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spawn timer is too fast in many locations
example : liche/liche lord room deceit

a. provo 5 liches > on to liche lord> go to loot a couple > everything is already respawned

a. prov > kill a few> everything is already spawned

I rarely get to loot much due to the fast rates of spawns at many locations.  Possibly have the spawn rate be on "kill speed" ... so that it gradually gets faster from group play.

Thanks for reviewing. I am kind of bummed about six or so spots I used to play in 1999 are a almost double the spawn speed, makes it hard to enjoy playing.

Lastly the speed of liches (movement) and cast speed seems at least 30-50% faster than what I was used to. Sometimes when they target you they target far. Thanks for reviewing.
[Image: 8TP6pJt.png]

often feels like this:
a. send 5 liches on liche lord
b. go to loot 2-3 that died > 2 more spawn, i was able to loot one
c. liche lord then dies
d. go to loot the 5-6 corposes > liche lord respawned in 5-15 seconds
e. i am running for my life, only looted 2-3 corpses
f. within 1-2 minutes 3 liches + the lord are now back...

try try again oreo, just like momma swunk used to say

you'll get better.
Oroechimaru likes this post
Its not era accurate in many places... Such as newb friendly areas. Most cemetery and dungeons are difficult for new players to play since there is 2-4x the spawn amd each spawn 2-3x faster. Example orc fort has 8 orcs outside fort and more inside... Unless your gm in a couple skills you couldnt got to originally low level hunting spots to hunt. Often kills go unloooted since the respawn time is too high.
many of the fine players at uo lost lands have simply outgrown era accuracy and the spawns reflect that....

[Image: 50227684.jpg]
[Image: BAuBnOu.png]

maybe i should just try to get a group to go hunt
The liches can be mean, I remember one time me and my Lotta were there and we both died somehow and we had to call for Swunk that came and got all our stuff for us.
So just keep at it, later on you will be glad that the spawn is fast, it's not fun to stand around and wait.
Veranis and Oroechimaru like this post
there are tricks to certain areas like the LL room in deceit, summon a blue or leave your mount up top on the landing so the liches attack it then you can provoke and loot at will.. or have 2 chars hidden and blocking the stairs while you provoke/loot, try hunting ancient wyrms for a bit.. ZzzZzZzZZzZzzzzZ... you wont be saying anything about too fast of spawn rates anymore lol
From an rp perspective it wws difficult hunting anywhere between yew and brit .. is not new player friendly... And is abandoned. Try being a warrior st orc fort with 30 orcs instesd of 5
west side of icde dungeon/south side spawns pretty good. I think the one long isle (north/east side before wyrm) was a bit hectic/narrow. Smile I may try to be more specific with my posts/areas... some outdoor spanwns are mixed/congested types
I would not worry much about the spawn timer for these areas. Trust me there are plenty of other timers that will make you hate life compared to these. Any new players that need help getting skills can gladly contact me and I will help you get your skills trained up quickly.

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