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Lost Lands first official house decoration contest!
There is a seemingly normal house in Yew. From the outside you wouldn't think twice about anything evil afoot.
[Image: HOUSE_1.jpg]

However, inside it seems a group of mages have tried to summon a very power creature from the Darkness.

The mages were all slain but with their dying breath they sealed the creature and their fates inside the house.

[Image: HOUSE_2.jpg]
Wiz Kid, Bobby Boulders, Taters like this post
Introducing the TI and Mini Boss Museum
Just North of Minoc Stables
[Image: House3.jpg]
[Image: house_4.jpg]
Taters, Bobby Boulders, cheyenne3042 And 1 others like this post
[Image: auVtnqK.png]
cheyenne3042, Bobby Boulders, Wiz Kid like this post
Hey everyone, the winners for the first offical Lost Lands deco contest are as follows:

Small - rific, for his small tower submission.

Medium - Alwaysz, for his patio submission.

Large - Greta, for her castle submission.

Most of the winners were neck and neck as far as voting goes, and everyone who submitted photos did an amazing job. Keep up the awesome deco work Lost Lands!

Winners please send me a DM when you're available!

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