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spawns west of britain below yew... not t2a era and a bit odd
I love that there are alot of spawns but nebiews will most likely ignore them:
a. low amounts of gold, same item drops (maybe more rare minibosses, chance for magic item)
b. the respawn rates are 2-4x higher than t2a era (almost instant)
c. the amount of different spawns are high in a small area (1-2 screen window)

it is common to see 2 ettins, 1-2 ogres, 1-2 trolls, 1-4 orcs, 1-2 spiders, 1-2 ratmen, 1-2 mongbats, 1-2snakes and 1-5 misc animals/monsters in areas near xroads to britain to yew in the woods (near mountain to ocean).

In the t2a/pret2a era:
a. often these different groups were rivals and often attacked each other specifically large snakes and I forget ettins vs orgres or trolls?
b. the spawns were slower (at least 1-2 minutes after the group was wiped out..) i like the faster spawns but you dont even have time to loot before more monsters spawn

c. often the monsters were distracted/killing eachother

d. they didnt all live in the same area at all times. you would have an ettin... by himself. or a couple spiders or a few ratmen but not all of them on the same screen living peacefully together.

e. you can easily just run by them all... the ai seems slow to react/turnaround and attack.. however once you are attacked you have 10-40+ monsters on you.

f. this does make trinsic portal a fun spot to gain stuff early on but it doesnt make sense sometimes to see orcs, trolls, ogres, wisps, spiders, snakes etc all chilling.

a. spread out the spawns a little
b. slow down the respawn (example moonglow cemetary.. .liche near instant-respawns)
c. more minibosses
d. restore old rares like furs and other fun stuff to encourage vets to train newbs

Another example was around the corner of the destard entrance (follow cave to right then up... there is a little dip in the mountain)... there were about 10 different monster types in a small area.

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spawns west of britain below yew... not t2a era and a bit odd - by Oroechimaru - 02-20-2017, 06:08 PM

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