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Forming a urk guild on shard
Greebas Umies,

some of you have noticed some new names of urks joining your shard

If you would like to be a Uruk Hai urk please get ahold of myself or Yub'Grub on irc for joining..

no language understanding needed

i will be posting the language and some other tid bits about urks here later.

To begin, I will explain what an urk is. An urk is a humanoid made up from the

imagination of JRR Tolkien. An urk is about the size of a human (6 foot).

This is a race that strives for war and that is basically all they do besides

party. Known to attack human towns just for fun, thier love for war and destroying

things is almost unmatched. Attacking mostly by only weapon and warg (large wolves),

urks swarm thier enemies with numbers and strength. Honorable duel? urks know no

honor. If you want to fight, you will be fighting the entire clan.

There is many definitions of how an Urk should be and what they use or how they

act, etc, but we have been trying to find a neutral ground for all involved.

Taking some from J.R.R. Tolkien's view of urk, Dungeons and Dragons view, and Ultima's

view,and what we learned from the Blood Rock Hai. We have established what we feel

is a comprimise. We have urkish mages and lords just like urks in Ultima.

We have also taken up using mainly clubs,archery, two handed axes, ring armor, and

urk helms like urks do in Ultima.

On the other hand, we tame and use wolves like usually heard about in the Lord of

the Rings books.

Now onto the game, Ultima Online. In UO, there is the common monster that everyone

gets used to fighting. Battling the forces of evil can be fun for a while but you

begin to grow bored with the intelligence of your opponents. Monsters in Ultima

Online tend to get stuck behind walls, they don't react differently to the way

they can be fought, you can't taunt them, etc. Basically, they just aren't real

enough. That is where we come in.

The guild of players that feel that playing the roleof a monster is fun and could increase the fun of the people that fight us or just

generally roleplay with us. We offer an advanced monster that will talk to you,taunt you, harrass you, bargain with you, and even attack you with fierce brutality.

We are attempting to take the realism of Dungeons and Dragons and bring it into an

arcade-like world. No longer will you just walk and pin an orc behind a rock.

Now you will see the orc run around the rock screaming war cries while getting

ready to bury his weapon into your torso. We are bringing realism where there formally

wasn't any.

To end, we are attempting to make the game more fun for everyone.

For the role playing community, the player-vs-player fighters, and ourselves.

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"Their voices were rich and gutteral, and their tongue was like the crack and boom of rolling thunder"

Lewis Spence "Among the Orcs"

The word U'ruk comes from the Black Speech and was used to describe the great soldier Orcs of Mordor. It is said that the Black Speech was devised by Sauron in the Dark Years and that he had desired to make it the language of all those that served him. "Uruk-hai" technically just means "urk- folk". In Mordor we also find which first show up a good five hundred years before the War.

The Black Speech was the chosen form of communication between the many armies and minions of the Dark Lord. After the overthrow of Sauron in the Second Age, this language in its ancient form was forgotten by all but the Nazgul. When Sauron arose again, it became once more the language of Barad-dur and of the captains of Mordor.

The Black Speech flourished at the time of the fall of Mordor and was used as the common tongue among the many tribes and clans of U'ruks that populated the Plain of Gorgoroth; from Udun to Cirith Ungol to Barad-dur.

Without the Black Speech, it would have been impossible to have ordered the movements of such large forces in his war against the West. Sauron above all others, understood the value of order amid chaos, and so wanted to rule all of Middle-earth under the iron fist of the Orc, ruled by the will of the Dark Lord. It is said the Black U'ruks of Barad-dur still thrive. It's not completely dead, for those who carry on the knowledge of the Black Speech of Mordor, keep it alive and give homage to the Shadow of Middle-earth.

All clans have their own words and meaning, some derived from Black

Speech and some derived from other languages. No urk clan to this day

would be able to understand pure Black Speech since it has been long

since forgotten. So with us we want to use more of the Black Speech than any other.

With Beloks Minions there is a bit of Black Speech with some human English distorted and clashed into a rough sounding and spelled language. Not all words are known since many new words are picked up everyday and many are forgotten. With time in the clan, you learn the language as you go so don't be intimidated by the large vocabulary. All beginners easily learn the key words.

Urks almost hate to talk and show it in their way of phrasing things.

Urks blurt out words in a way that shows they wish they never had

to say it at all. The words are broken and tend to even be made up as

the urk goes along which makes it have no meaning to the rest. Most of

the time that is done out of anger and just a need to get some sound

out, no matter if the urk knows what he/she is saying or not.

