Ok here is the demo stealing in more detail.
The only way to get some skills in demo is with people ner you,
Here is the full script with as mutch as i know comment in it. it took some time
There is alot missing in this script compaire how it was in T2A. There is no can only steel 1 stone = 10% 2 stones 20% and so on. I cant see any "guard me" checks and no skill gain without npc's around seems off to and might got changes. The server is a "beta" build of T2A before it was released live so it is a mix of UO gold and T2A . So there is sone things off here and there.
Houseing is a great example of this. there is no house signs in the demo server but in T2A we had them.
The only way to get some skills in demo is with people ner you,
PHP Code:
int Q691 = witnessCrime(getLocation(usedon), this, owner, getName(usedon), Q4IB, (getValue(usedon) + 0x04) / 0x05, 0x01); // Can anyone see you?
///// witnessCrime (Location(XYZ), thief, owner (usedon), name, range, Value of item + 4 / 5, 1)
// we dont have info on witnessCrime function :(
// it is also used in the provo script.
changeKarma(this, 0x00 - 0x1388); // Karma - 5000 for each time steeling? Seems hash
if(!getCompileFlag(0x01)) // I have no ide what this is.
criminalActAdvanced(this, owner, 0x01, 0x06, 0x18 * 0x02, 0x00);
if(Q691 > 0x00) // was someone around
if(!getCompileFlag(0x01)) // did someone see you?
setCriminal(this, 0x01E0); // 0x01E0 = duration 8 min
///// give skill points only if someone can see you
Q4IB = Q569 * Q5YS * 0x1E + 0x64;
if(testAndLearnSkill(this, 0x21, Q4IB, 0x32) <= 0x00)
systemMessage(this, "You fail to steal the item.");
Here is the full script with as mutch as i know comment in it. it took some time
PHP Code:
#include "ENGINE.hpp" /// This is the row that all commands from the internal server exe is included. We dont have the source for them. Like getObjType, getNumTarget, systemMessage, getCompileFlag and so on.
#include "sk_table.h" // this loads the header of sk_table with includes the global file.
TRIGGER( message , "canUseSkill" )(obj sender, list args) // check if we can use the stealing skill.
TRIGGER( callback , 0x4D )() // remove stealing flag if we have one
detachScript(this, "stealing");
FUNCTION int Q4ZF(obj item) // is the object a game bord or spellbook?
if(getObjType(item) == 0x0FA6)
TRIGGER( message , "useSkill" )(obj sender, list args) // steal skill is used.
callback(this, 0x0A, 0x4D); // this is two trigger call (0x0a is to check if the thief is standing on a human (that fail stealing (trigger is in human script.)) and 0x4D does remove the stealing flag.)
int Q477;
Q477 = getNumTargets(this); // if we are a target we will be in combat and cant steal.
if(Q477 > 0x00)
systemMessage(this, "You cannot attempt to steal in the heat of combat!");
systemMessage(this, "Which item will you attempt to steal?");
targetObj(this, this); // call stealing trigger
return(0x00); // we are done.
TRIGGER( oortargetobj )(obj user, obj usedon) // start stealing (target) (the player stealing, the item)
if(usedon == NULL()) // if no item found exit
if(isDead(this)) // if thief is dead exit.
obj Q63P = getTopmostContainer(usedon); // get the top comntainer of the object we are trying to steal.
int Q5F2 = getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(usedon), getLocation(this)); // get distance to the container.
if(getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(usedon), getLocation(this)) > 0x01) // if we are more then 1 tile from then exit.
systemMessage(this, "You must be standing next to an item to steal it.");
/// all this have to do with random steal by target mob instead of item.
obj owner = NULL(); // no one owns the container.
if(Q63P == NULL()) // if top container is NULL check if we target a mobile.
if(isMobile(usedon)) // if top container have a mob then set the owner to the mob.
owner = usedon;
owner = Q63P; // if top container have a mob then set the owner to the mob.
obj Q5H6;
if(owner != NULL()) // check if the item is on a container or on a mob.
if(owner == this) // you can't steal from your own bag.
barkTo(this, this, "You catch yourself red-handed.");
if(isEditing(owner) || isGameMaster(owner) || isCounselor(owner)) // thief cant steal from Worldbuilders, GMs and Conselors
systemMessage(this, "You can't steal from this.");
if(hasScript(owner, "vendor")) // players vendors cant be stolen from.
systemMessage(this, "You can't steal from vendors.");
Q5H6 = getBackpack(owner);
if(Q5H6 == NULL()) // if the mob dont have a backpack thief cant steal from it.
systemMessage(user, "You can't steal that.");
int Q5YS = 0x01; // chance go the spotted while stealing.
if(owner != NULL()) // if container dont have any owner it's normal chance to get spotted.
if(owner == usedon) // if this is true we are going a random stealing by target a mob.
list Q4YL; // create a list for items
clearList(Q4YL); // reset the list
getContents(Q4YL, Q5H6); // get all items in the backpack
int Q538 = numInList(Q4YL); // get number of items in list.
if(Q538 == 0x00) // no items found the bag is empty so exit.
systemMessage(this, "You reach into " + getName(owner) + "'s backpack... but find it's empty.");
usedon = Q4YL[random(0x00, Q538 - 0x01)]; // get a random item.
