Item Identification

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Revision as of 06:16, 24 January 2023 by Beavis (Talk | contribs)

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The Item Identification skill has the same effect as using a wand with Identification charges which reveals the magic properties of weapons and armor.

The skill can also be used to identify the NPC value of items.

Armor Enchants

Prefix Effect Suffix Effect
Magic Armor
Durable +5 to armor HP Defense +5 to AR
Substantial +10 to armor HP Guarding +10 to AR
Massive +15 to armor HP Hardening +15 to AR
Fortified +20 to armor HP Fortification +20 to AR
Indestructible +25 to armor HP Invulnerability +25 to AR

Weapons Enchants

Prefix Effect
Accurate +5.0 to Tactics
Surpassingly Accurate +10.0 to Tactics
Eminently Accurate +15.0 to Tactics
Exceedingly Accurate +20.0 to Tactics
Supremely Accurate +25.0 to Tactics
Durable +10 to item HP
Substantial +20 to item HP
Massive +30 to item HP
Fortified +40 to item HP
Indestructible +50 to item HP
Suffix Effect
Ruin +1 damage
Might +3 damage
Force +5 damage
Power +7 damage
Vanquishing +9 damage

Enchantment to Spell Conversions

Prefix Effect
Silver Double Damage vs. Undead
Suffix Spell Effect
Burning Magic Arrow
Daemon's Breath Fireball
Dragon's Breath Fireball
Evil Curse
Feeblemind Feeblemind
Ghoul's Touch Paralyze
Mage's Bane Mana Drain
Spell Reflection Magic Reflection
Thunder Lightning
Weakness Weakness
Wounding Harm


Items identified will only remain identified to you

Silver weapons have no charges

Spell Reflection charges are used up while being worn

See Also

Arms Lore