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Upcoming: Platinum Reward List, Platinum Vendor
I want to share some exciting news about what we're working on. It's a big work in progress, however most the ground work has been finished and we're down to the long road of data entry for all the necessary items.

With the next patch, we will introduce the "platinum dealer" (prices, and the way it looks issubject to change):

[Image: vendor.PNG]="height:140px; width:253px" />

To buy from Jarrod, simply double click on him to bring up his list of wares. Below are a few of the pages that have been designed:

[Image: landing.png]

[Image: clothingpage1.PNG]="height:529px; width:738px" />

[Image: armorcats.png]

[Image: character.png]

[Image: decorationpage1.png]

I hope you're as excited as we are to finally get some platinum rewards on the scene!

[Image: jack-sig.png]

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