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Newbie key
Would murderers be able to carry this newbied key or key ring without losing it upon death?

Hmm interesting topic. Id just make ot that a gm tinker has a very low chance. Or put in plat system
Blessed Keyrings for 1000 platinum (yes, top tier, hard to get, but worth it). Being that you're not adding the locked down keyring being usable, this would be a great end-game item that wouldn't entirely destroy the potential for housebreaking or other shenanigans. If it's Blessed, then you can use it on your murderers (fair and balanced).

If that's pushing it way too far, a single Blessed Key that can only be 'cut' once (ie: you can only copy a master key a single time with it), would be just as dandy. This could be a great end-game reward for fishermen as well, for their ships, obviously.
NewYears1978 likes this post
Imo, to add these as plat rewards will just result in that everyone and their mother will run around with newbie keys.
Better to stick with the OSI implementation, random at char creation.
2016-01-28 07:20 LostLands: A bounty of 3,948,236 gold pieces have just been placed upon Jack's head!
I agree... Chances of getting one are slim to zilch.

Are they currently the osi way? Obtained by making a tinker?
Don't think Jack had determined yet if it's gonna go in or not. At least it's not in the patch notes.
Newbied keys don't currently exist
[Image: jack-sig.png]
[Image: 1303-and-itsgone.jpg?quality=0.8]
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