Patch 5 - 10/06/14 - Post Launch Tweaks
Another patch tonight to fix some launch issues we have seen.

  • House decay time has been increased to 14 days, it was only 2 days before. We will manually refresh the 2 existing houses on the shard to make sure there are no issues.
  • All weapons now use dice. You can see how the damages are calculatedhere.
  • All practice weapons now deal damage of 2d4 (2-8). Before they were dealing 1-3.
  • Archery now has a 1 second "plant time". You must stand still for 1 second to fire.
  • You can now apply poison to any bladed weapon, including 2 handed weapons.
  • Players no longer deal double damage to monsters. The calculation is the same as before, except the damage is now halved if the attacker is a player and the defender is a creature. This is the best solution at the moment to dealing with the incredible damage players were able to deal to monsters.
  • Monsters will no longer give up attacking their target until their target is 24 tiles away. Before, monsters were giving up far too easily (10 tiles). 24 sounds like a lot, but it is not that far when you try it in game. Monsters are still easy to outrun.
  • Liches no longer flamestrike, and have 50 eval (was 100). Monsters in general will have an overhaul in the upcoming weeks as we attempt to find T2A accurate sources for these.
  • Damage is no longer visible. There are no "damage counters" that pop up.
  • The following skills are now easier to gain:
      • Parrying (50% adjustment)
      • Peacemaking (20% adjustment)
      • Provocation (20% adjustment)
      • Healing (25% adjustment)
      • Stealing (12.5% adjustment)
      • Remove Trap (25% adjustment)
      • Veterinary (25% adjustment)
  • The following skills are more difficult to gain:
      • Hiding (10% adjustment)
      • Lumberjacking (~15% adjustment)
      • Mining (25% adjustment)

The Vendor Patch

Vendors now carry a limited amount of gold - I will go into detail on this here.

  • Vendors start with 2000 gold that they can buy items from players with.
  • 2000 gold is also the maximum amount of gold the vendor can hold.
  • Vendors lose money when players sell items to them, and gain money when players buy items from them.
  • Vendors will gain between 100-400 gold per restock, naturally. Restock is once per hour.
  • Since vendors do not always restock (it requires a player to speak to them), the following is true:
      • When a player triggers a restock, a check takes place to see when the last restock was.
      • If the restock was between 1-4 hours ago, the vendor will gain 100-400 gold (random amount) for each hour since the last restock.
      • If the last restock was 5 hours ago, the vendor will go back to having 2000 gold (reset).
  • Because of this, vendors now purchase scrolls for the full amount.
  • Vendors only buy a maximum of 5 items at a time.
[Image: jack-sig.png]

Messages In This Thread
Patch 5 - 10/06/14 - Post Launch Tweaks - by Jack - 10-05-2014, 04:35 PM
Patch 5 - 10/06/14 - Post Launch Tweaks - by Jack - 10-06-2014, 03:54 PM
Patch 5 - 10/06/14 - Post Launch Tweaks - by Jack - 10-06-2014, 04:28 PM

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