Patch 21 - 02/20/15 - Small Patch, Blacksmithing & Polymorph
OK choice is good if it is easy enough to put in. Even with old style menus you can make macros and gm craftables pretty easy. nothing like osi days. Once I had all the materials I went from 50-gm in two days of steady macroing and smelting. Just had to keep eye on skill level and change what I was making. I do prefer newer menus for obvious reasons, but like the old ones for the nostalgic feel. This server from what I have gathered and seen discussed in irc is not trying to be 100% with era, but trying to get mechanics and the feel down of the time period down.


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Patch 21 - 02/20/15 - Small Patch, Blacksmithing & Polymorph - by yakka - 02-21-2015, 12:32 AM

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