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How many active players so far?
Just curious, since I played for several hours last night and didn't see anyone else. I did hear someone practicing music, though I didn't actually see them. There do appear to be several houses up already.

When you login at any given time there are usually 20-24 players logged. Since it seems like most of usare macroing some skill on an alt while playing more directly on another account, you should divide that number between 2 or 3. That means right now there are probably about 6-12 people playing at any given time. That's a really rough estimate. Also, it's a low number, but the shard is very, very young.

Take that a positive! I'm excited by all the uncamped spawns as well as the miles and miles of unclaimed house land. If you want to have more people to chat or run around with, try joining the IRC channel.

Unless you're hanging around the Brit bank, it seems unlikely that you'll randomlyhappen across someone. Some posts on the forum are talking about Jhelom and Moonglow, so there are probably one or two folks hanging around there as well.

Oh, it definitely is a positive that the pop is low at the moment. It gives me time to figure out how to get enough cash to buy a house, and the chance at getting a good spot for it. My "hometown" is normally Skara Brae.

These early times for a shard are always like this. As more patches get applied making the shard more playable, more folks will start to pop in I'm sure. There's still a fairly sizeable segment of the UO community that are die-hard T2A era players. I think the goals of this shard are perfect for them and really look forward to seeing things grow here. If you're active on any gaming forums or other social media arenas, talk it up and bring friends.

I do a lot of blah blah on the internet and I will be referring people here who want the T2A experience. While I'm a die-hard Renaissance era guy, I will still be kicking around these woods on occasion and helping out where I can.

That said, it will seem like a ghost town for probably the better part of a year or longer. Tons of folks have need of building up a great deal before they start mulling about in public.

Well I have bumped into a couple people hopping the moongates and even saw you blaise in skara other day.

I've seen yakka and a couple other people whose names I can't recall. Hand of Mondrian (sp?) has been quite generous and dumped scrolls on me a few times while I was at Skara Bank. Thanks, I appreciate it!

This weekend I managed to place a small house and buy a small ship. I'm currently working on a tailor, a carpenter, and getting fishing up to the point where I can pull up MIBs. The few people I've run into have been very friendly. Glad to be here, and having some good fun nostalgic play.

My character names are Soleil, Sushi, and Talia.

I've seen you in my town Jhelom . Unless it got chaanged you can gm fishing from docks there

Yup, I should hit GM in fishing tonight.

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