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Grusom Stormstrike - Warbozz, Eye of Gruumsh.
Name: Grusom Stormstrike.
Race: Orc.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Clan/Tribe: Boulderfist Orcs - now Warbozz of the orcish alliance called "Eye of Gruumsh".


The great, immensely built body of the orc infront of you gives him an unstoppable, fierce appearance. His solemn red eyes burn with fierce intensity and conviction. His build and physique is large and mighty, although his pattern of movement is clumsy. His face has the look of a middle-aged orc male. In his suit of war – in heavy armor, with a great crossbow hanging on his back, a large longspear wielded in both of his hands, he is the tower of an orc, proud and mighty.


Born and raised with his aggresive orchish brothers and sisters in the Boulderfist Clan, life has been a challenge since birth. Harsh orchish discipline, training and killing is the way of life for almost every orc – life has been no different for Grusom Stormstrike. Although different from the other marauding members in his clan, that only seek pillaging and bloodshed – Grusom has a grand vision for his clan and race – He wants to start invading Britannia, to expand and search for even greater treasures. To fulfill this quest, Grusom have convinced and rallied several orcish clans and tribes under the same banner.
"For the Mighty Blood God, He Who Never Sleeps, He Who Watches, The One-Eyed God - Gruumsh!"
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