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Guild Town Deco..
I have been approached by a couple guilds for special town deco and to keep it from getting out of hand, I have a couple of rules:

1.  The guild must have 5 (real people) in the guild.

2.  They must be an active guild (PK guild, Dungeon crawlers, TI guild, Pirates, Orcs) - not just characters sitting in their house.

3.  Each guild GM must decide what deco they want and pay for it monthly, prices are higher the more you have and will be agreed on before payments are made.  Once the price per month has been agreed on, you can't say "I don't want 'XYZ' anymore" and expect a reduction in price.

4.  All "guild houses" must be marked as such and this will not be used to bolster ones personal house value.  It is meant to promote guild pride and play.

5.  Any houses not marked as in the guild will have any deco removed from it, and all around it.  Example: a road is going in front of a house, if it goes IDOC and someone replaces it and that is not in that guild, or I see the open spot, the deco will be removed and the guild will continue to pay for it as if it was there.  GM's tell your guild members that own those homes if they are planning on quitting to give these houses over to active members to avoid this complication.

6.  I do this deco personally and it takes a lot of time.  Once the deco is accepted by the guild GM there is a week free period where suggestions can be made to the design.  Once the week is over, this is your permanent guild town.  If the deco is removed for any reason (typically non-payment) it will not be added back.

7.  Obviously if your guild disbands, all deco will be deleted.

8.  All deco must be exterior to avoid conflicts with the uniques/rares systems in place.  No interior decorating will be done in guild houses.

9.  I reserve the right to end or alter this program at any time for any reason.  Jack may add some rules of his own after this is posted.

Any questions?  Reply here or PM me.
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