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Hoping that an auto crosshair could pop up once you hit smelt on the non t2a blacksmithing menu. Much like how BoDs do when targeting individual items vs your bag. Right now you have to click smelt every time unless you're running a macro. Can this be changed for convenience sake? Big Grin
[Image: wizkidsig.png]
I don't know about this. I like to "make life easier" where I can, but in regards to changing basic gameplay mechanics, I generally don't like to unless there is a really good reason to. As it stands you can create a macro to do this in all of half a second.
[Image: jack-sig.png]
I like the old fashioned mining system. One thing I was curious about, I noticed that I'm not gaining smelting ore 1 at a time, is this Era accurate? (I'm asking, I don't actually know, I just assumed that was always the best way to gm mining)
[Image: tumblr_nbdrgaFV2f1r1bm4jo2_500.gif]
You can gain skill smelting ore, but mining/smelting iron ore only takes you to 65 skill. After that you have 100% chance to mine/smelt iron.
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