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Gain Healing
As my English is poor, I will write briefly and to the point. Shy

0-30 NPC teachers
30-60 Heal physical damage (your characters or NPCs)
60-80 Heal poisoned player (I just buy up lesser green potion in the store, and writing a small macro poisoned themselves and cure)
80-GM Heal ghost player (Try to resurrect another player. It should not touch the menu.)

It is my way
dineamite, Skrap, farnk like this post
To get to GM healing here, just heal anything or anyone. I just spar with 2 characters and heal with a 3rd.
that is the Oh way of life!
[Image: 6mDkfbl.gif]
that is a good method especially for me since i'll be training my wife's char:
a. have two crap weapons (wands etc)... fight eachother
b. use shield for parry if not drop parry later
c. heal eachother while attacking eachother

alternative works better:
a. one person is out of attack mode with item of choice and/or shield
b. other person is the healer and attacker with weapon of choice and/or shield

once the first person is done healing, switch.

train extra skills like anatomy at the same time.
super bonus: play an instrument, provocation and all of the above while visiting the moonglow zoo.

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