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Tamer Update - Limit number of followers
I max out the Witcher 3 and stay at 60+ fps on my pc, and I lag coming on screen with Yitamin at times. With that said, I don't think tamers need changed at all.
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*Cr3w*  *WAR US*                  ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐                    *Cr3w*  *WAR US*
[Image: coFgqHB.gif]
I will be making a change that guarded creatures only respond to an initial attack and not subsequent attacks. This means that if the pets are not on the same screen as the attacker, at the time the attack takes place, the pets will not know who initiated the battle and stay out of it. The tamer will have to manually control the pets to attack in that situation. This will resolve the "gates of death" which are becoming fairly common place.

On top of this there are long overdue changes to make high level pets more ornery (which are currently too easy to control). Currently if you regularly command dragons @ 100 loyalty or close to it, you'll never have to feed them since you gain +1 loyalty with every successful command, and the chance to successfully command is very high.

This will not change some of the larger issues with pets, like nuking town invasion bosses to death in a matter of seconds, but I will think about how to tackle that. I see no point in adding content like the harrower currently when the entire event is going to be over in a matter of minutes due to pet turrets.

I'll be working on this in the new year.
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Jack for President!
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I'd DEFINITELY give up the ability to turret to gain a harrower champ!
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So All kill-will all the dragons attack now?
Ooooh! Add 5 pet limit with a working all kill! Win.
DKS likes this post

(12-18-2015, 03:10 PM)Abyz Wrote: Ooooh! Add 5 pet limit with a working all kill! Win.

This is called the compromise and it is not ideal...the ideal strategy is the WIN, WIN, WIN strategy!  See below:

[Image: giphy.gif]
not saying it's not OP, because it is- and tamers have always been op.  But if it's lag then i'm sure something can be done about that- also maybe split the boss of the TI's into multiple targets?  Will the tamers still have the upper hand? Yes- they spent 20+ hours taming to achieve this, (20 + hours at the computer, or should of been done that way), not 15 hours afk in stables (bards)  Oh *tear* I can't harass someone with my pvp toon at 1 of the 3 events that pve'rs have a shot at.  =)  I just like to point out that i'll be here regardless of what happens,  I don't see a great compromise in the end on this, as in terms of making it fair but if that's the casae lots of things should be tweaked, should taming remain op- I don't care either way.  =) Love you guys and i'm drunk... *gulp*
Holding 4-6 pets still allows you to play the char as intended. This seems like a no brained to me. No need to have 60 WW's following anybody...
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I also support limiting the number of follower spots. Dragon stacks cheapen the game experience, in my opinion, especially at the Town Invasion events. Also, I hardly ever (never?) see players out farming without them. I don't believe this was the intention of the T2A unlimited follower mechanic.
Veranis, farnk, Abyz like this post

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