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Pirates! Yar! [PEE]
Pirates Code of Conduct [PEE]

• Once a member, you will be assigned a title based on your character and status in the guild.

• If ye join us, ye have to show some minimum activity in the guild. Members not showing up for a long time without a reason will be demoted and receive the title “Lost at Sea” or kicked. Also, participating in discussions in our forum is strongly recommended! Pictures, videos, stories, are the best. Keep it civil, I don’t like message board warriors.

• Any member of the crew who rises in Mutiny against the Captain shall walk the plank, or suffer a public execution for his crime.

• We hold no fealty to the King nor to his enemies, only to our guild…“PEE or Die”. We help those only when it benefits us or if there is a reward or booty involved.

• Fight to the death with honor and ferocity! Never give up and let the king’s men best you out at sea!

• Our crew members are supposed to look like pirates! Our dress code should be of pirate clothing, skullcaps, tricorne, and bandanas. There are no specific guild colors although orange and black signifies respect to the olden days of [PEE].

• As a member of the most dreaded pirate crew, ye should behave like a pirate! Pirates have rough manners, are sometimes rude and despise landlubbers. No landlubber talk and abbreviations. *use your best judgment and attempt to semi-rp a pirate, this is all in fun*

• If a crew member asks for help in a serious matter, the available pirates should respond. Also, we expect some team spirit from our crew members. Ye can go on adventures all by yerself, but crew activities should always be a higher priority.

• Show your allegiance! Make sure to show your guild abbreviation. Exceptions will be during stealth raids, NPC pirate quests, or other reasons deemed appropriate by the Captain.

• Each member of The Core will be friended to select houses on Dead Man's Island. It is encouraged to park a boat near our town.

• [PEE] will defend Dead Man's Island at all costs. Landlubbers that are dueling on our island should be left alone ONLY if they are wearing a bandana, skull cap, or tricorne hat. If these rules are not followed, they must be slain!

• [PEE] is a non-warring semi-rp pirate guild full of thieves, pks, scum, etc.

The Core [PEE] Ranks:

Captain – leader of the pirates
Dread Captain - (TBD)
Lieutenant – in charge while the captain is MIA
Admiral – in charge while the captain is MIA

Buccaneer – adept sailor who is good with combat and sailing. Buccaneers also have the ability to recruit people into the guild and can host events or organize guild hunts and fishing trips.
Seadog – elite cutthroat pirates that have sufficient knowledge of sailing and the sea
Wench - female members

Corsair – seasoned pirate who has mastered at least 3 skills
Pirate – common sailor, official member of the crew
Deckhand – trial status for The Core. Ranks and promotions will be determined by presence in the guild, role play, community activity, and duration of how long you have been a member.

Special Ranks:
Hashashin – masters of hiding and stealth
Smuggler – runs errands for the crew and traverses the seas and land to gain knowledge on how to navigate and know where targets maybe be. Thieves.
Lost at Sea – inactive guild mates

[Image: SNyIHDT.jpg]
Jack, Apoc, Laura And 3 others like this post
[Image: S2HiJOw.png]
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Yar!  Getting started....
Blyth likes this post
[Image: S2HiJOw.png]
Ohh man I love the CTF's and the King of the Hill! Uber duber suber events!

Ps ditch that bagball footage, just my opinion! Smile
[Image: 8SYLD0h.jpg]
Arrr! Listen here deckhand, yer opinion doesn't count! Now get to swabbin or yer gonna walk the plank!

On a side note, the bagball is actually a pretty cool game. Only played it once, but the set up is sweet. Capture the Flag still wins!
[Image: S2HiJOw.png]

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