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CTF Alpha Testing - Players Needed!
CTF isn't a small system and we want to iron out all potential exploits, weird bugs or the possibility of shard crashes before even considering putting it on live. The system has been heavily altered to be as user friendly as possible, so some thorough testing will be needed.

If you're interested in helping test out CTF, please shoot me a message on here or IRC. Testing would take place at the latter end of this week. Please let me know if you are interested and available to help.


[Image: jack-sig.png]
We'll be testing soon so if you'd like to get in on this(your best bet is to hang out with us in IRC).We have no set time, but it's almost ready so stay tuned and we'll get something going "soon".

IRC Port:6667 Channel:#lostlands

Open Mibbit IRC Chat (New Window)

Automated CTF is now up on test center.

Currently it runs every 30 minutes, at the 0th and 30th minute of every hour.

Sign up period is 5 minutes, the game runs for 20 minutes. It starts with or without players and there is no auto balancing - if you want to play with a friend you will need to coordinate teams.

Test Center Details:; 2594

[Image: jack-sig.png]
Changes have recently beenput into test center/CTF:

  • CTF teams are now purely random. You join and are placed in a queue instead of selecting a team. It will always be balanced to be within 1 player of each other.
  • Players who are not connected when the game starts will be kicked out.
  • Duplicate IP addresses will be kicked out.I have included a switch for this if players specifically request that 2 people want to play from their IP address. You will have to PM me about this if you need to be added to the list of multiple players from one household.
  • The game no longer starts if less than 2 people are signed up.
  • Flag carriers are now color coded by team.
  • When players resurrect each other, it is treated as if the game ressed them. The player will be set to half health/mana and receive their items back from their corpse. The player will not be moved back to the home base.
  • Fixed an issue where if the server saved during a game while the player was dead, but the server shut down before the next save, the player would not be resurrected or receive their items back.
  • Max casting range is now 10 for all spells.
  • Detect hidden fixes are in place.
  • When monsters within a range of 10 drop platinum, a message now displays in the bottom left of the screen.

We will aim to patch in CTF before the weekend.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
CTF is complete. There will be some final testing before the weekend and it will be patched in either late on Friday or Saturday morning.

[Image: jack-sig.png]

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