Patch 23 - 03/11/15 - Plants, Orcish Guild, Small Stone Towers
This patch goes against the grain in that a few non-era things are being introduced.

The first of these being plants. The plant system will not introduce any new mobs into the world in a "normal" fashion. Seeds will be obtainable from existing mobs. New mobs will be able to be pulled up as a function of the seeds, but it will be very rare to see these, and if you don't use the plant system, you will probably never see the mobs at all. All the new mobsalready have other mobsthat exist with the same body type, so there's nothing really "offensive" about these mobs that lacks an era feel.

The small stone tower has been included. This is a house type that has been requested countless times since the shard came up. It uses all the same tileset as a regular tower, and provides a nice "in between" house from the 43k small house and ~130k step up.

There is also the beginnings of an Orcish roleplay guild, which I have been in talks with some of our Orc players about. This idea will be expanded upon in future.

Patch Notes

Website, Ventrilo, UOAM.

  • The website and all databases have now been fully migrated to a new host. Having it off site may resolve some lag issues.
  • UOAM server is now available on; port 2000. You can download UO Auto Map here.
  • A Ventrilo server is now available at; port 10660. This is a 10 person server, if it starts getting crowded in the future I can increase the limits. If you want channels made for your guild, PM me with the channel name and password (if appliciable) that you want for your guild channel.

Plant System

  • Seeds now drop, and a modified version of the plant system is on Lost Lands.
  • Earth elementals, reapers, corpsers and swamp tentacles have a chance to drop seeds.
  • Some functions of green thorns have been removed.
  • Whipping vines can be pulled up in swampy areas with green thorns. Whipping vines have a chance to drop rare decorative vines.

Orcish Guilds (Roleplay)

The beginnings of the Orcish RP guild system will be implemented in this patch. Future enhancements to Orcish guilds will include notoriety changes unique to players in an Orcish guild, along with benefits and drawbacks of being an Orc.

  • You must contact a Game Master if you wish to start an Orcish guild – only a Game Master can set your guild to be of an Orcish status.
  • Orcish guild members may not resign from their guild, nor be kicked out, without the help of a Game Master. Being in an Orcish guild is expected to be permanent for the character joining and dismissal will only come from abuse of the guild, or disagreements between guild members.
  • It is at my discretion what constitutes abuse of this guild system. Typically, abuse of this guild system is when it is not being used for roleplay purposes and simply a way to get the benefits which will come with the guild.
  • Currently the only benefit of being in an Orcish guild is that you are not attacked by NPC orcs.
  • NPC Orcs are blue to members of the Orcish guild and attacking them will turn you into a criminal.
  • Ideally there will only ever be one Orc guildstone on the server, unless there was some sort of RP of different Orc clans at war.

Stamina and Fatigue

  • Stamina loss is now based off the ratio of current weight vs max weight. The closer you are to the weight limit, the faster you will fatigue. When you are very far from your weight limit, stamina loss will be around equal with your natural stamina regen.
  • Horses fatigue slightly quicker than before. Keep in mind mounts have different stamina levels, and can be fed to restore stamina.


  • This has its own category because it's a big change to a small thing. Wool respawn is now based on proximity to other sheep. If sheep exist within a 0 range of the sheep attempting to respawn wool, a random calculation will take place to check if the sheep should respawn wool. The chance is 1 / (Sheep on Tile). So with 2 sheep, there's a 50% chance to respawn wool, 4 sheep, 25% chance, etc. This makes stacking sheep on a single tile now essentially pointless as the entire flock of sheep will only respawn wool at the rate of a single sheep. This calculation does not extend more than a single tile, so sheep farming is still possible, just not as profitably.


  • It is now possible to drop footstools onto tower/castle lips. This makes it possible to build a staircase in your house, which is useful for keeps/castles (to reach your roof), or even a ramp to jump off your tower roof.

Platinum Vendor

  • Dye tubs for sandals were accidentally left off the platinum vendor. They are now purchasable for 300 platinum. These are the "special dye tub" hues (non-bright).

Event Bug Fixes

  • The join area for DD/CTF is a safe zone again. Any previously marked runes here will no longer work.
  • If a tournament fails to start due to lack of participants, the participant list is cleared to allow anyone who signed up to leave the area. Their horse will also be returned.
  • Fixed a bug with sudden death that resulted in a participant of the next match being killed due to timeout (sorry Jooz!).

Housing & Housing Addons

  • The small stone tower is now available for purchase. This is by far the most common request for post-era housing on this server, and I feel the house has enough of a classical look/feel to allow it.
  • Coowners can now place addons.
  • The account owner of a house can chop addons with any character on that account.
  • Chopping items no longer requires the axe or polearm to be equipped. This has been one of the biggest sources of confusion with people trying to chop addons.


  • Shoes can now be cut up into leather. The leather will be hue 0.
  • Fixed a bug with archery buttes and dartboards only being usable from 2 tiles away.
  • Fix to monthly platinum. This has been bugged ever since release but was only discovered this week. Monthly platinum will now correctly reset at the start of each month.
  • Assuming you have equal skills of multiple value as your highest skills, you can now choose your profession title using the Up/Down/Lock arrows for skills. Up will outrank a skill on Lock, which outranks a skill on Down.
  • A fix to the decay status of boats reporting incorrectly.
  • When using the speech command to resign from your guild, you must now type exactly "I resign from my guild" (case insensitive), and nothing else.
  • Blade spirits and energy vortexes are now essentially always at max stamina.
  • The method of obtaining indecipherable maps has been disabled. This makes them currently non-obtainable.
  • The drop rate for glacial staves is now 1/500. These are supposed to be stupidly hard to obtain, but the 1/10,000 drop rate before might have been a little too over the top.
  • The bestiary now includes info about gold, platinum and treasure map level drops, among a few other things.
[Image: jack-sig.png]
Sounds great! Pure awesomesause.

[Image: 08942da1f31ef72e61336c04aae0559c.jpg]
lots of great changes here jack, thanks a bunch!

I especially like the resign guild one because I fell victim to that and left my own guild which is now giving us some issues lol

I'm excited about the small stone towers Smile

What are the odds of getting a house decorator tool put into the game? We are trying to deocrate our tower and its extremely frustrating trying to get items to turn the right direction. Some items take over 50 times moving them back and forth before they rotate. And then with our luck usually they rotate and we put them in the spot we want them and they rotate back the wrong direction lol

I specifically took out the tool as it was being used to flip items in ways that otherwise aren't possible (such as upside down recall runes). This removes the possibility of having "rare" versions of flipped items.From what I'm aware, flipping isn't random and you can force things to flip how you want them based on where you are standing vs where you drop it. Don't quote me on that though.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
I'm liking these updates and changes. So what will the plants mainly be for?

They're just for deco and a way to obtain vines (which are also deco).

You can use the green thorns to obtain a few reagents also, nothing massive.

[Image: jack-sig.png]

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