11-12-2015, 11:46 AM
Event System Revamp
There has been a major refactoring of event code. Ideally, players won’t notice most of the changes, however due to the amount of code which has been changed, please report any bugs you notice with events immediately.
I will only mention front end changes which affect players here.
New Event: King of the Hill
A new event called King of the Hill has been added. The goal of King of the Hill is to pick up bombs which are located in your team chest, and take them to the top of a hill to kill the opposing team’s “lord” with. This is not the standard RunUO KoTH, this game is unique to UO Lost Lands! Thanks to Wiz Kid for the idea!
All Events
Team games (CTF, DD, KoTH)
Capture the Flag
Tracking Skill
Items & Loot
BODs & Crafting
There has been a major refactoring of event code. Ideally, players won’t notice most of the changes, however due to the amount of code which has been changed, please report any bugs you notice with events immediately.
I will only mention front end changes which affect players here.
New Event: King of the Hill
A new event called King of the Hill has been added. The goal of King of the Hill is to pick up bombs which are located in your team chest, and take them to the top of a hill to kill the opposing team’s “lord” with. This is not the standard RunUO KoTH, this game is unique to UO Lost Lands! Thanks to Wiz Kid for the idea!
- King of the Hill is an objective based team game. It will be fast paced, strategic and failure to follow the objectives will cause your team to lose quickly.
- It is PvP oriented and runs with the same code that CTF and Double Domination use.
- If your bomb damages the opposing team lord, you gain 5 points. Defusing a bomb will net you 2 points. Killing an opposing team member will grant 1 point. Detonating the killing blow on the opposing team’s lord grants you “2 bomb points”, which is equal to 10 points.
- Bombs must be placed on the platform next to the team lord. They cannot be placed on top of another bomb, and cannot be placed on top of the opposition's team lord.
- Doing anything while defusing a bomb (moving, casting, performing an action or using a skill) will immediately stop defusal. Being damaged, however, will not.
- To use a bomb, double click it while standing on the opposing team’s “Titan Lord” platform.
- To defuse a bomb, double click it while it is counting down.
- Killing the opposing team’s lord will instantly end the game and cause your team to be the victors.
- Otherwise, the game will end after either 20 minutes or when your team is 50 points ahead.
All Events
- All events now have settable options for Free Use/Poisons/Potions/Magics. For now, we’ll continue using the standard rules on all events, this will be open for discussion (CTF with magics for example).
- You can no longer drop items to the ground in any event region. I will add trash cans to event waiting areas.
- You no longer need even 1 of each reagent in your pack to cast spells in a free use event.
- If your mount is “lost” during an event due to a bug, logging out and back in will now return your mount.
- If you die during an event, the server saves while you are dead, but the server crashes or shuts down before the next save (when have resurrected and gotten your stuff back), you will now be resurrected and have your stuff returned to you on server up.
- Events that disallow potions will now disallow refresh potions. Instead, players will have “endless hunger” during non-potion events. Food will be free use in this scenario.
- Targets are now cancelled and any spell that is being casted will be interrupted when being moved into an event.
- Gates to events will be removed if the server restarts or crashes while a gate is open.
Team games (CTF, DD, KoTH)
- The scoreboard gumps which show at the end of team events (and FFA), now have tie-breaker situations when 2 players have identical points. Tie breakers will be performed in the following order:
- Score
- Caps (CTF/DD)
- Bombs (KoTH)
- Defusals (KoTH)
- Kills
- Deaths (ascending order)
- Damage
- Healing
- Score
- The command [t now sends a team message (changed from [team)
- You can now join a game which is currently in progress.
- Players will be kicked for inactivity. If you are kicked for inactivity, you may not rejoin the current game.
- You will now be kicked out of CTF/DD/KoTH if you idle or disconnect for more than 90 seconds. You may not rejoin after you are kicked, to avoid players using this as a method to try swap teams. Teams will be checked for rebalancing after a member leaves.
- Capping in DD is now worth 10 points. The last people to “flip” waypoints are awarded 5 points each when a cap takes place.
- DD system messages are less spammy.
- Events will now have a single world broadcast that the event will open in 10 minutes. They will not broadcast continuously to the world, they will only make subsequent broadcasts to players who are actually in the waiting areas for the game.
- Survival times are now based on “Tick Count” rather than a pure date/time calculation. This means that server lag hiccups and save times will no longer extend the survival time.
- Monsters will spawn based on tick count as well.
- Signups will remain open until a game has less than 4 players. This means it’s no longer possible to have multiple matches in a row with less than 5 people total.
- The Survival leaderboard has been reset. Legacy scores are still saved, and will later be added to a “legacy leaderboard” which will only be viewable from the website.
