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Random "rescue me" spawns
How does the despawn timer on these work? I've tried a few when I've seen them, but the camp either despawned while I was fighting the mobs, or while I was picking the lock on the chest. Are they set on a timer that isn't affected by the player, or do they start to tick down when someone interacts with them? I actually saw one spawn right near my house last night, and before I could run over and whack the bejesus out of the mobs, it disappeared.

These are a bit strange, they have a decay timer and there isn't anything that can refresh the decay timer. The Orc Camp is particularly short, which is 5 minutes. I'm not sure what the point in having such a short timer on these is. Possibly they were used on other RunUO shards as a means of cleaning up abandoned animals, who knows.

Until I have time to make a deeper look at camps, I'll bump the despawn timer up considerably for all camps. It won't take effect until the next patch.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
Great, thank you!

Was always a quick timer back in day. I used to farm the one on jhelom island, south of destard and east of vesper and would constantly check bulletin boards for other locations . Many times barely make it in time or like you said poof. But when they go poof they pop up shortly after againsomeone where else usually not too far. Used to be orcs,ratmen and sometimes brigands that I used to kill. I've come across acouple here wandering the land doesn't seem too fast, guess itjust matters your timing in finding it no matter despawn time if you get to it with one minute left it will go poof.

Quote:Was always a quick timer back in day. I used to farm the one on jhelom island, south of destard and east of vesper and would constantly check bulletin boards for other locations . Many times barely make it in time or like you said poof. But when they go poof they pop up shortly after againsomeone where else usually not too far. Used to be orcs,ratmen and sometimes brigands that I used to kill. I've come across acouple here wandering the land doesn't seem too fast, guess itjust matters your timing in finding it no matter despawn time if you get to it with one minute left it will go poof.

I could make it so the timer resetswhen you walk in range, or extends it by a minute or so. Not sure if that's accurate.

Regarding them being on the bulletin board, that's something I could work on soon. After the platinum reward system my priorities were going to be era crafting, followed by events, then get back onto stuff like this.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
I don't think bulletin boards is a high priority, fixing the ability to mine from a boat and working on events and such is a little more important at this time. Things are looking good. Thanks for the effort

Yeah, I was just curious as to how the timer worked.

I took a little bit of time out from events and the website, with the next patch, the "rescue me" spawns, and escorts will appear on bulletin boards. Bounty boards will be separated from normal escort/bulletin board messages entirely as the bulletin board ends up quite cluttered with escort messages.

Oh and the 3 month old posts on bulletin boards will finally get cleaned up Smile

[Image: jack-sig.png]

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