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maybe more uo:r homes :)
since we already have small towers(uo:r home and few other uo:r things), y not have all or some uo:r homes also like villas, log cabins, sandstone/marble workshops, sandstone patio, marble house with patio, fortress, and large keeps...but id love to see villas, log cabins, and sandstone patios the most! but all uo:r homes i miss and loved..also loved customizing my own homes too Big Grin
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(08-12-2016, 03:38 PM)The Gods Wrote: since we already have small towers(uo:r home and few other uo:r things), y not have all or some uo:r homes also like villas, log cabins, sandstone/marble workshops, sandstone patio, marble house with patio, fortress, and large keeps...but id love to see villas, log cabins, and sandstone patios the most! but all uo:r homes i miss and loved..also loved customizing my own homes too  Big Grin
I personally dont care for the customizable houses but wouldn't mind having the rest of the renaissance houses in! And mind you the gods the fortress is just something custom on the uor shard.. Not a real ren house same goes for the large stone keep they have on there.. I think that's what it was called anyways
(08-12-2016, 03:38 PM)The Gods Wrote: since we already have small towers(uo:r home and few other uo:r things), y not have all or some uo:r homes also like villas, log cabins, sandstone/marble workshops, sandstone patio, marble house with patio, fortress, and large keeps...but id love to see villas, log cabins, and sandstone patios the most! but all uo:r homes i miss and loved..also loved customizing my own homes too  Big Grin

I have advocated for the additional homes, everything but customization because frankly a lot of those look hideous.  I have used the "new" Ren homes in my events and have always got good feedback.
I also wouldn't mind the UoR houses. No custom stuff though because people make some ugly crap lol, at least the UoR houses look good. ^.^
These should be dropped as special events or rare drops. To make obtaining one difficult but rewarding and their placements a bit of a landmark on UOLL.
Wiz Kid, Soda, dineamite And 4 others like this post
sounds cool but just buyin one and placin it sounds cool too
I think no need more other types of homes. Further - more. Dodgy Maybe you just need to go to another shard age of the Renaissance.
It's a bit of a cop out, but the small stone tower in particular was added early on as it was a heavily requested home type, and was the only UO:R type house which used T2A art assets.

The thought of adding other UO:R style houses has never excited me, I don't personally think adding these would make a large difference to long term enjoyment of the shard for most people. It's not something I'm adamantly against, but I think there are probably people playing who are not interested in seeing these type of homes.
Veranis, Wiz Kid, Skynyrd And 4 others like this post
[Image: jack-sig.png]
Maybe do a poll on this
no marble patio please

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