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Update on Launch
Phew, the shard has been worked on every day for the last 28 days. For the most part at least 8 hours a day, sometimes more than double that. The world has been fully spawned and adjusted so the spawn is T2A accurate - of course this will receive tweaks after launch, based on feedback. Mob AI needs work, but are mostly working as I'd expect them to in a T2A environment.

Currently I am working on testing the skill gain, making sure skills aren't too slow or too expensive. I am play-testing the shard with my own player characters (locally), to make sure I don't hit any roadbumps in character creation, or that it is too difficult/too easy to obtain resources or kill monsters. I want to do this testing for at least a week, so likely launch will be in the next 1-2 weeks.

We will consider this a "soft launch", as far as I'm considered the shard is in an alpha state. This means if anyone finds any items or mechanics that can potentially break the game, it's possible we will confiscate them or disable certain game systems until they are stable. I would try my best to not interact with the world at all during this time, however. All players will keep their skills/items/housing, there is no "Alpha/Beta" end date which results in a shard reset.

The shard will continue to receive a large amount of work into it after launch. There is no end date, there is no time where work on this will be "finished". You can expect quality patches to the shard in the future. Mechanics come first, but there will be content patches too.

So let's say the shard launch will be "early October", without putting an exact date on it. It is possible we could launch earlier than that.

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