Hello guys,
In an attempt to foster transparency, all world changes I make will be posted here along Jack's patches. I do a lot of work in between patches so I thought it would be better for you guys to know about the changes as I make them. I invite you to check out these changes, and PM me with any feedback. I am out to balance the shard on all levels and will not favor any play style over another, although many of these changes are simply cosmetic. Any code changes I make will be included in Jack's patch notes.
In an attempt to foster transparency, all world changes I make will be posted here along Jack's patches. I do a lot of work in between patches so I thought it would be better for you guys to know about the changes as I make them. I invite you to check out these changes, and PM me with any feedback. I am out to balance the shard on all levels and will not favor any play style over another, although many of these changes are simply cosmetic. Any code changes I make will be included in Jack's patch notes.
- Added 17 MageHires throughout Wind City to xmlspawners labeled WindHires#1-10
- Changed names of spawners attached to Paladin Hires in Delucia to DeluciaHires#1-4, added 2 spawners and increased overall number of PaladinHires from 2 to 6
- The amount of Reapers in the world has been significantly reduced, and “Reaper Peninsula” recreated to mimic T2A era. This peninsula is north of the Minoc mines T2A entrance. This provides an era accurate hunting spot that was used for resist gains back in the day
- Various LOS Blockers have been added to areas that should be inaccessible to players, also LOS Blockers have been added to certain dungeon areas prone to have monster spawn behind the walls, this should prevent that from happening. Also these LOS blockers will prevent gold from Harrowers from getting deposited behind walls and out of player reach
- K^Y Bridge has been constructed on Justice Island
- All event moongates returning to Britain now teleport the player to the Events Center Tower, just 1/4 screen southeast of West Brit Bank
- Portcullis and winches have been added to central cell area 4th level Hythloth
- Added dungeon spawn in this room at location 6041 217 61
- Added steel doors to room at location 6123 176 0
- Added missing teleporter at 6039 194 16
- Shame level 3 moongate going up to level 2 now teleports correctly to the moongate in the small room in level 2, instead of 15 tiles south of the moongate on level 2
- Replaced non-working bellows forges in Delucia smith shop with forges that bellows work when double clicked
- Added jailors, prisoners, judge at Nujelm Court and Debtor’s prison
- Added slight ground level spawn to Ophidian Lair palace, there was none downstairs
- Changed vendor spawn at Hidden Valley to be invulnerable
- Respawned “Splint Kracknee” at Bucs Bank to reflect the look of the Blacksail Pirates, also made Invulnerable
- Added Bounty Board inside Buc’s Bank
- Added Order Guards throughout guard tower areas
- Added missing ladders to Bloody Plains crossroads building
- Increased number of hireables in Jhelom Pits from 3 to 7