systemMessage(this, "You reach into " + getName(owner) + "'s backpack... and try to take something.");
////// look for the container to steal the item from in a loop.
obj Q5Z4 = containedBy(usedon);
while(Q5Z4 != Q5H6)
if(Q5Z4 == NULL())
systemMessage(user, "You can't steal that.");
Q5Z4 = containedBy(Q5Z4);
Q5YS = 0x03; // 3x times easier to get spotted if we are target a item in a container and try to steal it.
if(!isMoveable(usedon, this)) // if the item cant be moved it cant be stolen. this is the standard lock down flag that all items in the world uses.
systemMessage(this, "You could not carry this item.");
if(!canHold(this, usedon)) // check if thief can hold the item in his backpack of not he cant steal it.
systemMessage(this, "You could not carry this item.");
if(getValue(usedon) == 0x00) // if the value if the item is zero then cant steal it.
systemMessage(this, "This item has no value to you.");
if(!isFreelyViewable(usedon, user)) // cant be a wall between the box and thief
systemMessage(user, "You can't steal that.");
if(Q4ZF(usedon)) // you cant steal inside game boards (chess pieses) or spellbooks.
systemMessage(user, "You can't steal that.");
if(containedBy(usedon) != NULL()) // this is actually a bugfix from early days then players could steal scrolls and chess peses from spellbosk and game bords. Q4ZF(usedon) didnt work 100% in some situations
systemMessage(user, "You can't steal that.");
int Q68B = getWeight(usedon); // get the weight of the item(s) we are stealing.
int quantity = getQuantity(usedon); // and how many there is.
if((Q68B > 0x0A) && (quantity <= 0x01) && (owner != NULL())) // if the item is a single item and weight over 10 stones and we have a owner thief cant take it it. (this leaves all boxes in shops open for stealing)
systemMessage(this, "This item is too heavy to steal from someone's backpack.");
// if item is over 10 stones set it to 10 stones in this calculation.
int Q569 = Q68B;
if(Q569 > 0x0A)
Q569 = 0x0A;
list Q57W; // what is this ???? it seems like a left from something before T2A? Many NPC might been able to see you before then we didnt have insta hits?? Just a guess?
int Q5TF = 0x64 + getSkillLevelReal(this, 0x21); // SKILL% = 100 + real Skill level. (1000 = 100%)
int Q4IB = Q569 * Q5YS * 0x1388 / Q5TF; // RANGE = Weight * hard to steal (1 or 3) * 5000 / SKILL%
int Q691 = witnessCrime(getLocation(usedon), this, owner, getName(usedon), Q4IB, (getValue(usedon) + 0x04) / 0x05, 0x01); // Can anyone see you?
///// witnessCrime (Location(XYZ), thief, owner (usedon), name, RANGE, Value of item + 4 / 5, 1)
// we dont have info on witnessCrime function :(
// it is also used in the provo script.
changeKarma(this, 0x00 - 0x1388); // Karma - 5000 for each time steeling? Seems hash
if(!getCompileFlag(0x01)) // I have no ide what this is.
criminalActAdvanced(this, owner, 0x01, 0x06, 0x18 * 0x02, 0x00);
if(Q691 > 0x00) // was someone around
if(!getCompileFlag(0x01)) // did someone see you?
setCriminal(this, 0x01E0); // 0x01E0 = duration 8 min
///// give skill points only if someone can see you
Q4IB = Q569 * Q5YS * 0x1E + 0x64;
if(testAndLearnSkill(this, 0x21, Q4IB, 0x32) <= 0x00)
systemMessage(this, "You fail to steal the item.");
////// ITEM IS STOLEN ////
systemMessage(this, "You successfully steal the item.");
if(owner == NULL())
setCriminal(this, 0x01E0); //0x01E0 = duration 8 min
if(!canBeFreelyAggressedBy(owner, this)) // owner can always attack the thief if they wish.
int Q4Q1 = addToObjVarListSet(this, "crimeVictimList", owner);
int Q64H = 0x01; // items to steel
if(quantity > 0x01) // is the item a pile or single item
int Q64I = random(0x01, 0x0A); // get a random number between 1 and 10
if(Q64I > Q68B) // if random is over weight of a pile of items.
Q64H = quantity; // all will be stolen.
Q64H = (quantity * Q64I) / Q68B; // take as manyitem we can based on quantity / weight
if(Q64H < 0x01) // if less then one take one item from the pile.
Q64H = 0x01;
obj Q59G = getBackpack(this);
if(Q64H < quantity)
// transfer some items from the container to thief.
obj Q4EV = createNoResObjectIn(getObjType(usedon), Q59G);
transferGeneric(Q4EV, usedon, Q64H);
// take all items.
int Q4EL = putObjContainer(usedon, Q59G);
There is alot missing in this script compaire how it was in T2A. There is no can only steel 1 stone = 10% 2 stones 20% and so on. I cant see any "guard me" checks and no skill gain without npc's around seems off to and might got changes. The server is a "beta" build of T2A before it was released live so it is a mix of UO gold and T2A . So there is sone things off here and there.
Houseing is a great example of this. there is no house signs in the demo server but in T2A we had them.