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Cant Claim an Stabled Mount
Hello, just stabled a Nightmare in Britain's Barn and cant claim it.

I'm saying "Vendor claim NamePet" and he keeps on saying i dont have a pet with that name. Im sure im typing the correct name.

Seems pretty bugged.

try just saying claim without name, it will give you all stabled pets

Using "Vendor claim" doesnt work either.

The vendor says the same "You have no pets by that name stabled with me"

Im claiming to the same vendor I stabled the pet to.

Try removing "vendor" from the command. I was doing the same thing after the patch, and it only seems to work when you say "claim" only or "claim [name]"

OK, thanks. I'll try when i come back to city and update.

EDIT: Tried it, and it works.


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