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Seeker of Adventure
I'm running across escorts labeled Seeker of Adventure that won't trigger to either the 'Destination' question or the 'I will take thee' statement.

I did try out some Seekers last night but wasn't having an issue with them. Where are the seekers that don't respond?

[Image: jack-sig.png]
There were at least two in Jhelom, and one in Cove that I ran across. Jhelom had one on the big dock and one on the small northern dock. Cove's was on the west side of town.

Okay it is currently 7:30 Central time, and there are three "Seeker of Adventure' in Cove right now that are not triggering to escort commands. Names are Hilda, Maitane, and Jacques.

Hopefully those are still there when I get home. If you have the time can you try a little experiment for me: try stand directly on top of the Seekers and see if it triggers.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
No, they do not respond even if I stand on top of the same tile. It wouldn't be an issue except they are slowly filling up all the spawn points as escorts are picked up and randomly respawned.

Alright I will take a look tonight and clean up all the current seekers.

[Image: jack-sig.png]
Just for a data point, not all Seekers are broken, but all the broken escorts I have seen are Seekers.

The problem is that seekers aren't saving/loading their destination info properly. It has been fixed and will apply in the next patch, the issue shouldn't occur again since we won't restart before then.

Thanks for the report!

[Image: jack-sig.png]
Thanks for the quick check on it!

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