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PvP HotKey Tutorial.
Good morning folks!
It has come to my attention in IRC that a lot of players are having issues with where/how their hotkeys are located, so I thought I'd post mine and see if it could tighten up your gameplay! Any variation of this would work fine, but in my years of playing, this is what has worked best for me. The idea of course is it keep it as simple and close together as possible. As you can imagine, with less movement of the hand the faster your become, which in turn improves your skill.

1-4//I use these keys as my primary source of survival:
3.greater heal
__________________Hally is here because of it's ability to save you simply by flipping the damage from you to your opponent. This will be your number one source of consistent damage. You'd be amazed at how quickly you see an aggressive spell go defensive when your opponent is hit for 30-40 damage.

q-r//Debuffs, a simple weaken is 8 health you will not have to deal with later in a fight.
r-magic arrow
______________magic arrow is here because it's typically the fastest/easiest spell to use to break magic reflect, which you'll need to do prior to debuff.

a-g//Big damage. Your second tier of real damage next to hally, imperative to do large bursts quickly.
a.explosion bolt
d.flame strike
g.mind blast
_____________I shouldn't need to explain this.

z-v//disrupt row/small damage, these are the spells that are going to to stop your opponent from g-heal and do small incremental damage when used right.

I apologize for the crude writing, I just wanted to get this put up because I've had a few questions related to keys. If you have any questions feel free to post, I will answer them however I can.
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[Image: Jto3mRU.png]
Thumbs up Sensei Skrapp

Good on you Wink They're working out for me last night thanks to your help.
Good stuff Skrapp! I run mine similarly.

My hotkeys:

1. attack last combatant
2. refresh pot (alt+2 cure)
3. clumsy
4. feeblemind
5. weaken

I like keeping 'attack last target' near the tab key. It helps me avoid missing a cycle. A lot of people will try to steal hits or may have more dex, meaning more stamina and a faster cycle.

q. paralyze
w. earthquake scroll
e. flamestrike scroll
r. recall
t. teleport
y. magic arrow

a. poison
s. harm
d. fireball
f. energy bolt
g. explosion

z. cure
x. heal
c. gheal
v. lightning
b. purple potion

space bar - halberd

I figure it's the most important and most often used so I put it on the biggest key.

xbutton 2 - heal potion
xbutton 1 - cancel current target (for purple pot combos)
middle button - set last target
mouse wheel up - last target
mouse wheel down - target self

I like to keep my hotkeys around my left hand home row keys.

BTW, this is my first post here!!! Big Grin
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This set-up makes so much sense but I'm scared(not pooping my pants scared) to change mine.
I've been using the same keys for 15 years of UOing pretty much all on the f's and I'm worried I'd never be able to recalibrate my fingers! I play guitar right handed and this would be like trying to play lefty!

I've never had to have a hally key before as this is my first go at the t2a era!

F1 to F4= heal, cure. gheal, target self
F5 to F8= expo, posion, eb, last target
F9 to F12= weaken, clumsy, feeblemind, m.arrow
Every microsecond counts if you want to pvp effectively... It is worth it to learn a new hotkey setup if you are interested in doing a lot of fighting. That being said, knowing your hot keys and being able to use them under stress is also essential!
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