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Automated duel set ups
The events look great as it is something we have been begging for , quite some time now. Much thanks to your dedication and we are not the ones doing the work so we are all grateful.

I know the fear is players not actually playing the game instead staying in the duel pits all day. Regardless people just sit in test center and duel as it is. Why not make the automated dueling set ups for 1v1s and 2v2s. Would give the current player base something to do and a place for the non pvpers to gather and chat it up.

Just a thought I know there are both sides to the coin. But why not just take people from test center and put them in main , maybe players checking out the server will run by and see something fun they like or see other players to interact with.

Thanks for everything
Skrap, Azeroth, Abyz And 1 others like this post
I'd like to see this also.
Azeroth likes this post
*Cr3w*  *WAR US*                  ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐                    *Cr3w*  *WAR US*
[Image: coFgqHB.gif]
Kinda like running a player event Tournament Smile
Not particularly ,
It's an automated system which allows you to pick rules I.e pots etc.
keeps a ranking/scoring system. I believe it's already coded in but not sure. Would be interested to hear what other players think of this.
Sounds like a great idea. Maybe make a platinum sink out of it...
[Image: Jto3mRU.png]
Excellent idea... Set it up with the auto-restock thing from the tournaments and just give a simple win-loss stat, no ladder. You have to use your own materials from the bank or home, but it'll be quick and easy like TC.

(01-06-2016, 05:50 PM)Abyz Wrote: Excellent idea... Set it up with the auto-restock thing from the tournaments and just give a simple win-loss stat, no ladder. You have to use your own materials from the bank or home, but it'll be quick and easy like TC.

that's the same platform the events use. he would have too change the event coding complete to do that i would say i could be wrong but idk.

We actually had this set up when the shard first came up, but over time I have removed the duel system piece by piece. The reason I removed it was for fear of creating a "perma trammel" area in the game and taking away incentive for players to create their own duel areas.
[Image: jack-sig.png]
(01-06-2016, 08:27 PM)Jack Wrote: We actually had this set up when the shard first came up, but over time I have removed the duel system piece by piece. The reason I removed it was for fear of creating a "perma trammel" area in the game and taking away incentive for players to create their own duel areas.

Then can test be turned off until new patches are inplemented?
Azeroth likes this post
[Image: Jto3mRU.png]

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