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<!--[endif]-->Also i have a special spot for picking out your name so dont worry there either

Greebas Urks,

I was trained by the original Bloodrock Urks.

who when they didnt get what they wanted from that shard,they came and

left their post and buildings fell. Then decided to come back.

We Wandered around trying to find a new home(shard) and

we(Yub'Grub and myself) came upon your shard

As part of the original Bloodrock Hai of that group,

I, Shik"bah have been called by Our 'God of the UnderWorld',

Motsham Morgoth,BELOK.To gather all Urks, near and far to join Motsham Morgoth

to defend our Lands once more.

So come Bruddrs and Syters,

A few things to help you get started:

-Be sure your skin color is a darkish color( we are dirty and green) as we do not see daylight.

No hair for males and topknot(any color) for females. No facial hair.

There is no use of magical arts such as magery. You can however use

scrolls,wands and Potions.

-names for your Urk, we have a site for you to go to to get your urk name.

-As for our language. We have gone back to the orginial language.

Dark Tongue of Mordor and is a work in priogress. More to be discussed in private.

- Never go out of character. While you are playing your urK, you

are to be an urK at all times. No talking about 'real life'. There

are no time outs.If you must go our of Character plaese use *OOC*(out of character).

- We have ourselves a Mazuk Goth who is the 'Leader of the Troops', He will

tell you when and how to do something, when it comes to fighting techniques.

- Do not use magery, but you can use scrolls,wands and potions.Some Urks have been taken in

and learned magic from Motsham Morgroth.For purpose of gating us to and from places.

-As for is food and WE do not ride our food.

-We will ask for tribute from umies and can take shinnies,scrolls,

potions,wands,diamonds and regs.

-Tribute of other items is case by case.

-Battle is the life's blood of the urkish race.

They will use just about any weapon at their reach with a few exceptions.

Listed below are the items the average urk warrior can use and can't use.

-Swords: All axes, all knives, cutlasses, scimitars, viking swords,

and katanas are allowed. Halberds,bardiches and longswords are forbidden.

-Fencing: All fencing weapons are allowed.

-Mace Fighting: Maces, mauls, clubs, war maces, war hammers,gnarled staves,

and quarterstaves are allowed. Hammer picks, black staves and war axes are forbidden.

-Archery: All bows, ARE allowed, but encouraged.

-Shields: Wooden shields, "tear" kite shields, metal (round) shields,

bronze shields, and bucklers are allowed. Heater shields and "metal"

kite shields are forbidden.

-All ringmail, plate(some),leather, and studded leather is permitted,

except caps. Bone Tunics, arms, gloves, and leggings are permitted.Also we will be

wearing ork helms no bone helms. Metal Helms are NOT allowed.

No other armor is allowed.

- Do respectful town raiding if you do it at all. This means only raid

a town if there is five or more Urks around to go along. Solo Urks out

causing trouble isn't what we are about. It also means not to be sitting

around at towns waiting for enemies to arrive. Do your fighting and then leave.

- Do not ruin the fun of others. We roleplay evil Urks for the enjoyment of all.

-Rez killing over and over again is uncalled for. Only time we allow

this is if the person is running their mouths and won't leave.

Also, there is ability to advance for everyone.

Details will be discussed in private.

- Be mature. Treat your guild mates and your enemies with respect.

-We are all friends and will keep it that way at all costs.

-Yes, we are an Rp/event guild. Meaning that the most important time for you

to come around is when we have an event planned. If you choose to, you

can play your urk as much as you like and hang around the fort fighting

humans. Fort wars have always been a favorite among Urks.

Do keep in mind that activity outside of events is always smiled upon and shows

you enjoy playing your urk.

Also treasure hunting,doing events together and my favorite ...doing a walk about....

We are a friendly guild, no matter how many wars we have and no matter if

we are murderers. Griefing and general bad play by urks is unacceptable.

We are here for the enjoyment of all, ourselves and our enemies. We are

the intelligent monster that offers humans more of a challenge. Please

do not abuse the power we have.

Above all, HAVE FUN!That's the point of it all, isn't it?

Don't take death seriously. Don't stick around to

get killed repeatedly. Don't do any of the stuff that would cause you to lose fun.

We hope to make a perfect role-playing environment ready to be joined with all the

equipment and perks included. It is up to you to take advantage and have fun.

any question contact us

Well let me know when you are accepting War from other guilds. I always have enjoyed killing orcs. It is how my fortunes were made here.

Not seeing a year. but - is this recent? If so, where are you guys making your home?

It is from this year - forum dates only display the year if it is not the current year.

[Image: jack-sig.png]

We are new to the server.

Currently we are making money ro get our castle,which will be loicated in the desert when all is done.

We are acccepting donation if you or anyone else would like to help with the castle.



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