes (48gp)
  • 3x mark scroll (180gp)
  • 10x recall scroll (450gp)
  • 3x gate scroll (208,5)
total: 10,02k
Characters with weapon skills:
  • 2 armor sets with 2 shields (2k)
  • 2k bandages (4,8k)
  • runebook (350gp)
  • 3 mark scrolls (180gp)
  • 15 recall scrolls (675gp)
  • 1 silver weapon (500gp)
  • 3 gm weapons (750gp)
  • 1 magic weapon (1k)
total: 10,3k
If you are new or fairly new on the server and would like to try us out, shoot us a pm on discord. For those that never used discord: type [discord in game and it will send you directly to the main UO Lost Lands channel.
Thanks for reading, hope it wasn't too much text.
NEW Elders

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