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Event Times
With tournaments going to be released soon, the work on automated events will be coming to an end for the time being, to work on other, gameplay related aspects.

Currently the following events are able to be launched or will be very soon -the main site will be updated soon to provide info on each:

  • Survival (PvM, competitive)
  • Bagball (non-combat, football style event)
  • CTF (PvP, objective based)
  • Double Domination (PvP, objective based)
  • Tournaments (any flavor can be launched, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3+)
  • FFA (short PvP event for kicks)

I'd like to hear suggestions on when would be good times to launch these, currently they mostly launch around 5pm EST and have struggled for participants - either due to lack of interest orbad timing. If you have any interest, or even if you don't, it would be nice to hear when people are generally available to play (days/times). I don't often monitor what players are doing or what hours they are active, so it's hard to tell as online counts don't tell the whole story.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
Weekdays 6pm-10pm est work best for me, 5pm somedays would push it with work. Weekends any time can work.

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