- Monster corpses in Survival now decay in 1 minute.
- Field spells will be cleared when a match ends.
Capture the Flag
- The flag is now usable and targetable by and for things 2 tiles away, down from 3.
- When a flag drops to the ground on death, the 3 minute “return timer” on it will be reset. This makes the “suicide” strategy possible for caps vs a team that is overly defensive.
Tracking Skill
- Corrected body values for trolls & spectres in the tracking menu.
- You will now lose a previous quarry when using tracking again.
- You must now be within 1 tile of your quarry to receive the message “is right here”.
- Tracking messages will update every 2.5s if you or your target have moved in that time.
- You cannot track in crowded areas anymore.
- House placement will now fail if blocked by any item or mobiles.
- Ghosts will not block placement.
- Corpses do block placement.
- Items cannot be within 1 tile of the sides of the house when placing.
- Ghosts will not block placement.
- It should no longer be possible to ever lift any item over a patio railing. You can drop items over them, however.
- You can no longer throw explosion potions or cast chain lightning/meteor swarm underneath a house using a relative location macro.
- Fixed an issue with help stuck that under specific circumstances would send players to trammel.
- Help stuck will no longer teleport your pets.
- Help stuck should now correctly send you to Delucia/Papua if you are in any part of T2A.
- Fixed a bug that could cause players to be “logged in” indefinitely if they insta logged while the stuck timer was running.
- The timer for help stuck is now longer.
Items & Loot
- Item identification is once again no longer global. Every player must identify the item in order to see what it is. This is final and will not be changed again. Previously identified items are grandfathered as such and the properties on them visible to everyone.
- You can now use scissors which are not in your backpack (eg: the ones on the floor of the tailor shop).
- You can now put a potion into a keg of the same type if you don’t know what either potions are.
- Explosion potions now detonate on 1. There is a very short window in which to correctly time this if you wait until the last second to throw it.
- Monsters can now break footstools.
- When you lift a partial pile (eg: not the full stack) of an item, then place the new stack in an inaccessible place (eg: somewhere >2 tiles away, or a secure container you don’t have access to), it will now bounce back to its original stack, assuming you still have access to that stack. If the pile has since moved or changed hue, they will not combine.
- The chance for invis/reflect items has been slightly increased again.
- Fixed a bug that caused teleportation charges to spawn on items that aren’t rings.
- The wand spawn has been toned down a little.
- Bridal NPCs now spawn hues 901 through 916. The chance for sandals to drop on bride NPCs has been doubled.
- Cutting up a sheep’s corpse now gives “bloody wool”, which returns less yarn when spun.
BODs & Crafting
- Combining items with a small bod now updates the displayed number on the BOD gump.
- The rate at which you can collect higher level material BODs has been increased.
- It is now possible to repair poisoned weapons and heavy crossbows.
- Skeletal knights, bone knights, bone magi and skeletal magi now drop a significant amount of bones.
- Jhelom duel pits and the roof of Empath Abbey are now unguarded areas.
- In line with T2A, there are now several spells you may no longer cast in town. Generally these are field spells and summons (summon creature is OK). Targetable spells can be casted outside the guard zone and targeted inside.
- You can no longer entice anything that is invulnerable.
- Power hour will now persist through restarts when you used a deed to start it.
- Trash barrels will automatically empty when they are at their max item capacity (125).
- You can no longer use any type of special dye tub if the hue is 0.
- Monster hit points have had another adjustment. These are not up on the bestiary yet.
- Speed on energy vortexes and blade spirits has been fixed.
- Fixed potential crash issues in treasure maps and guard code.
- Fixed a rather non consequential bug where you could get invulnerable NPCs (town criers and stablemasters) to attack you, which would result in guards trying (unsuccessfully) to kill the invulnerable NPC.
- You will no longer “rubberband” against a wall of stone.
- Ghosts no longer block recall or teleport.
- Guards will no longer whack hidden red players unless they actually committed a criminal action.
- Guards no longer use a lightning effect and instead whack their kills with their halberd.
- Hearth of Home Fire will no longer fit if it will poke through the ceiling.
- Fixed a bug with cancelling multiple murder gumps.
- When renaming a pet, it is now acceptable to have spaces in the name of the pet, as long as it had the same number (or more) spaces in the name prior to the rename request.
- Fixed a problem with tournaments where a player that died with more than 125 items (including what they were wearing), would cause a crash. Also, players will now be auto-reequipped after tournaments instead of being put outside the arena naked.
- Using a wand or staff is now a revealing action (other than ID).
- Silver steeds now have fire breath.
![[Image: jack-sig.png]](https://uolostlands.com/static/images/jack-sig.png)